Hey! This is an EXTRA, no real Chapter. First, be warned, this is just about Nanao and her past, so no real story… I think.
Q: How old is Nanao, when is her birthday?
A: Nanao is 20 years old, her birthday… well… I think would be on 4th may, one day before Luffy.
Q: Is Nanao the daughter of a famous pirate/marine?
A: No, Nanao is an orphan who came to Whitebeard when she was about seven years old. Her father was a nameless marine and her mother died months after giving birth to her.
Q: If her father still lives, why doesn't she live with him?
A: Nanao isn't aware that she has a real father, since neither she nor her father know of each other. That probably won't change.
Q: When did Nanao get her Devil Fruit?
A: She was around fourteen when she found the fruit, despite the warnings she had gotten from others in the crew she just ate it, curious girl! The result was that she suddenly grew the size of a giant and after trying to get back to her normal size she got as small as a mouse.
Q: What powers does the Devil Fruit give Nanao?
A: Uhm… it allows her to change the size of herself and everything/everyone she touches. At first she could only get as big as a giant but with time and training she is able to get about two heads taller than Oz Jr. Also after some training she is now able to get to the size of a flea. If she wants to change the size of something/someone else she has to touch it, the entire time or else it would just change back to its original size.
Q: Nanao and Thatch?
A: Yes, Nanao and Thatch! You see, Nanao likes to play and to joke around while being a bit oblivious the entire time. So, at the beginning of her being part of the Whitebeard-pirates Thatch was looking after her… and after spending much time together doing tasks and simply partying the two somehow fell for each other. Of course Nanao being oblivious as she is didn't notice at first, which resulted in the crew knowing and her walking around like blind.
Q: What happened to Nanao, when did she get those Injuries of Chapter 17?
A: Nanao got those injuries from the big war. She, together with Oz Jr, went directly towards Ace. Being as tall as she was able to get she was an easy target, plus her and Oz Jr had a real advantage with their height in getting to the wanted brother. She lost her leg shortly after Oz Jr, it was also cut off by DoFlamingo as she had reached Ace after Oz Jr lost his leg and fell. That was also how she got her scarred arm, Aka Inu had wrapped a layer of lava around her arm as she tried to take Ace away. Since using her ability given by the Devil Fruit were very exhausting she had to change back to her normal size and fight with the others. When they got the order to retreat she was held up by marines and since she hadn't been able to defend herself like normal they got a good cut in her face. It was more thanks to Marco that she got back to the ship with a bleeding face and leg.
Q: So, when Marco comforted her, did Nanao already look like that?
A: Yes.
So, these are only a few questions, you can send me some other questions about Nanao if you want, I'll add them to this chapter(it will now always be the last chapter).