Disclaimer: Blizzard owns the canon.

Author's Note: I have little patience for Varian or Garrosh. They are not, in my opinion, very good leaders. I also imagine how difficult it would be to deal with them.

Summary: Jaina has a temper too/on making informed decisions

The voices are loud, ringing. Jaina brings a hand to her temple and counts to ten:

(breathe in) one... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight... nine... ten (breathe out)

Varian and Garrosh screaming at each other, various Argent guardians warily encircling them. Each insult is more crude and ignorant: they are directed at Jaina, at the stupidity of orcs and humans and their leaders. Varian is red as gromsblood now, livid with her for not quickly picking a side – for taking her time to make a decision. Garrosh grumbles and sneers at the weakness of the humans.

"That is quite enough." she says quietly. Both men look at her with hate and venom. She does not recoil from that, only replies with a steely look and a death-grip on her staff.

"Unless you are to apologize for the lack of haste of you and your city-state Lady Proudmoore, there is nothing I want to hear from you."

Garrosh snarls something in Orcish.

She could count to ten in High Elven as well, and in the runic numbers of the Titans. But she won't, not this time.

She slams her staff on the ground.

"I demand a little respect," she hisses. Varian narrows his eyes at her insolence. "You are not the first warrior-king to demand I blindly follow his lead Varian. Not the first arcane-whore wanted by the Horde. You both would do well to remember: I could have joined Kael'thas and destroyed Outland. I could have joined Arthas, I could have been the Lich Queen."

"It is not traitorous that I take my time to choose or to look at the larger picture – it is so I do not become like any of you!"