Author's Note: Took a while, but I finally got this out. I was a bit (extremely) discouraged (locked myself in my room and sulked) by the lack of reviews. But I thought "what the hell" and just typed this up. There's too much dialogue though. . Next chapter, the Cullens! Whoo! ^-^

Special opportunity time! Yay! The person who can name the reference that the ** phrase is from (it has to be the one I'm thinking of, mind you) gets a oneshot of any pairing they want from Twilght, Soul Eater, Transformers, Harry Potter, Night World, or Percy Jackson. The opportunity stands until someone answers it since I don't really think anybody reads this. :)

Chapter 3


"I can't believe that I'm in Rio and not partying it up," Lily muttered as she trudged down the empty street with Felix by her side. When she had returned to her room, she had made sure that she was wearing her own cloak, and that the clothes underneath it were suitable for clubbing, along with having her debit card tucked into her bra.

"I can't believe that you're still complaining about that," Felix growled, his entire body tensed as his eyes tried to find the vampires they had been sent to take care of.

"C'mon, don't tell me that you don't want to be partying it up with Brazilian woman as much as I want to be partying it up with Brazilian men," she said, shutting her eyes so that she could listen for any and all sounds that weren't part of the human world. There was nothing.

"If those women are vampires then I would reconsider," he said, walking towards an abandoned building.

Lily followed him, rolling her eyes at his remark. "Ever heard of the term 'incubus', Felix? You could so do that! Only, I think it'd be better if they were actually awake…" she trailed off as she eyed the building. "Creepy building is creepy."

"Quiet," Felix hissed, glancing up at one of the windows. There was a flash of movement behind the curtain, too fast to be noticed by human eyes. Luckily, they weren't humans. He glanced over to the shorter girl next to him, her eyes clasped shut in concentration. As if sensing him watching her, she peeked up at him curiously.

Felix nodded towards the building before he disappeared from sight, leaving Lily alone. The blond scowled, barring her fangs at the stone structure, and proceeded to the front door. Despite her partner's plans, she stuck to knocking instead of barging in.

Nobody answered.

"Lasmuigh sé le ifreann*," Lily growled, banging her fist against the rotting wooden door. It made a loud whining sound before the wood split under the force of her blows, each having gotten harder and harder after the last. "Oops."

Waltzing into the building, she was surprised to see that it didn't resemble a crack house like she had suspected. Instead it was a nice, clean home. There were leather couches, glass coffee tables, and zebra fur rugs scattered around the room in an organized pattern. There were picture frames hanging on the wall, each of them capturing a moment in time with the same three people. They were gorgeous, perfect in every way. There were two large men, red eyed and dark haired. They were physically twenty. One was smiling while the other wasn't. The girl was smaller, looking to be about twelve with long brown hair and maroon eyes.

"Beautiful family you have here," Lily murmured, knowing that whoever was in the building would be able to hear. "Wonder why you would want to attract the Volturi's attention."

"Who said that we do?" a voice said from behind her. It was a husky sound, full of underlying threats, and it made a smirk appear on her face.

She turned around slowly, offering the man a large grin. Lily recognized him as the indifferent man from the picture. "My name is Liliana, and I was sent here on behalf of the Volturi," she said, holding her hand out for him to shake. "May I have the honor of knowing your name, sir?"

"Nicholai," he grunted, keeping his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"Well, Nicholai—may I call you Nick?—it seems that your coven has been drawing too much attention to yourselves. Dead bodies with ripped out throats aren't exactly the usual crime around humans."

"What does it matter if we've been attracting attention? We can just pin it on the animals in the area," Nicholai said, ignoring her question completely.

"Civilians going missing year round, all pinpointed to this area of town? I'm pretty sure they'll catch on soon enough, Nick." The dark haired male glared at Lily as she shortened his name. "You do realize what this means, right?"

He said nothing.

"Death. Termination. Deletion. Annihilation. You choose your preferred word," the blond stated, shrugging her shoulder as she picked up a photo album and started flipping through it, not caring that the man before her was seething in anger.

"It seems that the Cullen diet doesn't include their compassion, huh?" Nicholai growled, flashing his fangs menacingly.

Lily's hand froze in the middle of turning a page. Her golden orbs flickered up to him quickly. "Cullen diet? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Your eyes. You only drink animal blood, right?" She nodded. "The Cullens are notorious for their choice in fauna-only diet. You might know them as the Olympic coven, though."

She took this information in, saving it for later. "I can assure you that I am just as compassionate as any other Volturi member," Lily deadpanned.

"Then you must not understand why I can't let you near my family," he rumbled, falling into a fighting stance.

"Tá mé ag tuiscint níos fearr ná mar a fhios agat,*" she shot back, mimicking his position. Nicholai was easily twice her size; there was no chance that she could beat him. Then again, she wasn't really planning on taking him on. No, she had her big, meathead of a best friend for that.

"English please," the red eyes vampire said.

"I hope you said your good byes already," Lily smirked, running out of the room as she spotted Felix standing in the window, gesturing to the decapitated vampires outside. The sound of shattering glass met her ears before there was a loud crash. Snarls and growls erupted behind her, and the blond found herself rolling her eyes.

Pulling out a lighter from one of the pockets in her robes, Lily walked outside and went to a black dodge ram van. She set the lighter on the back tire near the gas tank before she approached the moving bodies of the vampires.

Picking up the dismembered parts was unnerving for her. Sure, if someone ever ripped her apart she could reattach, but it was still gross. A shudder shot down Lily's spine as she threw the pieces of vampire into the truck. Soon enough, Felix was assisting her, bringing Nick's remains with him.

"Would you like to do the honors?" the blond asked him, smirking. A small, malicious grin pulled at the burly man's lips.

"It would be my pleasure."

Slamming the doors shut, Lily glided away from Felix, letting him open the gas tank, light the lighter, and toss it in before he was at her side. A large, scorching explosion resonated from behind them.

They paid no mind; after all, their conversation had already moved onto a more savory topic. "Can we go meet some Brazilians?"

"Sure," Felix shrugged, taking his smaller friend's hand in his and dashing towards the nearest night club.

It was nearly sunrise now, and the two vampires were sat, relaxing, on a turned over tree. It was quiet in the rain forest, but the two had gotten used to it. Animals tended to stay away from them, after all. The only sound around them was the sound of their laughter.

"W-wait! Yo-you **broke his bed**?" Felix asked, gasping for breath that his lungs did not need.

"Yup!" The blond giggled, swinging her legs in content. "You should've seen him. He was—it was like I had just shown him a gift of god." He snorted, mentally adding that it was probably true; vampires were the closest thing to gods on this planet. "What about you? I saw you with that broad? Was she any fun?"

"She was…eh."


"She wasn't a vampire, that's for sure. I swear, I think I broke her pelvic bone," Felix said, scowling. "And she just kept going on and on about how I didn't need to use a condom because she was infertile. I just wanted to snap her neck and yell 'I'm a vampire! I can't get you pregnant anyway!'"

Lily hummed, not wanting to say anything. He didn't know it, like she wanted, but children were a sore spot for her. All she ever wanted was a little bundle of joy to hold in her arms. But she couldn't have that; Aro had taken that from her.

Hatred that she had never felt before burnt her to the core. Why should she work for him when all he did was take things from her? There had to be another alternative. There had to! Lily thought back to her conversation with Nicholai. "The Cullens are notorious for their choice in fauna-only diet. You might know them as the Olympic coven, though."

The Olympic coven—she had heard of them, alright. Aro had mentioned their leader, Carlisle, several times. She had never been allowed to meet him, even though he had visited at least thrice throughout the term she had spent with the Voltori.

Now she knew why.

"Lils, you okay?" Felix asked, staring at his golden eyed friend worriedly. He didn't need a special power to know that something was wrong with her; her silence was enough to tip him off.

"I'm leaving."

The way she said it made him all the more confused. It wasn't angry, nor sad. It wasn't even determined for Heaven's sake! It was…emotionless. Void of any and all expression.

"Where?" he asked, glancing towards the rising sun.

"The Olympic Peninsula."

That shocked him. "Why?"


"Why?" Felix repeated, utterly dumbstruck.

"Jus' 'cause," Lily shrugged, turning to watch the sun with him. It wasn't bright enough to cause their skin to glimmer like billions of microscopic crystals, but it was enough to make the town visible for the human eye.

"That's not a valid reason."

She sighed. Leave it to Felix to use her signature statement against her. "I'm sick of being used—no, I'm sick of the Voltori. Every damn day it's the same crap! Do this, go kill them, check his memories, find out who this is, what they know. It's so irritating! I don't want a life like that! Wait, I don't have a life; I'm dead. I don't want to be a weapon or…or…or a trophy in a sick twisted collection that Aro can show off whenever he pleases!"

It had started off quiet and slow, with Lily completely calm and collected. But, slowly, her words started getting fasting, heating up.

"So, the Cullens are your answer?" he asked quietly.

"I'll feel normal there," she whispered, hanging her head slightly. "I won't be alone; I won't be the only animal drinker."

Lily sat quietly, waiting for Felix to object, to tell her she was being ridiculous. It didn't come.

"So do it."

"Wh-what?" She nearly fell over. "What about the Voltori? The Guard?"

"Screw the Voltori! Screw the Guard! Screw them all!" Felix exclaimed, grinning wildly. "It's your undead life. Grow a backbone, Lils. Get the hell out of here. Don't worry about me; I won't tell your secret."

"Wait, you're gonna stay?"

He looked down at his petite friend with a sad smile. Of course he wanted to go, but he didn't have any special power that could keep him under the radar. And nobody would believe they were dead if someone didn't come back to tell the tale.

"Fix my thoughts," Felix said, sighing slightly.

"What do you want to remember?" Lily spoke almost dejectedly, like she knew this was inevitable.

"You ran away to Africa. I tried to convince you to stay, but you dived into the lake saying you would miss me."

"You just had to throw in that I would miss you, huh?" she teased, stepping towards him.

"Just to make sure I don't hate you."

"Sure, that's why."

Lily's smiling face was the last thing Felix saw before the pressure of her mind in his penetrated his skull. A scream ripped through his throat, raw and pained. His memories of their conversation was completely overwritten, altered into a scenario that would pain him until he met her again.

*Lasmuigh sé le ifreann-Off it to hell.

* Tá mé ag tuiscint níos fearr ná mar a fhios agat-I understand more than you know.