"Six impossible things. Count them, Tarrant." The Hatter muttered to himself.

"One: An Otherlander found her way the Wonderland. Underland. Whichever." Ever since Alice had returned the Otherland, The Hatter had found himself more and more referring to his world the way Alice had. Wonderland.

"Two: Alice could remember something of her trips to Wonderland." Every other Otherlander who had ever visited Wonderland had forgotten. Which was just as well, because they would have told everyone and if someone had believed them, Wonderland would be filled to the brim with tourists. Except Alice was different.

"Three: An Otherlander was crucial to the defeat of the Jabberwocky and the Bloody Red Queen." It had taken everyone by surprise the day that it was discovered that Alice would slay the Jabberwocky. But The Hatter had not been as surprised as the rest of them had. But it was still impossible all the same.

"Four: Alice tamed the Bandersnatch." That had surprised him.

"Five: Alice is as mad as I am."

He watched the distant figure approach. He waited for the figure to come close enough before he let himself hope anything. And when it did, Tarrant came up with the sixth impossible thing:

"Alice returned to Wonderland."

Please review. That is not an impossible thing.