Here we are another... uh... SEMI-new fic? Well if you've been following me for the last five or so years this fic wouldn't really be new to you though it has been rewritten four times and still only minor changes have occurred. However if you're a new reader then it's completely new to you and hey nothing wrong with that; right?
Anywho yes I know I have other fics that I should be working on and finishing and so on and so forth. But so what at least I get em finished it may take me some years to do so but the do eventually get done. I would never leave you hanging; I swear. So I hope you enjoy this oldie or newbie which ever the case may be for ya. Much love for you all. Keva
Oh and P.S. This is a Naraku/Kagome and Sesshoumaru/Kagome fic. So if ya don't like that kind of thing check out now. (No threesomes if that's what you're thinking. And yes I have a threesome fic with these three and it's called Copping A Feel but you won't find it here or anywhere for that matter.)
She was falling; the jagged rocks at the bottom waiting to take her soul to the next plane of being. She could hear the ocean waves crashing against those rocks as she came closer to her end. 'Soon it will be over.' She thought to herself. All the torn thoughts, the physical need, and the shattered heart that would never mend, it would come to an end quickly.
The air whipped around her, blowing her black kimono and white obi around her, her raven hair blowing up the sides of her face as she looked back one last time. Looking for the last time at the two of them, standing at the edge of the cliff watching helplessly as she drew closer to her end. She did this for them, for her, for freedom.
Two pairs of blood red eyes watched in a primal rage as the one they loved plummeted to her death, helpless to do anything about it.
Two tears left her broken blue eyes one for each of them so they would know she loved them.
They say when death is near your life passes through your eyes. It was true. Her life was passing by for her to see until that moment; that one moment in time that led her to this end.
It played out in her head so slow that she was sure she'd hit those jagged rocks long before the first memory could even start. That first memory of a battle that began her decent into love and hate and pleasure and pain and now death.
"INUYASHA LOOK OUT!" Kagome screamed as she ran towards the hanyou with her bow held tightly in one hand and an arrow in the other.
"NO KAGOME STAY BACK!" Inuyasha yelled as he attempted to release his Kaze no Kizu against his most hated of enemies.
Kagome wasn't quick enough as a brown tentacle hit her sending her flying across the field into a large tree. The last thing she saw before blackness took her over was the blur of red running towards her screaming her name.
Kagome lay there her head pounding like someone was inside her head beating a giant drum. She slowly opened her eyes and took in her surroundings trying not to move her pounding head much.
She was lying on a mat in the center of the room with only a light sheet covering her body. The room was strangely empty with the exception of herself and the man sitting off to her side staring at her intently.
She kept her eyes locked onto him sitting there in nothing but a pair of black hakama, with deep crimson? eyes hiding any emotions or thoughts. Kagome opened her mouth to pose a question to the man then closed it again as a strange familiarity about him suddenly hit her.
Once the sensation passed she once again began her question. "Who… who are you?" She was shocked at the sound of her voice. It was as if she had never heard it before, the light pitch, the hint of innocence to it, and the slight scratchiness to it due to a sore, dry throat.
"You do not know me?" The man questioned in a dark silky voice.
Kagome turned her eyes from the man to the ceiling. "Should I know you?" She asked in wonder at the soft sound of her own voice and the silky deepness of his.
Naraku sat there with one leg under the other that was propped up with his hand resting on his knee. His mind was working furiously at this sudden turn of events. She didn't know him but that didn't necessarily mean a lot, she had just woken up after three days of being unconscious. "Do you know who you are?" He asked in a small whisper just loud enough for her to barely hear.
Kagome bit her bottom lip in concentration, trying for the life of her to get a name to come forth, but kept coming up with nothing but a blank. "No." She answered in a defeated tone. She then turned her head back to the male sitting against the wall. "Do you know me?"
"I do." Was his only answer.
He decided that he wasn't going to give her any information unless he deemed it necessary to do so.
Kagome slowly brought herself to a sitting position and suddenly felt the urge to vomit; so she laid back down hoping that the feeling would pass. When it finally subsided she once again looked over at the male sitting against the wall. Her eyes took in his long black wavy hair pulled up into a high ponytail, deep crimson eyes with blue shading his eyelids, and his rock solid chest. She furrowed her brows in concentration before she voiced her next question. "Do I have a name?"
Naraku looked at the girl lying in front of him wondering if he told her her name would her entire memory come back. With a slight shrug of his shoulder he decided that in telling her her name it would bare no consequence if it returned her memory or not. She was his prisoner and there wasn't a whole lot she could do about it. "I believe you are called Kagome."
"Kagome?" She rolled the name around on her tongue. It felt familiar, but her mind was still as blank as a black stone in the middle of a moonless night. She turned her eyes back to the ceiling and tried with all her might to pull something forth from her blank mind but kept coming up with nothing. She turned her eyes back to the man sitting against the wall staring at her. "Do you have a name?"
Without blinking he answered. "My name is of no concern."
"Why?" She asked without taking her eyes off of him.
"You currently do not need to know it." He said as he shifted to sit meditation style.
"Oh. So what do I call you?"
Naraku leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. "Master."
Kagome furrowed her eyebrows together deeply. "Master? Why master?"
Naraku let off a slight sigh. "For that is what I am; your master."
"I'm a slave." She said with a constricting tightness in her throat as she turned her head away from him.
Naraku lifted his head to look at her. "No, you are not a slave."
"I'm not?" She asked as a small smile of relief played on her lips. As she was about to ask her next question her stomach growled telling her that it needed sustenance. She watched as the man slowly and silently rose and left the room without a word.
"Where is the miko wench that travels with you." Sesshoumaru demanded in his cold emotionless voice.
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at his hated half-brother. "That's none of your damn business!"
Sesshoumaru twitched his claws readying them to attack the whelp for his insolence. "Half-breed you will tell this Sesshoumaru what I want to know." He narrowed his eyes to deadly little slits knowing full well the dirty half-breed wouldn't tell him and piss him off further.
Sango placed a hand on the irate hanyou's shoulder. "Naraku has captured her." She answered in a small broken voice. "We have been searching for her for three days now and have come up with nothing."
Inuyasha growled at his demon slayer companion. "Don't tell him a fuckin thing!" He shouted at her.
Sango glared at the hanyou and was about to speak up when Inuyasha was instantly incapacitated by a hand around his throat.
When Sesshoumaru heard the taijiya tell him that Naraku had captured the shikon miko his blood began to boil. It wasn't that he cared for the simple ningen for he would never care about some miko bitch. No; it had more to do with the fact that she was the only one who held the power within her to destroy the wretched jewel. A useless gem that so many weak creatures sought after.
He had originally called after the miko in order to speak with her about the whereabouts of the vile filth known as Naraku. He to a point did trust the girl for she was incapable of lying and she had told him during their last meeting that she never considered him to be an enemy but more of a powerful ally.
So he figured that even though he despised her and her companions that they would be good for gaining information. Especially since the miko was the shikon miko and Naraku's number one target. However; now the miko was in Naraku's clutches and who knew how long until he broke then killed her and gained the power of the jewel.
"I should kill you." Sesshoumaru growled in a coldness that made Inuyasha shiver.
Inuyasha held onto Sesshoumaru's wrist to try to relieve the pressure on his neck. "Why the fuck do you care?" He choked out.
Sesshoumaru pulled his idiot sibling in close and stared hard at him. "I do not care about your miko wench. She is the shikon miko and Naraku desires the jewel." He then flung Inuyasha into a nearby tree and turned to leave.
"Sesshoumaru-sama;" Miroku stepped up to speak to the taiyoukai. "do you intend to help us save our friend?"
Sesshoumaru stopped in his tracks and without turning around answered. "I will retrieve the miko. However; I will not be returning her to your dubious care." He then vanished into the forest.
Inuyasha stumbled back to his friends. "What the fuck? Why the hell would he care what happened to Kagome?"
Miroku looked at the spot where the demon lord vanished. "I do not know Inuyasha."
Kagome again slowly began to rise to a sitting position and was relieved that she didn't feel sick, only slightly dizzy. Her trembling hand reached out to pick up the small bowl of broth that the unknown man had brought her. "Thank you." She whispered as she brought the bowl to her lips.
Naraku nodded at her.
While he was fetching some food for her his mind worked to form a plan as to what to do with the girl since she didn't know him or herself for that matter. He was hoping that when she awoke she would scream for her worthless hanyou and fight him in order to try and escape. However, with her having no memory he thought of a way to destroy the hanyou and his little group of friends and the miko would be more than willing to go along. He couldn't stop the smirk from forming on his lips at his plan to destroy them all.
He moved to sit in front of the girl and studied her carefully. "You do not know who you are." He said mostly to himself.
Kagome set her bowl down and looked at the man then shook her head lightly. She looked him over crucially just sitting before her and taking in his features and found him to be rather attractive. The broad expanse of his bared muscled chest. His sharp chiseled face and those eyes those red red eyes.
She could see within them the intelligence of a million suns, a thousand seasons... eternity. He wasn't real yet he was here before her she could feel his breath ghost across her face with every exhale he made. Though there was something wrong, something she couldn't quite put her finger on.
It was then that for some reason that she didn't know she had to feel his beating heart; to make sure it was really there. So without asking or thinking about what she was doing she moved to place her palm against his chest.
Naraku looked down and grabbed her hand when it was just centimeters from gracing his skin. He then looked back at her and saw the shock in her wide blue eyes. 'So much like that dead bitch yet so different.' He thought to himself as he continued to hold her hand just a breath away from him.
When her brows drew deeply confused by his actions he realized what she was thinking. He could see it as clear as day in those sapphire eyes of hers; she thought him to be empty inside. He kept his eyes locked on hers and pressed her hand firmly against his chest proving her wrong.
Kagome felt the steady beat of his heart and furrowed her confused brows even further. "I can feel your heart beating." She then stared hard at her hand against his chest in concentration. "Why did I think it wouldn't be there?" She moved her confused eyes up to met his calculating crimson.
"Do you think me to be heartless?" He questioned feigning hurt in his deep baritone which she failed to notice.
"No. I think…" she trailed off and again drew her brows deeply trying to find the right words to explain what was going through her mind.
Naraku watched as her face scrunched up in order to try and put together her thoughts as her little teeth nibbled on her bottom lip in concentration. "You think that I am not human." He finished for her and watched as she nodded her head. "You are partly correct in your assumption of me. I am only half human." He again put the taint of hurt in his voice in order to play to her female emotion of sympathy.
Kagome looked at him. "Half human?"
Naraku let off a small sigh. "I am part demon and part human. Another hanyou cursed me to be like this." He cast his eyes down at the hand still pressed to his chest. He lifted her palm to his cheek and nuzzled it. He was thoroughly disgusted with what he was doing but the end result would be well worth it.
Kagome reveled in the feel of his warmth being pressed against her hand and felt little tingly sensations throughout her body when he placed her hand on his cheek. "I'm sorry that you were cursed. Is there nothing you can do to reverse it?"
Naraku smirked inwardly. "I must find someone to love me as I am." He practically choked on the words as they left his lips but he choked them down and continued. "Inuyasha despised me for he fell in love with my wife. When I refused to give her to him he cursed me to be a hanyou then turned my wife into the walking dead. She now hates me for the life that she has been cursed with. Yet…" he sighed deeply showing how broken he was then dropped his eyes and pulled her hand from his cheek. "My former wife Kikyo goes to him, swears her undying love to him, and seeks to aid him in my destruction." He looked away sadly. "I'm hated by them for what hey made me."
Kagome's heart clenched tightly at the pain in his voice. "I'm sorry that that happened to you." She leaned in and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a comforting hug.
Naraku couldn't help but grin evilly over her shoulder. A simple tale of tragedy and a female was more than willing to give out her love and affection in order to comfort another. Female emotions were far too easy to manipulate.
He pulled his face together still looking completely heartbroken and deep sorrow in his crimson eyes then pulled away from her. "No need to feel sorry for my pain. Now you must rest." He stood up and turned to leave the room when she asked another question of him.
"How did I come to be here?"
He turned towards her and spoke with an evil grin inside. "I rescued you from the evil monster that created me... Inuyasha." He then left the room to let her ponder on his words.
Kagome laid back down with a million questions running through her head and not a single answer to one of them. The man felt so familiar and so did the name Inuyasha but for the life of her, she couldn't place why. She slowly closed her eyes falling into the darkness of sleep hoping that her dreams would awaken her memory or at the very least give her some kind of a clue as to who she really was or is.