author's note: I can't actually state when this is set because I'll ruin the drabble. I hope you enjoy this! Again, it's just a spur-of-the-moment. Thanks for reading, guys :)
Title: Beautiful
Genre: Romance
Couple: Royai
Rating: K
Finally, the man was calm. A silent breeze rustled through his black hair and he inhaled the deep, fluorescent smell of Autumn. A smile played at his lips. Darkness was beginning to fold, but the sky revealed beauty: oranges, yellows and purples smudged together, creating a heaven. A wonder.
She was quiet. A few steps behind, patiently waiting for his next command. There wasn't going to be one. He wanted her to watch the gorgeous scene playing before them. For them, and no one else. He had climbed this far – with her – to see.
He walked forward a little and spoke gently: 'Lieutenant, it's perfect.'
She smiled sadly. 'Yes sir.'
'Don't you think so?' He didn't look at her. He was amazed by the sight.
No response.
They stood there for hours, watching the sun settle over the hills and vanish for the night. Soon they were swallowed in darkness, stars flashing and the moon illuminating from above.
He heard her sob quietly.
'Don't cry, Lieutenant.' For it made him weep too.
'Sir.' Her voice didn't betray her. 'I just agree: it is beautiful. It is.'
He smiled and finally turned to her. Their eyes met. 'I hope so. . . I wish I could see just how beautiful you are.'
She clenched her fists. 'Sir.' Because that was all she could say right now. She was speechless. Tears pooled from her eyes, but, for him, she refused to cry. (She never cried.)
He walked over, outstretched his hands, reaching for her. She took one, then the other and pulled herself to him. He sighed, content, when she pressed herself against him, holding him tight.
'At least we're alive together.'
They held each other for what seemed like years. And it was perfect. For once, they were content and thrilled. Grateful to be living.
He released her, smiled warmly, turned and pretended to watch the moon and stars. He closed his eyes, imagining its beauty – her beauty. His Queen. For he would never see her perfections again.
'Sir.' She didn't need a response. She took a hesitant step. Her heart burst. 'I love you.'
'I love you too, Riza. I love you.'