Title: A Field of Endless Suns
ANGST, character death, SPOILERS FOR MOTHER 3.
I don't own Super Smash Bros or Mother 3
Lucas was in so much pain as he waited for Ness to get back from his match. The pain messed with his head, and made him dream weird things. Like waking up in a flower field with his dead brother Claus.

Inumaru12: Hey guys! Here is the second part for aFoES. Hopefully you'll like the happy ending just as much as the sad ending; hopefully even more~! :) Please tell me at the end what you think!

Also, to fully understand this chapter, please read part one first!

A Field of Endless Suns

Lucas thought he was in the field of sunflowers back home in Tazmily. But that couldn't be right though. Just before he had been here, he had been back in the Smash Mansion in bed in the worse pain he had ever felt. He had then fallen asleep and woken up in this field…and Claus, his twin brother, was here.

Was this a dream he wondered as Claus pulled him urgently, pushing the sunflowers out of his way. Lucas squeezed the red haired boy's hand and nearly cried when he felt the other squeeze back. It was real, Claus was real. In dreams, Lucas never felt things like his brother's warm hand in his, or he couldn't smell the sunflowers as he past them. He could even hear voices, but coming from the sunflowers? Maybe he was dreaming…

The blond haired boy slowed down, staring intently at the flowers, ignoring his brother's incessant tugging for a moment.

"…His appendix…appendicitis…operation…"

What…was that? Those voices were actually coming from the sunflowers.

"…Hurry…emergency…could die…"

Die? Who would die? It didn't make sense…unless…

Lucas wasn't a genius, but he wasn't stupid either. He could put two and two together and the truth stopped him dead in his tracks. No amount of pulling on Claus' side could move the blond haired boy. The red haired twin finally stopped and turned around to look at his brother.

He wasn't even looking at Claus; he was looking straight at the ground with his shoulders shaking slightly.

"Lucas? What's wrong? Come on, I want to show you something." Claus said, looking at his brother in concerned curiosity.

"Claus," Lucas paused and took in a deep shuttering breath before continuing. "Claus, where are we?"

"Huh? That's why you stopped me? I was gonna show you something really special and you stopped me to find out where we are? LAME!" The other boy yelled with a grin. That grin began to fade though when he saw Lucas didn't budge or even start to apologize like he use to when they were together as kids.

"Claus…please just answer me."

Said boy furrowed his brows in annoyance.

"No. Why don't you just follow me?"

Neither boy said anything and as time went by, Claus got more upset.

"Come on Lucas, please?" He pleaded, his voice softening. "I just want to show you something that will make you happy."

"I don't think I should be here Claus." Lucas whispered, making the other confused.

"Why shouldn't you be here? I don't understand." Claus admitted grudgingly.

Biting his lip, Lucas finally looked up from the ground and at his brother. His bright blue eyes were filled to the brim with unshed tears. For a moment, the pure melancholy in Lucas' expression was enough to silence his brother.

"Claus, you're dead."

A beat of silence then;

"I know."

The air was heavy around them, and tears broke from Lucas' eyes and rolled down his cheeks.

"Why?" He croaked, his voice full of emotions. "Why am I here then? I'm not dead."

"Well, no but…" Claus hesitated. "You could stay though."

Claus looked at his brother with a hopeful look and Lucas could only stare back with a mix of a slightly horrified and sad expression.

"You want me to die?"

Claus hesitated again, but then shook his head.

"I don't want you to die! But…I miss you Lucas. I miss you so much."

The red haired boy rubbed his eyes harshly before looking at his brother again.

"I-If you died, that way we could be together again forever! We could play all the time, and just be like how we used to be before…"

He trailed off, and Lucas didn't need to ask him what he meant. Closing his eyes, Lucas could see the images of the Masked Man and Porkey clear in his mind. It made him sick.

"I miss you too Claus. I miss you so much everyday it hurts. But I can't just die. What about my friends? What about dad? If I died, I'm scared what would happen to him."

Opening his eyes, Lucas could see the anger and desperation in his brother's own eyes.

"S-So your friends are more important to you than your own brother?"

"No! Stop twisting my words! I love you Claus but this isn't right. What would mom think?"

"What would I think?"

Both boys jumped at the new voice and turned to the speaker. Both boy's faces showed their surprise but Claus' had guilt and sadness while Lucas' had astonishment and joy.

"M-mom!" Lucas cried, slowly walking towards her as if wondering if she would push him away if he got too close.

Hinawa stood in front of her sons, looking the same as before she had died. She smiled sweetly at her youngest son and held her arms out to him.


With that, Lucas ran into her arms and hugged her tightly. He took in everything that he could; the way she felt, her smell, and the sound of her laughter. Lucas was content to just stay there with his mom's arms around him. Maybe he could even die, knowing his mom was there to protect him. He could be happy now, he could-

"Lucas, listen to me." Hinawa spoke with a firm voice but with a loving undercurrent. She held Lucas chin and moved it so he was looking her in the eyes. "You need to go back."

"Why?" Claus asked, and Lucas wondered the same thing.

"It's not your time yet Lucas. You still have so many things you need to do before you come to the other side. You still have your life to live."

"B-but-" Claus stuttered, trying to find a reason.

"Claus," Hinawa's soothing voice called him. "I know you miss Lucas, I miss him and your father too, but we'll be together again someday. But for now, you have to let him go."

The boy didn't look so sure, but finally sighed and his shoulders slumped. He gave a weak grin to Lucas, which the other returned. Lucas finally let go of his mother, albeit hesitantly, and looked at her, unsure what to do.

Hinawa smiled before kneeling down to look him in the face.

"Now, all you need to do is go back to where you woke up from. From there, you should be able to wake up."

"That's it?" Lucas' voice was astonished.

Hinawa giggled. "That's it."


The mother and son turned to Claus, and the boy flushed slightly, seeing his mother's knowing look.

"U-um, I just wanted to say sorry for trying to make you stay…That wasn't right of me. I didn't think of anyone else but myself again." A bitter look crossed his face that just didn't seem right on a young boy's face.

"I-it's alright Claus. I understand and forgive you." Lucas smiled at his brother's astonished look which quickly changed to tearful.

Claus lunged and squeezed his brother tightly.

"Promise me Lucas; promise me we'll always be brothers."

Lucas smiled and pushed Claus away enough so that he could hold his pinkie out.

"I promise. You'll always be my brother Claus; my very best friend."

Claus took Lucas' pinky finger with his own and the two shook on it, both grinning their hearts out.

"Aww, you two are so sweet." Cooed Hinawa. "Now Lucas, will you tell your father something for me?"

"Sure mom." Lucas said, thinking to himself how strange it felt to be saying the word he hadn't for the past three years.

"Tell your father I love him and that I want him to be happy and that…" The brown haired woman suddenly trailed off and blushed, surprising both of her sons.

"Tell him…"

Hinawa leaned in and whispered to Lucas, causing the boy to blink and then grow scarlet.

"Mo-om! I can't say that to dad! That's too embarrassing!" Whined the blond PSI user.

"Just tell him!" Hinawa scolded, blushing herself. After a second she calmed down and smiled at her son.

"You've grown so much Lucas in the past three years; in both height and maturity. I only wish I could be there to watch as you grow even more. Just know that Claus and I love you very much and we are so very proud of you."

The woman wiped at her eyes, but her smile never left her lips.

"It's time for you to go Lucas."

"I-I understand." Lucas said shakily.

"Just follow the voices, and you'll get home just alright."

Taking one last look at his mother and brother, Lucas started to make his way back. Just as he started to make his way, a voice called out.


Turning around, Lucas saw Claus yelling to him.

"You better live a long time y'hear! You also gotta live a full life okay? When you come back all old and crinkly, I want you to tell me lots of stories! OKAY?"

Lucas let out a watery chuckle, but when he saw his brother still waiting for an answer he yelled back.


Claus waved furiously and Lucas did so in return. Soon enough though, Lucas turned around and walked the path back to where he had begun.

"Heartbeat normal…everything going fine…"

Those voices again…Who were they?

"Small incision…won't even scar…clamps please…"

Were these the voices his mother was talking about? He guessed that they were seeing that as he got farther down the path to where he had come from that the voices became clearer and louder.

"Simple but so deadly…lucky kid…could've been bad…"

Was it possible that they were doctors? That would make sense, Lucas thought. He continued forward.

"All done. He'll be alright now."

He had reached the end of the path and was where he had started from. He felt a peace inside himself. What the voice had said was right. He was going to be alright. Lucas smiled as he felt a sort of pulling sensation all around him.

Then Lucas woke up.


Flint followed the other man at a brisk pace, his boots tapping loudly on hospital halls. When the other man had come to his house and told him that his son was in the hospital, Flint was ready to run all the way there. If it hadn't been for the fact that his son was on a completely different world, he probably would've been there already.

He had felt a strange feeling that entire morning, and when he had found the man, Snake, the guy said his name was, he had thought the worse. Appendicitis. Lucas had appendicitis. Flint had heard of it before when he was young but had never really paid much attention to it. And now his son had almost died from it.

It was terrifying.

Suddenly they were in front of a door and the man Snake let him go first. With a brisk knock, Flint opened the door and looked in.


Lucas was in a bed, propped up so he could sit up properly. In the chairs that were closest to the door sat a man with a mustache dressed in green and a boy with black hair, a hat, and a striped shirt that reminded Flint of Lucas' shirt. All around Lucas were flowers, cards and even small gifts; all well wishes for Lucas, Flint was sure.

His son was smiling in a way Flint hadn't seen in a long time. His son was happy; happy to see him. Flint wasn't surprised to find that he felt the same way about seeing his son in good health.

"Lucas." He said simply as he made his way over to his son's bedside. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the green dressed man leading the other boy out and closing the door behind him and Flint was thankful. While he had no problems with hugging his son in front of others, he was sure that once he did that all the emotions he had been keeping in would come tumbling out.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Flint leaned forward and pulled his son into a strong hug. He felt Lucas hug him back, his much shorter arms barely making it around his body. Flint sat on the edge of the bed, just holding his son for all it was worth. He didn't want to let go of him.

But in the end, he did. Lucas began to fidget, so Flint reluctantly loosened his grip on his son and let him go. Lucas slowly pulled away and looked up at his father. He smiled shyly and reached over to his father's hand and gave it a light squeeze, something Fling returned immediately.



They both stopped as the other spoke up, almost hoping the other would start to talk first. Seeing that Lucas was hoping that he'd go first, Flint gathered every piece of courage he had in his body and just pushed his quiet nature aside.

"Lucas, even before that man, Snake, came to my door, I felt as if something wasn't right. It was like I could feel something was wrong with you. I may not have those special powers like you do, but I am your father and I knew something just wasn't right. When that man came to my door, I thought for sure he was going to tell me you were dead. I…I don't think I could've handled it if you had d-died." Flint had to force the last word out and squeezed his eyes shut.

After a moment of pulling himself together, Flint opened his eyes again and looked at Lucas. The preteen's eyes were wide with surprise and something else that Flint couldn't read.

"Dad…I-I have something to tell you."

Now it was Lucas who was trying to calm himself. As if pushing his fears away momentarily, Lucas looked up at his father with determined but worried eyes.

"When I fell asleep, I woke up somewhere different, and it wasn't this hospital." He intercepted before his dad could speak. Flint shut his mouth and nodded Lucas on.

"I-it was a huge field filled with sunflowers. I wasn't sure where I was but it was real. I could feel the sunflowers, smell them and when I touched them they felt real. Then…Then I heard a voice."

He closed his eyes momentarily and his breathing became shaking.

"It was Claus."

Flint felt as if he had taken a blow to the stomach. Lucas continued on, seeing his father was struggling for words.

"I-I hugged him, and he hugged him back. It was really him. He held my hand and told me that that he had something to show me and led me down a path. Then something even stranger happened; I heard voices coming from the flowers as they watched me. The voices came in pieces, but the parts I did hear made me realize some things. Before I woke up there I had been in pain, and now I was somewhere with Claus. I-I was scared of following him. I didn't want to die just yet.

"We talked for a little and I told him I didn't want to die, and he got upset and told me about how he misses me. I miss him too but I didn't want to leave my friends or you so I told him no and then," Lucas gulped, looking up at his dad. "Mom showed up."

Flint's hand was limp in Lucas' hand and it scared him. Unsure if it was the right thing to do, Lucas continued to speak.

"M-mom appeared and basically scolded Claus for trying to force me to go with him and just seeing her…I was so happy to see her, and a part of me…wanted…to stay with her. But she told me it wasn't my time and I understood that. S-She told me that she was p-proud of me and loved me so much. I-I could feel her arms around me, I c-could f-feel her warmth and s-smell her scent. She was real."

Lucas' voice was so soft and choked with emotion that it affected Flint. His own tears fell as his son's did but he never said a word. His son needed to speak, that much was clear.

So despite all the things that wanted to escape from his lips, Flint held onto them tightly and listened.

"Claus…Claus apologized and he told me that he loved me and that he misses me. W-we made a promise that we'd always be brothers and I told him that I missed him too and no one would ever be able to replace him. Mom told me to go on my way and as I was leaving Claus called back to me and told me that he wanted me to live a long life and when I finally did die he wanted to hear stories from my life."

The blond boy finished, starting down at his sheets and watching as his tears fell and landed on it, soaking them. He felt exhausted, both emotionally and physically. Lucas felt if he were to go to sleep now, that he could sleep for a long, long time.

"Lucas," Flint finally spoke, his voice tight with emotions he had never been sure how to express.

The cowboy pulled his son into his arms and held him in a tight embrace. Tears rolled down his cheeks and his rugged cheek rubbed against Lucas' head.

"Son, I love you. I love you, your mother, and your brother. You all mean the world to me, and while some of that world is gone now, you're still here so I count my blessings while I have them. I don't want you to ever feel like you want to die. I want you to live and be happy and grow up strong. I don't want to lose you too."

Lucas wept into his father's shirt, thoroughly soaking it, and just let his father hold him like a child. Eventually Lucas' sobs died down and he leaned into his father, who was now sitting with his back against the headboard, with his head against Flint's chest. Although Lucas was starting to drift to sleep, something was nagging him in the back of his head…something that he had forgotten.

"Oh!" The blond preteen said suddenly, lifting his head and sitting up.

"What's wrong?" Flint began to fuss over his son, worried he was in pain. It was a very strange, but comforting, sight for Lucas.

"I-I just remembered something mom told me to tell you before she sent me back."

Flint blinked, and looked at his son in shock and nervousness. Hinawa had sent a message back with Lucas for him? What would she say, and was it even possible that what Lucas had described was real? But then again, a lot of unbelievable things had happened to them before and besides, his son wasn't one to make wild tales.

"Okay." He said finally, nodding and waiting for his son to speak.

"A-ah, it's kind of embarrassing." Lucas twisted the sheets with his hands nervously, looking at his father shyly before blushing ever so lightly.

"U-uh, Mom said to tell you that she loves you and misses you and wants you to be happy and…S-she said to tell you that even though you guys have been apart for three years, you s-still look as m-manly as the day she met you." Lucas stuttered with embarrassment and at the end his face turned a bright cherry red.

There was nothing but silence for a few moments, but soon Lucas heard a strange sound and looked up to see his father's shoulders shaking.


He was truly concerned, so when his father tipped his head back and laughed, he was in a state of shock. His father was laughing, and not just laughing, but laughing with his whole might. Lucas had never seen his father laugh like this, not even before his mother had died. Tears were going down his father's face, and for once they weren't because he was sad.

"Your mother," Flint spoke once he had finally managed to calm himself down, "Is one helluva woman."

His smile was wide but tinted with a sadness and fond remembrance.

"She told me a little before we got married about how when we started going out she couldn't stop telling her friends how 'manly' I was. It was downright embarrassing to hear her say that to me, but now it makes me happy and a little bit sad."

"I…I never knew that about you guys. C-Can you tell me more stories about you and mom before you got married?" Lucas scooted forward towards his dad and held his dad's hand in his own.

Flint gave a small smile and intertwined his fingers with his son's. Everything was going to be okay, he was sure of it.

On the table by the window, a sunflower in a vase absorbed the light coming from the sun. It's petals almost glowing with life as it watched the world outside.

Everything was going to be okay.


Inumaru12: Hi guys! So sorry it took me this long to get this finished. Between work and school it's been busy. Plus, when I did have time to write it, I didn't feel like it and I felt blank just staring at the screen. I really hope you like it! Please review and tell me what you thought!

ALSO: The joke of Hinawa thinking Flint is "manly" is from a pic I saw on Tumblr (It might be on dA too, but I'm too sleep to look for it) in which Hinawa is squealing about how manly Flint is, and Flint is just kind of "Oh, um, I'm not sure how to respond to this". XD It's great.

That's all.
Thanks for reading!