The Good, The Beard and the Stubborn
Chapter 8 – True Victory
Sunday: 12:45am
I wasn't sure what jostled me awake but as I stared unblinkingly into the near darkness of the room, I felt like something had changed. Something was different. Granted, we weren't really sleeping. It was more like we were resting in between rounds of "activity."
You know what I mean.
I was lying against Edward, one arm draped over his chest and the other curled at his side. My leg was hitched over his thigh and his arms were wrapped snugly around me. I felt his cheek on my forehead and I smiled in spite of myself.
My limbs were tired and jelly-like and I was almost positive I had never been this comfortable before. I snuggled closer and tightened my arm around him. He did the same.
Then it hit me.
I felt his cheek on my forehead.
His cheek.
No way.
I gasped and lifted myself up on my elbow.
"Edward!" I said in a harsh whisper.
He cracked open an eye and grinned at me. He wasn't asleep.
"You shaved!"
He looked down his nose and lifted a hand to scratch his chin casually. "Will you look at that? It appears that I did."
To say I felt overjoyed would be an understatement.
Edward snorted. "Don't pretend like you'll miss it."
I shrugged. "It wasn't so bad after a week. Besides, you already won the bet." My hand was drawn to his face like a magnet and I cupped his newly smooth cheek in my palm.
"Did I?"
"Didn't you?"
He turned his head so he could kiss the inside of my palm. "I thought we kind of both lost. Or won. I'm not sure." He kissed my hand again and bared his teeth playfully before nipping my thumb.
The flames ignited in my belly.
"What about your luck?" I asked, intent on keeping this conversation coherent for at least three more minutes.
He sighed and rolled us over so he was on top of me.
"You really want to know?"
I nodded, still transfixed by the angles of his face that I'd been missing so much.
"I had a horrible game today."
I rolled my eyes. "Wow. That's really romantic."
Edward laughed and traced his fingers down my cheek. "Do you want to know something else?"
"Not really." I muttered.
He bent his head and kissed the hollow behind my ear. "I think I figured out what my real luck charm is."
"Pushing my buttons?"
"Regular sex with you."
"I lied. That is romantic." I was about to roll my eyes but the presence of his tongue against my skin made them fall back behind my eyelids instead. I was utterly useless around him.
"Think about it," he purred into my neck.
I tried, and failed but it was his fault.
He continued anyway. "You are the most important thing in my life, right? And, aside from our little beard contest, I'd say we have a pretty healthy relationship, would you agree?"
"I do."
"How do we come together and bring ourselves closer? How do we set ourselves back to zero?"
I couldn't help the sigh that escaped my lips. "Edward..."
He pulled back to meet my eyes, smug smirk on his lips like I knew it would be.
"You're such a softie," I cooed.
"I'm just lucky."
"In love."
"Cornier," I insisted with a giggle.
Edward moved between my legs and I lifted my knees on either side of his hips. "It's working, isn't it?" he asked before latching his lips to my neck once more.
"So much."
As he slid into me and we quickly dissolved into a breathless silence, I couldn't help but feel that I was lucky.
And in love.
With or without the beard.
A/N: :) Definitely Team Sex FTW. Well, that's a wrap with this little plot monkey, everyone. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I know I keep saying that I need to let BBward go...but I don't know if I ever really will be able to. Hopefully some day you'll see some more. I have a couple of ideas floating in my head and, of course, I haven't forgotten about my planned CoveredWagonWard story, but inspiration is as inspiration does. Sometimes it's just not there. I'll do my best to get back to writing again soon.
Until then, this has been SO fun and I thank each and every one of you for tuning in to read. I have enjoyed all of your reviews so so very much. Oddly enough, this story combined with the recent RL RobBeard has significantly altered my view on beards. Typical. :)
Take care! 3