Warnings: OOC(?), grammar mistakes(a lot), cheesy pick-up lines, established relationships and many more, I guess.


Sagi's deep turquoise eyes squinted whilst he watched the pair, Dante and Kalas murmured against each other as they glued together on Dante's rugged couch. He'd never admit it, but Sagi found the 'lovey-dovey' atmosphere surrounded those two did make him envy them a little bit. He had his own partner, one that he knew would love and protect him no matter what. But his partner, his lover was never the one to show or act on his love with his actions.

Since his lover was no other than Vergil. Sagi shrugged. He ignored the couple and tried to enjoy his time at Devil May Cry. Minutes after he eased himself on one of the vacant couches, he could hear Vergil's slow and steady footsteps echoed in the room. When the petite man lifted his chin up, his confused eyes met with Vergil's nonchalant ones. However, it was soon replaced by a rosy blush adorned his cheeks at the sight of his lover, shirtless with soaked hair. Not to mention the water dripped effortlessly from his hair, falling down to his chest and slowly to his exposed midsection.

Behind Vergil, Sagi could see Dante wrapped his arm around Kalas's shoulder, snickering at them. Mostly at him. Damn Dante. He's enjoying this.

"Ver-" Sagi began but swiftly interrupted by his lover.

"Can you give me directions to your heart?" Vergil took a step closer.

"What? I-"

"I've seemed to have lost myself in your eyes."

Sagi would consider this as a sweet attempt to make him smile - but it felt weird. Especially when the cheesy line itself came from the impassive Vergil.

"Is it hot in here, or is it just you?"

"Do you believe in love at first sight... or should I walk by you again?"

"Is there an airport nearby or is that just my heart taking off?"

"If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I would be walking through my garden forever."

The assault continued. Sagi was by now, terrified by the sudden change in his lover's behavior. Dante was laughing so hard he could almost see tears pricked from the corner of his eyes. Kalas merely blinked, watching the scene bestowed before him with an amused glint in his knowing stare.

"Vergil! What are you-"

"If beauty were time, you'd be eternity."

"Just call me milk, I'll do your body good."

"Your lips are kind of wrinkled. Mind if I press them?"

"That's a nice set of legs, what time do they open?"

This time, instead of watching Sagi squirmed in his seat - Vergil reclined on the empty space next to the azure-haired boy before he pulled the still-froze Sagi to his laps. He pressed his mouth to Sagi's ears, smirking when a soft whimper escaped the boy's throat. "I wish you were my homework, so I could do you on the table."

He did try not to blush, he really did. But Sagi failed miserably when another red blush rose to his face that effectively reached his ears. From Vergil's point of view, Sagi flushed like a fragile virgin. Not that Sagi was a virgin anymore since the older twin had plucked that strawberry fruit months ago.

From across the room, Dante shouted, "You know how weird Vergil can be when he's in love!"


Written by Wookie