Authors Note: I got inspiration for this story from two different places. The first being a piece of fan art I saw on tumblr, and the second the song "Give in to me" from the movie Country Strong. So here is the first chapter, I think I am going to update again quite shortly. Reviews would be awesome, and I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Castle

Chapter 1: I'm going to wear you down

"But Beckett, you have to go!" Richard Castle pleaded with his stubborn muse. He was sitting in his usual seat right next to her desk in the middle of the precinct. Today had been a slow day, mainly consisting of Castle creepily (as Beckett would say) watching her do paperwork while occasionally pleading with her to attend the Heat Wave movie premiere that was going on that night.

Castle had been trying to convince Beckett to go for weeks, but she seemed to stand firm on her decision that she had no desire to attend. He knew she hated the attention she got from those types of parties, and though Beckett was too proud to ever admit it, he knew the paparazzi and the constant staring and compliments made her uncomfortable.

"You are Nikki Heat's inspiration! You have to be there for her premiere on the big screen!" Castle tried to make his best 'puppy dog face', "You only have to show up for the movie. I won't even ask you to go to the before or after party."

At this Kate's interest peeked. It didn't sound so bad when he said it like that. She could feel her resolve slowly trickling away as she continued to consider his notion. Letting out a heavily exaggerated sigh, she turned to him.

"Fine. But before you get your hopes up just know that I will only be attending the screening. You will not coax me into the before or after party." Castle was trying his best to contain himself but he was overcome with the sudden urge to jump up and do a happy dance right in the middle of the precinct. Unable to contain himself from showing some form of excitement, he settled for grabbing his favorite detective and planting a kiss on her cheek.

Beckett immediately felt her cheeks fill with blood. She couldn't believe that he had just kissed her! Sure it was on her cheek, but the spot where his lips had made contact with her skin burned with an electric fire that she only ever felt when they made contact. She had to sit on her hands to keep herself from reaching up to touch the spot where he had kissed her. She needed to get her feelings under control, but more importantly, she needed to say something before Castle got any funny ideas.

"Don't get too excited, I have one more condition." At this she watched his face fall a little. "I want you to bring me there." If she thought his smile couldn't stretch any further before, she was wrong. The writer's face was bursting with pure pleasure and she couldn't help but smile a little too.

"I'd be happy to escort you, my dear detective." If he kept this up her heart would be turned into liquid by the time the day was over. She reminded herself that she needed to keep him at a distance. "Not as a date, Castle. It's just—" she felt slightly embarrassed. "I've walked the red carpet by myself once already, and it was not an experience I want to relive, so I figure having you there would make it… easier."

Castle was elated at the amount of trust she was placing in his hands. He knew how difficult it was for her to admit that she had trouble doing something, and for her to ask him specifically to escort her down the red carpet and essentially help her get through something she wasn't comfortable with was a big deal. At that moment, Richard Castle made it his personal goal to make sure his favorite detective had the time of her life at this premiere. But before she could have a good time there, she would need something to wear.

"I'm going to head out early, I have some errands I need to run. I'll send for a limo to pick you up tonight at 8. Since I'll be at the before party, I won't be able to accompany you inside the limo, however, I promise to be at the end of the red carpet waiting to open your door and escort you down." He knew he was going to have to pull some strings to make that happen, but for her he would do anything.

She watched as Castle got up and walked out of the precinct. She slumped back into her chair as the realization of what she had just agreed to dawned on her. She had agreed to attend a movie premiere, and not only that, but Richard Castle would be escorting her. She was in serious need for someone to talk to, and she knew just the person.

"Hey Lanie!" She tried to sound as cheerful as possible while walking into the morgue where her best friend worked. Lanie looked up at her with a knowing smirk. She should have known the woman would see right through her.

"So, you finally caved?" Kate's grimace was all the confirmation Lanie needed. "I knew you would! Girl, you're going to have so much fun! What are you going to wear?"

Before this, Kate hadn't even thought about a dress. Her grimace turned into a full on scowl as the realization that she was dress-less dawned on her. "I have no idea". She muttered under her breath. She was so lost in thought that she didn't even notice Lanie approaching her.

"Don't worry, Kate! Your boy has already got that covered." Lanie winked at her. She wasn't sure whether to be horrified or relieved, so she went with a mixture of both."

"What did he do?" She tried to sound calm while her insides were going into full on panic mode. She knew that something was up just by the smile Lanie was wearing. "Okay, stop smiling at me and just tell me!" She didn't mean to snap at her friend but she was getting anxious.

"Lets just say I got a text from a certain mystery novelist about five minutes before you came down here telling me to tell you not to worry about a dress for tonight." Lanie's smile grew wider when she watched Kate's expression turn from horrified to surprised. "Kate, you are my best friend, and I would never tell you to do anything that I didn't believe wasn't right. So you listen to me when I tell you that you need to do something about this pent up sexual tension with writer boy tonight."

Kate knew she was in for a long night.