Hello everybody! This isn't a new chapter or anything like that. In fact, it's just a little author's note as to the plans I have for this story.

As of now, I'm planning on reviving this forgotten story. However, I've kind of fallen out of sync with the story itself. As such, I'm going to be rewriting the entire story.

Now before any of you say anything, I'm not going to be starting it all from scratch. Rather, I'm going to be tweaking up the chapters in this story as they were made two years ago when my writing definitely had more room to grow on. It still does now, but I'm at least now armed with three years worth of college classes dedicated to writing stories. Hopefully, it will reflect on my rewrites and whatnot.

However, I'm going to be posting the rewritten chapters under a new story name. This will merely stay on here as reference for me as to what the chapters were because I've lost the original files. Actually, they were destroyed when my old flash drive literally fell apart and held files that weren't backed up yet. Just letting you all know that in case you're wondering why the original version of the story is still here while the rewrite is up.

When I have caught up on my rewrite from where I originally left off, that is when I'll delete this entire story. Until then, it's going to be staying up for just a little while longer. Just think of it this way; it will allow you as the reader to compare and contrast the different versions and see which one you like better. Naturally, I hope that you like my rewritten version better, but I would understand why some of you might like this old one more. After all, being attached to the original of something is quite understandable. I'm still attached to Sonic's first voice actor, Jaleel White, even after it's been well over ten years since Sonic Underground ended.

But yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say on this note. Sorry to all of you who have been waiting, patiently or otherwise, for an update to this story. I hope this doesn't pose too much of a disappointment, especially since I've announced plans on rewriting this entire story from the ground up. At least I haven't went so far in that it would appear redundant to redo the entire thing. Speaking of which, I still have that very old story, "The Core of Crisis", that's still being in the rewrite stage. I should probably consider picking up on that, as well.

I wish you all a happy new year and hope that you all played smart and safe. I know some of you probably had a few drinks and probably went behind the wheel. If that's you, shame on you! If not, then good on you. And then there's the matter of those who might ring in the new year with...innuendo-themed activities, but I won't go there. Just always make sure to be a good chap and use a wrap! ...Yeah, that was a very bad and cheesy rhyme, but hopefully it will serve as a easy reminder for any future hormonal escapades any of you might be planning on. Just consider this my version of an honest public service message and reminder to you all! ...Please don't throw large conjured balls of flames at me for it!

Now that I'm done with this and my version of a new years safety reminder, I'm going to go away now. Hope to see you all on my revamped version of this story as well as the other stories that I have on here that I will be updating!