A/N- Hey everyone! I'm backkk. This is a short little thing that I was inspired to write. It's loosely based on the story of Hades and Persephone. Updates will be (hopefully) weekly, so I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! :)


Indeed there is little hope of console, for a creature seeped in the decaying souls of lives that had once been. Should he wish it, the very foundation of life these fragile beings were created from would crumble. As he has become undone from the passing glance of cerulean eyes and the lingering scent of summer in her hair. He was captivated as she played among the white lilies, as her soft laughter came to meet him as she danced above his realm. Perhaps there is little hope for a tiny, golden haired child to be the breathe he needed. But he found he could not abandon the need to claim her, the overwhelming ache that stole his ability to focus. She captivated him, this human goddess, and no one would have her except he.

Her mother would tell her of stories in her youth, of beings cloaked in shadows with beautiful faces and charming tongues. Secretly Queen Peacecraft would whisper tales in the quiet of Relena's room and the child she would listen in rapture, clear blue eyes bright and intrigued. She remembered how true these stories seemed to her, how real these enigmatic figures had been to the overflowing imagination she had possessed. She would tell her mother that she would have wished to meet a demon and wonder if they were as ethereal as lore painted them to be.

"Never, Relena, should you look a demon in the eyes," her mother warned.

"But why?"Relena asked, having noticed the concern that passed over the Queen's face.

Soft hands smoothed the blonde hair of the little princess. "They are capable of horrible deeds. Their eyes hold their power and rob you of your will. Should you never look their way only then would you be safe, do you understand?"

Relena had nodded and her mother smiled as she ran slim fingers through her hair.

"Take great care, my darling," she said, almost sadly then, "a light such as yours is desirable among their kind."