A/N: I don't own Kickin' It. Please Read and Review.

I have been running for hours. I pause. Trying to catch my breath, I take in my surroundings. A tree to the left, a street light ahead, a dirt path to the right, and nothing in the direction I have come. I climb the tree quickly and sit in silence.

Then, they come, four or five at least. The men search, trying to find me, but to no avail. One looks up. He spots me. Quickly, I jump to the roof of the house below. I scale it to the top and slide down the opposite side. I land perfectly on the ground. I swear that I had seen a flash of blonde hair in the window, but I continue on. I jump the fence that traces the back of the yard at the same time as the men jump the fence near the front.

Running through the woods, I hear them pull out guns. The shots fly by me. One hits a branch, it falls. I hurdle it skillfully. The shooting soon stops. I run faster, my lungs burning at this point. I see a light ahead as I burst through the last few trees.

I find myself in a parking lot. Weaving in between cars, I hear thuds behind me. The men are jumping from car to car. One slips, as his head collides with the pavement I see blood splash up onto the window of a near by car.

The doors of the Wal-mart come into view. I run inside and quickly head for a fire exit near the back of the store. The men bust through the entrance and are stopped by a security guard and some employees.

I hear a loud crack. Turning, I see one of the men on the ground bleeding and the others heading in my direction. I run full speed to the back of the store and into the store room. Boxes line the shelves. I run down the isle and make a right. Two isles down, I begin to climb the boxes. The three men that are left round the corner as I reach the top. They run to where I am. One begins climbing, he is about to reach me when I push the box he is grasping to the concrete floor.

Several loud cracks are heard from under the box and an ear piercing scream. I run along the boxes, jumping from shelf to shelf. I can see the loading area door. It's slightly open still. I scramble down to the floor and dash towards the door. I wiggle under it. The fresh air hits me.

I see a tavern in the distance. I run full speed. I reach the front door. No one is inside, but I try the door anyway. To my surprise, it opens with ease. I hurry in. Inside, it's pitch black. Breathing hard, I look for a place to hide. My brown hair is plastered to my forehead with sweat. I hear a chime from behind me. In the door, stands one of the two remaining guys.

He pulls a knife from his belt and begins slashing at me. I back up. He comes closer and I kick his hand causing the knife to fly across the room. I hit his collar bone hard, it breaks and his arm goes limp. Grabbing his shoulders, I stomp down on his knee. He collapses on the floor. I look down at my work. Within a second, I'm pinned to a wall, a knife to my throat.

I raise my hands in surrender. I, Jack Anderson, am about to go dancing with angels.

A/N: I haven't decided whether I should make this a oneshot or a story. Please review with your thoughts.