Hi guys...

Ichigo:Nagoyaka-chan is sad that this is the last chapter

Toshiro:So she just want everyone who read this to know...


Me:So then I can get started on the new story! To the responces!

Review responces!-

Toshiro with Love: Me:That's all good and fine! All that matters is, you reviewed anyways! I thought you had given up on me... Toshiro:Thank you. That makes me a lot better. I apperciate your kindness. Ichigo: Don't worry Nago-chan will be posting her new story soon.

Ichiruki45: Me: We pay our respects to Granny... And I'm done with me Finals! I passed them all! Toshiro: *Sniffs* Am not... Momo: Me too. Thank you! Ichigo: It's not that big a deal but thanks. Nago-chan is sorry for not making the fight scene as epic as she wanted it to be.

~Thank you everyone! Please enjoy the final Chapter!~

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach.

Eternal Love
Final Chapter: Chapter 16- Eternal Love


It had been six years since Aizen and Gin died, Toshiro met Ichigo and fell in love with each other. Toshiro, instead of feeding on Ichigo, uses a blood substitute Ichigo came up with since he became a doctor. And sometimes, Ichigo gives away his own blood to Toshiro. Ichigo had been thinking for a while. He planned on telling Toshiro he wanted to marry him, but couldn't figure out how to pop the question. He'd often stay up late practicing on how he would do it.

Ichigo was sitting in the office, filling out papers when a knock sounded on the door.

"Come in." he said looking up. Orihime Inoue came in and smiled.

"Good Afternoon Kurosaki-san. Were you expecting a visit from Hitsugaya-san?" she asked.

Ichigo smiled. "Actually yes. Do you have the stuff?"

"Yes. Your dad, sisters and Hinamori-chan are in the cafeteria. Do you want me to send him in there?"


Orihime nodded. "Good luck. I'm sure he'll say yes."

"Thanks." Ichigo watched her leave and pulled out a drawer. He looked at the silver ring and sighed. "Here goes everything."

Toshiro, in the meanwhile, looked around the waiting room and spotted Orihime running to him. He stood up and smiled.

"Where is he?" Toshiro asked.

"He'll be in the cafeteria in a while. Why don't we go and meet him there?" Orihime said.

Toshiro nodded. "That's fine."

They walked down the hallway to the cafeteria. Orihime giggled, which caused toshiro to eye her curiously. Orihime smiled.

"So Hitsugaya-san, do you love Ichigo? I mean a whole lot?" she asked.

Toshiro blushed."Well, I do. For a while, I've been wondering if I should propose to him."

Orihime blinked. "Y-you do?" she bit her lip. "You haven't brought a ring have you?"

Toshiro frowned. "No. Not yet. I was going to ask around Ichigo, without coming out to him exactly."

"Oh. Well, wait a while. You might regret asking him so soon."

Toshiro nodded."Alright."

They walked into the cafe, and saw Isshin, Yuzu, Karin and Momo inside. They were talking until the new arrivals came in. Karin smirked and waved.

"Toshiro! Come over here!" she called.

Toshiro and Orihime came over and sat down with them. Toshiro had become like family to the Kurosaki residence, and accepted the fact that Toshiro was Ichigo's boyfriend and he's a vampire. When they found out, Isshin laughed and pointed to Ichigo's neck.

"So that's why Ichigo's been so lazy with is dodging."

Ichigo rolled his one eye that wasn't black. And Toshiro smiled.

Orihime looked back and smled when she saw Ichigo's face in the window. She silently excused herself and walked out to him, making sure Toshiro didn't notice.

"You're all clear." she said and grabbed the cart behind him, that held a small cake, a few cups, soda, and the box with the ring.

"I hope he's happy." Ichigo whispered. "I mean, it is his birthday, and I'll be proposing and all."

"I'm positive. With no doubt Toshiro'll say yes. He even said he wanted to propose to you." Orihime said.

Ichigo smiled brightly. "Well then, I'm ready."

Orihime wheeled the cart in and shouted along with Ichigo. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOSHIRO!"

Toshiro wheeled around and blinked with surprise. "...I-I uh..."

"He can't say anything, he's so shocked." Karin said.

Yuzu bent in front of him. "Happy birthday, Toshiro."

Ichigo smiled as Toshiro looked around. "Thanks guys."

"Hey,Shiro-chan, Ichigo wants to ask you something." Momo said nodding her head to Ichigo.

Toshiro looked at Ichigo."Yes?"

"Well, Toshiro, ever since we met, I knew I was crazily in love with you. So much, it makes my heart hurt."

Toshiro looked down, blushing.

"So Toshiro..." Ichigo reached for the box and opened it revealing the ring. " Toshiro... Yuki-ouji... Will you marry me?"

Toshiro stared at the box and ducked his head. "Y..."


"Yes... I will marry you, Ichigo Kurosaki."

Everyone clapped and cheered as Ichigo slipped the ring onto Toshiro's finger. Toshiro hugged Ichigo's neck and captured him in a kiss. When he let go, to catch his breath, Orihime and Momo mushed cake in their faces. Everyone laughed, and took their slices before a cake fight started. Ichigo and Toshiro enjoyed licking cake off of eachothers face.

Toshiro sighed as the rays of light hit his face, and looked over. His husband, Ichigo Kurosaki, had his head burried in his neck. Toshiro ran a hand through his vibrant orange hair and admired its softness. Ichigo moaned and brushed his nose against Toshiro's cheek, before giving him a sweet kiss on it. He opened his eyes and smiled.

"Morning Snowflake."

"Morning Carrot."

They laughed, and sat up. Toshiro sat on Ichigo's lap and bushed his nose against Ichigo's neck before giving it a wet lick. Ichigo shivered. Toshiro bit Ichigo and sucked, not only feeding, but giving Ichigo a hickey as well. He let go and gave Ichigo a kiss. Ichigo kissed back exploring Toshiro's cavern, and then letting the other take his turn. Ichigo pulled away, having run out of breath, and sighed.

"I love you Yuki-ouji."

"I love you too, Ichigo. I'll love you for all eternity..."

XxThe EndxX

The final A/N:

Me: Hi guys! Wasn't that sweet?

Toshiro:Wow, that's the end of this?

Ichigo: It is.

Momo:Not unless the readers decide to choose weither or not they want Nago-chan to write a sequel to Eternal Love.

Me:Oh yeah! A new poll is up right now! Do you want me to write a sequel to Eternal Love? And if so, what do you want the title to be?

Momo: Again, your votes count!

Ichigo: Well, thanks to all who stuck out untill the end!

Toshiro:I hope you've liked the story!

Momo: And the exciting story line and characters.

Me: Thank you all! Bye! Until next time!

XxThank You! IchiGayaxX