Hi again! Sorry for not updating! Anyway, on with the story, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW!


Her eyes fluttered open, and when she took a look around, trying to distinguish her surroundings, she saw that she was on the floor, a pillow from the bed under her head and a blanket placed comfortably on her. Harry was curled up beside her, his glasses still on him. She felt his hand on top of her own, but for some reason she didn't feel like moving it.
He twitched awake after a bit, and it took him a moment to realize she was there.
"I thought you were on the bed," He murmured into his pillow, kicking off the blanket and stretching a bit. He had dropped her hand. It suddenly felt somewhat drafty, but she brushed it off to Harry discarding the blanket, though deep down she knew that it wasn't just the blanket. She slipped off of her own pillow and clambered to her feet, deciding it was probably quite late, considering all that had happened last night.
She glanced over at the clock and she couldn't stop herself from gasping. It was 1:30! PM!
"Bloody Merlin, Harry! Why did you let me sleep so long?" She exclaimed, angry at herself for wasting a good portion of the day.
"Hey, I was asleep longer than you! Plus you did only get 7 hours of sleep, and I don't wake up every two minutes and check the clock like a madperson!" He countered jokingly. It wasn't even that funny, but it got a brief giggle fit out of Hermione for some reason. Harry, well aware of his snide comment's stupidity, was a bit confused, but found her giggling, rare as it was, highly contagious.
"No, I suppose not." She said in between squeals of laughter.
"You know, it really wasn't that funny," He muttered, getting somewhat embarrassed, the color of his cheeks darkening.
"I know, you're just...cute," The moment she had let that last word slip, she knew there was nothing for it, so she braced herself for his reaction, looked down and flushed so dark he actually got quite concerned. Though, realizing it was all good-natured, he loosened up a bit and continued to make her blush further.
"Cute, am I?" He teased while failing in suppressing a chuckle.
"Shove off," She muttered darkly, still the color of a tomato. His face grew into a giant smile and he didn't exactly think before quickly blurting something out.
"You are too," He, unlike her had immediately caught it and brushed it off by adding, "-serious, Hermione. Lighten up, I know you were only joking."
"O-right," Her eyes saddened for just a fraction of a second but she caught herself too soon for him to notice. She still couldn't seem to figure out why she had even had that thought in the first place.


Ron's POV:

Oh, God, here he comes. Time to shine I guess.
"Look, mate, I'm really-" I started to say, but I was ready to jump off and yell at any moment in case he got really pissed off again.
"I'm sorry I overreacted like that." He just apologized. I can't believe he just apologized. I was about to ask him why he had to be so noble all the time, but the voice in the back of my head that sounded a hell of a lot like Ginny told me it'd be tactless, so what came out instead was really pathetic.
"Oh." I can't even believe I just said that. How stupid must I sound? "Why? I mean, I know what I did was wrong but not, you know...beating me to a pulp wrong."
"No. Not what you did. But what it caused was. Her." He was really starting to confuse me.
"What?" I must sound really thick.
"She cried for over a month. She was inconsolable. She wanted you back. Yeah, she was angry you left, but she was more heartbroken than anything. She thought you hated her. You have no clue what she's been through-what we've been through since you left, Ron. I've forgiven you for leaving-I did a long time ago, but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get past how much you hurt Hermione."
Damn, I feel like a real prat now. I guess you could say I just got owned.
"I...I really hurt her that bad?" I asked him, feeling a bit sheepish. He just nodded. "I'll go apologize. I'm really sorry, mate. I didn't know." He just nodded again, but I knew what I had to do.


"Hermione, I'm really sorry. Harry told me how much I hurt you, and I just...couldn't not apologize, so...sorry." I said, holding my breath and gathering up all my courage.
"That's OK. I understand, you were just upset. I told you already, it's OK." She told me, still looking cautious, like I was going to backstab her again.
"Thanks." I said, and I made myself smile. I sort of opened my arms a bit and moved closer to try and let her know I wanted to give her a hug (and maybe a bit more, but I knew she and Harry had probably gotten together while I was gone), and it took her a while to process it. She hugged me quickly, and then sped off, looking real confused. I really am sorry.


Harry, Ron and Hermione had long-since informed Bill of their leave and the strict "no-goodbye" policy there were functioning on, and were currently just waking up, not that any of them (well, Ron had) had gotten exactly a peaceful rest. The sleeping arrangements hadn't changed much from that night where Hermione had finally let herself crack, and she still needed someone within a ten-yard parameter of her to actually go to sleep at all. So, Harry and Ron would take turns on the couch next to her bed, though Ron would occasionally wake up and leave, causing Hermione to (very embarrassed to do so) have to knock softly on Harry's bedroom door until he heard her mouse-knocks and gave her the bed. Once or twice, she had refused and they had ended up on opposite sides of the same bed.
That night was one of them. Except this time, in their unease, both of them had shifted drastically in their half-sleep, and had woken up within half a foot of each other. Harry had his head curled up, which was knocking his glasses (which he had fallen into a, blessfully, deep sleep still wearing) into a strange position, his hair facing her. Hermione, who was slightly shorter and a bit deeper into the covers (and in her sleep) than Harry was at the same height he was at the moment, her hand resting on top of his, the end of her toes skimming his pajama-clad leg, both of their breathing slow and peaceful.
After around forty-five minutes asleep in that position, Harry began to stir, causing his glasses to be even ever more danger of breaking, and accidentally forcing Hermione awake. He realized their positions a moment before she was fully awake and began to slide away but she woke enough to see.
"Morning." She murmured groggily, stretching a bit and checking the clock. "C'mon, we need to start getting up...oh!-" She had only just seemed to process the position they had fallen asleep in. She apologized quickly and moved away from him.
"S'Okay," he said thickly, still half-asleep. "C'mon," Gulping, knowing what they had to do, she pulled herself out of the bed and walked to the kitchen, ready to break into Gringott's.

Well, what d'ya think? I know it's not much of a chapter, but might not be updating for a bit, so...I whipped up this before I get buried in my homework again. Again, not THAT much Harry and Hermione action, but they almost had a moment there. That might be my last update for a bit, but I'll shoot for over the weekend. Thanks for reading and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW!