Disclaimer: Vocaloid is never mine.

Long story short, this is the last chapter of this series. Enjoy!

"SAVE ME, LEN!" Rin shouts as her body being pulled by the gravitation near the black door. The black door widely open and hands start coming out from it as they reach every place of Rin body and then pulled her in.

As I heard her voice calling for me, I stretch my hand to reach Rin's as the door pulling her in. All in my mind was saving her. I really love Rin, my feelings are mutual. I love her although she can't see me, hear me, or feel my presence near her anymore. I don't care the fact that she is a psychic, the kind of people I always chase. I love her…

I dash to Rin as fast as I can, and our finger tips touched in the air when half of Rin body already pulled in by the cursed hands. I intertwine our fingers together and then I pull Rin from the door as it close. I wrap my hands to Rin fragile body as gentle as I can. I hug her tightly as if I will lose her forever if I let her go.

"Rin… thank goodness you are safe…" I whisper softly to her as I hug her tightly. I don't care if the military would get me for this later. I don't care if they labeled me as a wanted person. If it is for Rin… then I will do anything. I don't care… as long as we will be together… forever…

"Rin… let's live together forever… just the two of us… somewhere far away… so neither the thoughts nor the military… can reach you… us… " I whisper again as I stroke her honey blond hair with my finger. It felt cold… and lifeless…

This is when the suspicious and bad feeling creeps on me. I stare at Rin face as I loosen my grips to her. Her beautiful and perfect face looks as beautiful as always. Her cherry colored lips glisten because of the water. But, her eyes tightly shut. I move my hand to her chest and I can't find any heartbeat from it. I move my finger until below her nose, hoping that she just fainted. But I can't find any breathing from there either…

No way… no… no… I won't accept it… I can't… I can't…

"Every living being that made contact with the gate will die. That's the rule," I remember the line Mel Captain say when we depart to chase Rin to this island. This is the island where the two gates are close to us and the last place where the thought will go.

Then Rin, she… but… but I pulled her out… I pulled her before the door closed… right now she is here with me… there is no way I will accept it…

"Rin… Rin… please open your eyes…" I talk to her as I hug her tightly. All of our bad and good memories flash before my very own eyes. The day when Rin loses all of her sense… I can't… my body can't move as my wish… I can't pull her into my embrace… as she cries… and gone… and now she had gone forever from my side…

Why I am so slow? Why I waver to choose Rin right away at that time? Why I don't stay by her side for the whole time? Why… why I even here? Because of my foolishness Rin is dead… that won't change… No matter how much I wish for it… No matter how much I wish for Rin smile… for her to smile at me one more time…

"Len, are you okay?" I hear voice from behind me as my vision blocked from tears.

I turn my head and look at them. Who are they? Why they are here? For what purpose they go here? Why they know my name?

"Good job Len, you captured the wanted psychic. Now, hand them to us," another one with short feature walk to me. That one had a cold piercing eye.

So… they want to separate me and Rin… they want to take Rin away from me… that one thing… that one thing… I won't allow it! I certainly won't allow them! They won't have Rin taken from me!

"Don't come closer… I won't allow you to take Rin away…" I say as I pick Rin in bridal style. Her head hang loosely on my left hand and her hand folded on her stomach. Her fragile legs just hang loosely as I stand up from my sitting stance.

"What are you talking about Len? Aren't we come here to…" a green haired guy step in and talk. But, before he can finish his sentence, the shorter one block his way with her hand, and then she cut his sentence.

"Len, listen to me. Rin isn't dead… yet," the one whom has cold piercing eyes, says to me as she walks closer to me.

I step back, taking Rin with me. No one may touch my Rin. She suffered for long enough. But now, it doesn't matter anymore, because she goes into long sleep. I no longer can hear her voice calling my name as we meet. I can't see her smile after she calls my name. I can't feel the warmness of her finger when our hands joined together. I can't smell her hair scent when I hug her and rest my head on her. Rin is no longer here… she is dead.

But, is she saying the truth? Is Rin really isn't dead yet?

"Are you saying the truth?" I ask her while hugging Rin tightly. I still don't want to hand over Rin to them. Even if it cost my life, I won't let them lay a finger on Rin.

She shut her mouth tightly. And then she sent glare to the other people. Then, they let me and Rin, and that girl all alone. She then says, "But, for her to be revived, it will need time. Long, long, time. Will you wait for her even though it takes thousands years?" she says with an emotionless stare.

I hug Rin tightly, and then I answer, "I will… I love her… and it won't change no matter how long time passed before my eyes… I love her… that's why, please bring her back… save her," I answer her question as I stares at Rin lifeless face.

She smiles slightly, before say, "As the Darkness consumes the soul in eternity. The Light shall protect the body as it waits. Two Gate, two ways. As one closed then shall the other opened," She says almost like she quoting it from somewhere. I don't get what she says… at all.

Then she says again, "We can't change the fact that the Door of Heaven was closed and the Door of Hell was open wide. But, if we offer Rin body to the Door of Heaven, I believe someday the soul will back and she will open her eyes once more. And at that time, she will be revived but…" she stops her sentence as she looks at the so-called Doors.

"…She will forget everything about her past life. That's the rule of life. Even so, will you do it…? Len Kagamine?" she continues her sentence as she throws her gazes at me. It almost like, she want to know the degree of my determination.

"Can I run through the same thing like Rin?" I ask her as I hug Rin. I don't care if she forgets. I don't care if she doesn't remember me. As long as she will smile at me once again… then I will do it. But, I do really want to be by her sides. If she will reborn, I hope I can reborn with her. I believe even when my memories fade, my feelings for Rin won't fade away.

"Yes, you can do that. But Len… everything always comes with a price," she says shortly as she walks so she is right in front of me.

I look up to her, as I recognize a metal thing on my forehead, a gun. She looks at me and then I know she mouths something before my vision become blank.

"I'm sorry"

Mel throws away her revolver somewhere. She then picks Len body up as she walks to Door of Hell. She let his soul taken away by that Door for a while. She pulls back Len body, like Len do to Rin's. And then she draws a magic circle as she lays both of them by each other in front of Door of Heaven.

"O Spirit of Life and Death. I offer you my offering of Never-ending life. As Darkness consume the soul, let the Light consume the body. In the name of Deep Forest Elf, shall you bide my wish," she says the chant as the magical circle glows.

And then the Door of Heaven opened slightly. Len and Rin body taken away by the Door, with their hand intertwined. Mel smiles slightly as the Door closes itself again. She turns her body when something starts appearing from the Door of Hell. She knows exactly, what that thing is because she is a Deep Elf, the last Deep Elf known to be alive, and everything that happened there is her own choice to make. It is her wish… for their happiness… so she can end the tragedy…

It storms to Mel as they saw her. She only stand here and took the last glance to the Door of Heaven behind her. Maybe she will take a really long rest too… until she will reborn again.

"I hope both of you have a nice dream… It will be nice if we meet again…" she mumbles to particularly no one. She closes her eyes and smiles while guarding the place where they slept, as the monster come to her direction. And then, in the blinks of eye, she dies right there.

And then… the world marks the beginning of its long-lasting chaos.

When the one shall drowned in despair, let the Darkness embrace the soul…

As the desperate soul gone from the life, let the Light protect the body…

Until the day the soul and body reborn as a new and meet again…

They shall wait in a long-lasting sleep…

The God shall come…

The Devil shall rise…

And the Priest shall endure them in a long war…

As the God and Devil sleep inside the Priest…

Until one of them awaken…

The World shall be thrown into catalyst…



Psychic Love is over! Yay~ okay, the next one… I mean, below me for exact, are the Epilogue of this story. Maybe you know from where and whose point is this. Nope, I won't say the name, but you can guess. It is related to the other story very deeply. Maybe I publish this too soon, since the other isn't in this point of advancement… yet.


And then she flips another page of the book and then another. She flips it again and again, just to find another torn page. She broke to tears as someone hugs her. She cries every tear she has. No, it isn't because of the story. She desperate for the hope she clung into. Will she end up like her? Will she drown in despair like the Deep Elf prophecy foretold her?

The one hugging her then says softly, almost like a whisper, yet had a strong power like a promise or maybe stronger than a promise, a vow. That person says, "Your story won't end like this…"

It is just merely a beginning for us

Without their knowing… there is a spell that enchanted into the book. It has the voice of the wisher… but, that last message will remain hidden… until they ready.

[Please, change this story ending… into your own ending… O, Child of Future]

Okay. This is really is the end. Thank you for following this short story and bear with me! I love you all!