"Why is that bastard answering the fucking phone" I hissed.

"I don't think he is coming to the interview" Ulquiorra sighed.

"…Call him again" Nnoitra growled.

I nodded, dialing Shiro's number again. This time he answered. "Yo" he greeted.

A loud yelling in the background was cut off by more yelling before screaming. "Where are you?" I snapped.

"Something came up…look just do the interview" Shiro commanded.

"What came up?" I growled.

"Family stuff…I am sorry but…this is rather important" Shiro replied.

"And the band's big break interview isn't" I snarled.

"Grimmjow…I am sorry…about as much as I hate to admit it…my family comes first…please just do the interview" Shiro practically begged.

"Fine asshole" I snapped, hanging up. "We are on our own" I told the group.

"WHAT! What is he doing?" Nnoitra hissed.

"Family stuff he says" I replied.

"What is that important about family" Nnoitra snorted.

"I would guess it has something to do with his younger brother…Shiro is very protective of that kid" Ulquiorra offered.

"Who we haven't ever met…who said he is real" I snapped.

"Hollowed…you are on…come with me" a girl demanded.

I stood and followed her with Nnoitra and Ulquiorra just behind me.

"Anyone know where his family lives?" I asked after the interview.

"Nope" Nnoitra replied.

"He could be at his apartment" Ulquiorra suggested.

"Good idea" I grinned, pulling the others to my car.

When we got to the apartment I was surprised. A red haired guy was in Shiro's room. He was gathering stuff. "WHAT THE HELL" I yelled.

He jumped, looking up. He scanned over us. "…You guys are the rest of Hollowed…Shiro is your singer right?" he asked.

"Yeah…and you are" I asked.

"…Renji, friend of Shiro, best friend of his little brother" the red haired replied, standing up. "I would guess Shiro never told you where the rest of his family lived…they aren't normal" Renji added.

"What are you doing here…this is Shiro's apartment" Ulquiorra asked.

"Shiro asked me to get some things from his apartment…now I am heading back to the house…you guys coming" he replied.

I sat against the wall, banging my head against it. "Shiro, if you continue that you will break your head and what's left of your brain cells" Renji teased.

"Shut up or I kill your boyfriend" I hissed, looking at the red hair.

"Leave him out of this" Renji snapped. "Where's Ichigo" he added.

"He locked himself in the bathroom about half hour ago…I think he fell asleep" I replied, standing up.

"And the family?" Renji asked.

"Goat-face is working and I sent the girls to the store" I replied, walking over to the couch.

"…You sent your 11 year old sisters to the store in the middle of the night" Renji asked, purely surprised.

"They will be fine" I said monotone.

"You are a devil" Renji snapped.

"No…I am the devil, vulgar and mad" I sung softly.

"And I am the angel, innocent and pure" another voice echoed from the bathroom.

"He's from the bright and beautiful afterlife" I sung out.

"And you are from the fires of Hell" the voice echoed again.

"I act on instinct and the sins" I chirped.

"I listen to my heart and my friends" the voice continued.

"I like sex and fighting"

"I like cuddling and helping"

"We are nothing alike"

"Yet close than possible"

"I kill for fun"

"I am always helping"

"I don't understand love"

"I embrace my love"

I stopped singing and smirked. The bathroom door flew open and Ichigo stomped out. His eyes were red and his face showed the signs of tears. He slapped me hard before looking down. I touched my stinging cheek. "You done crying?" I asked. His eyes watered and he started to cry again, burrowing his head into my chest. "I will take that as a No" I teased.

"Shut it Bastard" Ichigo whined.

I led him to the couch where he curled up and cried on. I looked over at the door to see my friends and band mates. "What happened to him?" Grimmjow asked.

"He got dumped by his boyfriend" I sighed.

I got a stuffed lion in my face. "Thanks for being so supportive" Ichigo snapped. "Horsey" he added with a sneer.

"Don't use things I said when I was 10 against me" I pouted. Ichigo ignore me and burrowed his head into his blanket. I studied the plushie in my hands. It was Kon, the stuffed lion our mom gave Ichigo. I thought he got rid of it years ago after mom died. "You kept Kon" I snorted.

"Shut up…why don't you do something useful and go kill Shuhei" Ichigo snapped.

"I was already planning on do that" I laughed.