Disclaimer: I don't own bleach if I did Orihime would stop healing the enemy.

(Warning for those of you new to my life is a game series you should know that my spell check is broken, but don't worry I am an OK self checker and should be getting another computer later.)

Chapter 1: This is some bullshit.

~Inside Ichigo's soul~

"I will not teach you the Final Getsuga Tenshou Ichigo…" Tensa Zangetsu drawled while looking at his wielder with a deadpan expression. Ichigo could only look at his zanpakuto in a mixture of disbelief and anger.

"That's bull shit! I just beat you so you HAVE to teach me! If you don't that means you lied, and in some twisted way means I lied to myself and that's just plain fucked up." Ichigo said as Tensa Zangetsu just shrugged.

"Don't worry Ichigo I have another technique that will work just as well…" Tensa began before he was cut off by an irate Ichigo.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me this before! This could have saved me two hours of getting my ass kicked by you!" Ichigo yelled as Tensa glared at him.

"I have a very good reason for kicking your ass!"

"Oh PLEASE enlighten me!"

"It's obvious. It's because you made me look bad in front of Grimmjow's Zanpakuto." Tensa explained with no little amount of annoyance as Ichigo's eyes grew wide in disbelief.

"I won that fight you ass!"

"Yeah, after the he beat your ass all throughout Karakura town. I mean seriously, did you see how many times he punched you in your face? I lost count at 10." Came the despondent response of Tensa.


"No buts, your ass was kicked so bad even I began to feel some of the pain."

"ARGGH JUST SHUT UP! People are dying as we speak! So if you want teach me the move before WE get wasted as well, now would be a good time." Ichigo said as Tensa sighed.

"Fine but you're going to have to die again for it to work." Tensa explained.


"Because it's a sacrificial Kido." This caused Ichigo to gape at his Zanpakuto

"Bullshit! I suck at memorizing and I'm pretty sure all Kido involve some long ass chant that I personally do not have the time or patience for!" Tensa just shook his head at his master.

"*Sigh* Just follow my instructions, it doesn't even have an incantation."

"It better not."

"Ok so this is what you do…"

~Outside world 2 hours later~

Isshin was looking at his son in horror.

"What the hell Ichigo! It's taking you too long and Aizen is almost-"


"Fuck…there goes Karakura…DAMNIT ICHIGO! HURRY UP! If you get it now we can stop him before he reaches the spirit King and-"


"…and there goes the king…good job son you've killed us all." Isshin said while shaking his head. Suddenly Ichigo began to wake up, he had longer hair and his eyes showed a fierceness never before seen on even the most powerful Shinigami.

"Oh WOOOOW NOW you wake up? Seriously? Well congradu-fucking-lations!" Isshin said with no small amount of sarcasm as Ichigo briefly glanced at him before burying the blade of Tensa Zangetsu to the hilt in his stomach.

"And now you take the cowards way out…smartest thing I've seen you do since you were born! In fact I'll follow suit!" Before Isshin could commit suicide he was cut off by what this son did next.


"Bakudo : X: Life is a Game!" Ichigo yelled as the world turned white.


And then the world exploded.

~In a room of White~

We see a boy with white hair, white eyes, and tan skin sitting on a chair with a smirk.

"Well…looks like it is time for me to break out my Bleach trophies, hopefully he is as interesting as the last one."

~With Ichigo~

Ichigo looked around him in awe as he found himself in a very familiar position looking at a VERY familiar hollow; in fact it was the first hollow he had ever fought.

"Hey! Are you listening to me?" Ichigo snapped his head toward the sound of the voice, and couldn't help but gape at the person it belonged to. He was staring at a wounded Rukia who was holding out her Zanpakuto to him.

"Oh hey you… mind reminding me what we are doing right now it kind of slipped my mind.' Ichigo said sheepishly as Rukia face-faulted.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU FORGET? I TOLD YOU ONE MINUTE AGO!" Rukia screamed at Ichigo who chuckled." *sigh* Fine you idiot let me explain more clearly…you see this blade?" At his nod she continued. "Well it's going through YOUR stomach. Still with me?" Another nod. "And then YOU will get your own blade to kill THAT thing over there." Rukia explained as if she was talking to a toddler.

"Ok but let me do something first ok?" Rukia just gaped at him "THANKS!" Ichigo finished before bringing his hands together.


~Flash back~

"Ok so I'm going to relive my life from the point that I got you, but how is that going to help?" Ichigo asked Tensa who seemed to gain a dangerous glint in his eye.

"The Kido comes with a passive ability called Action Replay-"

"Sweet so I can control time?"

"-no and interrupt me again and I'm ramming this blade, pre-Bankai of course, up your ass." Tensa said while Ichigo went pale. "Now as I was saying with the ability, whether you have reiryoku or not, you can manipulate the reality of you and those around you to a certain degree."

"To what degree?"

"The ways to manipulate reality will be listed for you."


"You'll see." Tensa said with a smirk.

~Flash Back End~

Hp:9999 check

Reiryoku: Infinite check

Max Speed Check

Max Strength Check

Max Luck Check

Max Dexterity Check

Zangetsu post time skip: unlocked Check

Max Charm Check

Max Intelligence Check

Max Defense Check

All abilities of Player 1 (Ichigo) Unlocked? Check

Are these cheats ok?"Oh…My…God…" Y-yes


"AHHHHH THIS IS THE SHIT!" Ichigo yelled as he felt the various improvements added to his being.

"Crap did he snap under pressure?" Rukia thought as she watched Ichigo scream for no apparent reason. "You ok?"

"Heh… I am MORE than ok; now stab me so we can own that ugly bastard!" And with that Rukia jammed the blade through his stomach.


"What the fuck he just jacked all of my powers…" Rukia thought wide-eyed as she watched Ichigo leave the smoke, but as she looked closer she couldn't believe her eyes. "Did his hair get longer? And-holy shit that's a big sword!"

Ichigo was now standing with a different version of Zangetsu than the one he was used to, and when he looked down he could see that his uniform had changed as well.(Just look at how Ichigo looks after he regains his powers after the time-skip) "Huh not bad ,but come on Zangetsu you need to go on a diet you are bigger than normal." Ichigo tried to joke.

"Fuck you Ichigo"

BGM:Activated: Bleach Ost: Invasion

"This song is AWESOME! I Have to find a way to get it!" Ichigo thought before shaking his head. He then looked down the street and glared at the hollow in front of him and raised Zangetsu high above his head.

"What's that idiot planning to do from that far away, throw the sword?' Rukia thought as she watched Ichigo in confusion.

"Getsuga…Tenshou" And with that Rukia and the hollow's vision went blue.


BGM: End

"Yeah… I can get used to this." Ichigo thought as he watched everything get decimated in front of him.

Bronze Trophy: Your first hollow: Unlocked (Player must kill one hollow)

Character unlocked: Rukia Kuchiki

+700,000 yen

~In the White Room~

The game master watched the destruction with a smile "Interesting indeed."

AN: And this is the first chapter of the Bleach story! Also for you new readers don't worry there is only one OC and he will barely get any scenes whatsoever as a fellow reader of bleach fics I know how annoying it can be with OCs hogging the story. Read Naruto: life is a Game if you wanna get a sample of how the OC fits into the story.

An2: I was debating when to release this before I decided to let people get a feel of it early.

An 3: Read and Review