Noah 'Puck' Puckerman was known for stealing stuff. So when he showed up to glee club with a bag filled with what he called "Goodies," No one was shocked when he said they were stolen goods. Who they were stolen from was the shocking thing.

"Hey," Puck said giving the 'sup' nod to everyone, "I got some goodies," He said as he patted his bag. In return Puck got a lot of raised eyebrows. Puck just shrugged, "I was at Hummel's house the other day, returning his cat, when I scored a bunch of home videos."

Kurt, Puck's secret boyfriend, looked at Puck. His eyes were wide for a second before realization settled in and he glared. Puck smirked.

"Wait, Kurt has a cat?" Tina asked as she looked at Kurt.

"Yes, I do, but the real question is: Puck what were you doing with my cat?" Kurt asked. Puck shrugged.

"I found him and I thought I'd be nice and bring him home," Puck said.

"And when are you ever nice?" Kurt shot back. Puck glared as he accepted Kurt's challenge.

"Well fine then, next time he gets out I wont bring him back. You really should take better care of your animals, Kurt," Kurt gave Puck a look that said 'shut up or you'll pay.' Puck took that as a win.

"Anyways, Kurt's dad set up, like, security cameras or something in their house, so there's a ton of good shit on here," Puck said. Early Puck had asked Mr. Schu to set up a TV and a DVD player. Puck had promised that the video would some how relate to the topic, but it didn't appear that way.

Puck walked over to the DVD player and stuck a DVD in, "A few weeks ago, I guess, Mr. Hummel got the videos transferred to DVDs, so that makes it easier to watch."

"Wait, watch?" Kurt asked, "No, no, no, don't you dare."

"To late," Puck said as the movie started.

November 9th 1998 (Kurt's 5)

A image of Kurt and a girl who looked just like him filled the screen. The girl was playing with barbies while Kurt was coloring. Both looked very young, around the same age.

"Kurtsie," The girl sang, "Plays with me, Pleeeaasseee!"

"No, I busy," Kurt said. He dropped the green crayon and picked up a blue one.

"Come one, it's barbies," The girl begged. She stuck out her lip and pouted.

"No, Barbies are for girls," Kurt replied.

"Nooo, Barbies are for both girls AND boys, see cause there's a Ken barbie," The girl said as she pointed to the boy barbie that was laying on the floor.

"I'm coloring a picture for mommy," Kurt answered.

"Your stupid," The girl said as she crossed her arms. Kurt looked up.

"I am not," Kurt whined. The girl shook her head.

"You are too," She said.

"No!" Kurt said, louder this time.

"Yes!" She yelled back.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am Not!"

"Are Too!"

"I AM NOT!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"YOU ARE TOO," The girl screamed back.

"Will the both of you shut up!" Came a voice from somewhere that the camera couldn't see. Both the Kids, instantly, shut their mouths.

Kurt erupted in giggles. Everyone in the room was laughing, but at the same time they were confused. Kurt sighed.

"Okay, the girl in the video, she's my twin sister. Her name is Cassandra. I also have an older sister, by 4 years, named Kourtney. I have a older brother named Chris, who's older by 5 years. He was the one who yelled at us. Cassandra and Chris are a like. Kourtney and I are a like. Did I clear everything up for you?" Kurt asked when he was done explaining. He got nods from everyone.

"Put another one in," Rachel said. This earned her a questioned look from everyone. Everyone was sure she would be saying, 'Okay let's work on sectionals now.' "What? Learning about each other is important."

Puck smiled and put another video in.

December 10th 2003

A older more cooler looking version of Kurt sat on a bed, making out with a blonde girl. The sound of foot steps made them part. Kurt walked into the room. He looked at the pair on the bed before sighing.

"Dad says diner's ready," Kurt said. The girl smiled at him.

"Hi," She said, "I'm Ashley."

"Kurt," He replied, "How'd you get this one in without dad noticing?" Kurt asked.

"This one?" Ashley asked.

"You're not the first girl," Kurt said. Ashley looked at the boy.

"Ash he means before we were dating," The boy said.

"Unless you guys just started dating this week, then I don't. Chris had a girl in here last week," Kurt said.

"Oh that's okay, we just started dating," Ashley said. She smiled at Kurt.

"How did she get in?"

"Through the window, you're not going to tell dad are you?" Chris asked, "Remember who's older and who can kick who's ass."

"Chris, be nice to your brother," Ashley said.

"I wont tell dad," Kurt said, "But diner's ready and if we aren't up soon I wont have to tell dad." Chris nodded.

"By Ash," He said as he directed her to the window. She said bye to Kurt and climbed out.

"If you really don't want dad to know, you do my chores for a week," Kurt said with a wicked smile.

"Fine," Chris sighed.

I rewrote little videos and made everything better. Hope you like it.