Centuries of Love
Chapter 5: Second Century: Misunderstanding Love: Omreh and Rivi, the Jewish Lovers
"Now you've got it… "
I gave out a big sigh as I slumped my butt on the soft, airy surface of the time warp.
"You've been training me since after we left first century. " I grumbled.
"You should be thankful that I did. Otherwise, you're alices would be useless. " Yoichi shot back at me.
I exhaled as I looked around the mossy black nothingness.
So far, I've practiced my nullifaction, stealing and insertion alice, my memory and healing alices are still at an impossible rate of perfection, yet, I am learning to know it as best as I could.
"Okay now, let's start from the beginning again. " Yoichi commanded as he raised both of his little palms in the air and let out a whirlwind of bad spirits encased in a hurricane fashion.
"Now, remember, concentrate, and focus on the target, think about how you will be able to protect yourself and the others, the nullification alice is pretty unstable, so you have to learn how to master it. " He instructed as he jumped upward and threw me the twin hurricanes of bad spirits.
I stared at it intently, using all of my learnings, I focused hard on the arriving hurricane.
"I want to protect myself… " I uttered. "And those people around me… " I added.
I repeated the same mantra over and over again inside of me, as I watch the hurricane approach me in a deadly manner.
I increased my mantra, making the chant louder and louder…
And then, centimeters before it hit me, the hurricane of bad spirits became slower, the whirling also started to slow down, and in seconds, the hurricane spun and spun around until it vanished in the air.
Yoichi smirked as he jumped down from above and looked at me.
"By george, the idiot got it. " He teased, yet I can see the admiration in his eyes.
I smiled. "Thanks. "
"Hmm…well, it seems like you know how to hold your nullification, I don't think you have a problem with the stealing and insertion as well, you displayed a good one the moment you stole a small part of my alice. " He observed. "As for the memory, you can apply the same principle, Alice is a matter of concentration and practice, you have to learn to make your alice a part of you so that you could master it. With your job, I'm sure that you've already seen many people do the same thing with their professions. "
I nodded as I remembered many actors and actresses who spoke from their experience. Acting is not just acting, acting is a type of job that requires hardwork, efficacy, perfection, and able to live up to the life and achievements of the person you've been portraying at, and I saw a lot of actors and actresses discovering their inner abilities when they started to portray a particular character. Aspects that they didn't know that they have, for them, acting is not just money or fame, but it's also their way of life.
I was about to muse when a question popped in my head.
"Hey, how did you know how to control alices? " I asked.
Yoichi shrugged. "I trained with Fiolle a hundred years back. "
"Oh, okay, w-wait! A hundred years? " I exclaimed as I stared at him.
He shrugged again. "I was a guardian like him back then, he was my companion, I didn't remember how or when did I die, setting that aside, when I met with the Gods, I wasn't alone, Fiolle was standing next to me, a vagabond the same as I, and since we have undestined fates, and Circe was badly in need of guardians who will escort souls from the mortal world to the celestial world, he hired and trained us as his personal guardians. Fiolle will be the one who will take the souls to heaven, and I to hell. And we were the best of friends. He's my greatest companion of all time. "
"How come you didn't even say hi to him earlier? "
He smirked. "Greetings among guardians in front of the Gods is forbidden, in the presence of the Gods, a guardian is still a guardian, and should be aware and alert of whatever surprises the Gods would be playing, you might think Fiolle is just observing, but he doesn't, he is ready to condemn you if ever you did something horrible. To make it simpler, your job as a guardian will be above else, like shutting your mouth while listening to the teacher because she is your priority if you wanted to pass a quiz, and then when recess time comes, you can chat with your friends until the break is over, the rule works kinda like that. It's not that Fiolle literally wanted to ignore me, but he just follows the rules."
"Ohh… " I uttered as I stared at him. "So basically, you're a hundred years old? Or more? " I inquired.
"More like a hundred and twenty five I think. "
I gulped. If he's 125 years old, then how come he's in a body of a three year old?
"What happened? I mean, why aren't you with Fiolle as a guardian anymore? And why do you look like a three year old? " I asked.
He lowered is eyelids and looked away.
I felt my guilt started to fill the atmosphere, I shouldn't bombard him with his personal life. I went overboard already while I only knew him for a short time.
And the feeling is really awkward, especially if it's privacy we're talking about.
We stayed silent for awhile, no one was talking, only the sound of gentle waves can be heard. I'm not talking because I felt guilty, as for Yoichi, maybe he was still shocked and embarrassed to tell me why.
"We're here… "
I nearly jumped at the sound of his voice. Damn, I didn't even feel the hole opening and the waves halting down.
"O-okay… " I muttered, still feeling awkward, and then crawled towards Yoichi and peered through the open hole.
I looked at all the covered people passing in front of us. They were literally covered from head to toe, except they're faces.
"Where are we? " I asked Yoichi.
"Second century. " He answered with his normal bored voice which really made me glad inside. "I think we're in Israel, I've seen pictures of Jewish people in the ancient times and they were dressed like that. I think in this time, Judaism was prominent. "
I furrowed my eyebrows. I don't know much about the Jews, except that they have a lot of traditions and most of them were rich. (In Canada, most of the rich people are Jews )
I looked around the vast desert around me. It was rows and rows of dessert, yet I can see small houses made out of stones. When the warp hole stopped in the middle of the dessert, Yoichi hopped outside, with me following him.
Immediately after we left, the dark purple mist waves started to crawl in opposite directions, separating purple and black in different sides before vanishing into thin air.
"So I'm on my way now. " Yoichi said in a fast manner as he bid goodbye to me, and in a blink of an eye, he was already flying in the sky.
I sighed, when will I get used to his own mission and me minding my own business?
Oh yeah, maybe after three centuries?
I mean, I can't blame him, we've only got two days, so it's only natural that he will vanish and fly in the sky the moment we arrived at our destined time.
I was about to fly and search for my heart when I heard a deep, attractive voice behind me.
"Pardon me, are you a spirit as well? "
Immediately, I shifted my form behind me, only to gape in return.
He was…well, he was…beautiful. He's got blonde hair which was whipped to the side in neat one way uniformed spikes. His eyes are bluish violet, and his lips were luscious red, capable of making sweet promises or let out a dashing smile.
Kami, why didn't males like him exist in my time?
He looked at me warily as he flew gently towards me.
"You're a spirit too, right? " He asked again as he looked at me.
I nodded, still enamoured by the beauty of the man in front of me.
He smiled which caused his cute dimples to appear and almost made me faint and ogle at him. God, I feel like a crazy fangirl. To be honest, if he ever exist in my time, this guy will be an instant star.
I shook my head, he may be super duper attractive, but I don't feel any sparks that surrounded between us.
"Well, at least I can talk to you. " He said as he straightened his dark green shawl and fixed his cream coloured dress. To be honest, I really hated the fashion sense of males at ancient times.
"Do you want anything? " I asked. I observed him, well, he doesn't have a red, glowing light on his chest or any part of his body, so I assume that he must be one of those souls who might've died and was roaming around. I heard that souls often stay at earth for forty days.
He sighed. "I wanted to ask for your help. " He requested as he looked at me again. "I know you're a different soul the moment I saw you and the little boy. I wanted to ask his help too, but I wasn't able to catch up with him. "
"It's no use asking him for help. He's got a different mission than mine. " I explained.
"Then can you help me? " He pleaded.
I pursed my lips. "Look, I only have two days here, buster, and within those couple of days, there is something of an immense value to me that I need to find, or else, it will cause endless trouble. So if you want to go dillydallying and skipping in the meadows, then you have to count me out, my time is gold. " I replied as I shifted to my back.
"No wait! Please! I need your help, Ms. Yukihara! "
I stopped as I heard him, then slowly turned to look at him in shock. "How did you- "
"I know, that's why I asked you, you're Mikan Yukihara right? The one who died at the accident 18 centuries from now? " He replied, cutting me off and bombarding me with information in a speed of light.
"I know where your heart is. " He added quickly which really caught my attention. "If you will help me, then I can show you where your heart is. "
I furrowed my eyebrows. Should I trust him? Well, he said that he knows where it is, but what if it's a trap? A trap to lure me so that I could never find my heart forever and ever and be banished to suffer eternal damnation?
He raised his hand like a person vowing in the altar as if he read my mind. "I swear to Yahweh that I'm not lying, look, I know where it is, trust me, I'm not here to steal from you. As the Rabbi's son, I am not allowed to commit such petty crime. "
Rabbi, if I'm right, that's what they call the Jewish Priest.
I stared at him, and in his eyes, I can see the sparkle of honesty, but I've seen a lot of those, actors and actresses usually do that to get away with things…
Well, it wouldn't hurt to follow him for some minutes, right? Besides, if he ever do something bad to me, I have my alices to protect me…well, not really, but it will really help me make a big escape.
Besides, it wouldn't hurt to try, and accept his help, right?
With blazing eyes, I looked at him which made the poor man step back.
"You better be telling the truth. " I warned. "Or else, I'm going to beat you and make your life miserable no matter how beautiful you are. "
He blinked at me. "Did you just say I'm beautiful? "
I rolled my eyes. This guy is too deaf.
"Nothing. " I said as I flew, followed by him.
"By the way, what's your name? " I followed.
He smiled. If I could blush, I would. His smile is so mesmerizing.
"Omreh Hakadosh, Mikan Yukihara, and thank you for agreeing to help me. "
"I never said I agreed with you. "
He sighed. "I'm sorry. "
I rolled my eyes. Looking at him, I can now attest that I'm not the biggest idiot in the world.
"Okay, what exactly are we doing in here? " I asked grumpily as we looked over the stone made veranda.
"We're here to see my father, Rabbeinu Hakadosh, or Judah the I. "Omreh said as he looked from above.
"And why do you want to help him? " I demanded again as I looked at the man in his mid forties raise both of his hands up in the air in front of many Jews who are sitting in front of him.
His father looked really fine to me. So why the hell is he asking me to help him? Grr…I knew it, I just wasted my time in here. Sheesh! If only I wasn't swayed by his pretty boy looks…
"He is fine now…but… " He trailed as his eyes went back to his father. "He's in grave danger. One of his followers is bound to kill him. "
This seemed to intrigue me as I looked down again.
He then pointed one person on me.
"Look at her. " He instructed as he pointed his finger on the far right side of the sitting Jews.
I followed his eyes, and true enough, there was a young woman sitting in there. She was wearing a red veil and white dress that reached until her ankles with butterfly sleeves. Her red shawl wrapped diagonally around her chest.
I widened my eyes all of a sudden as she stood up, and her shawl shifted a little to her side, making a visible dent of a red, glowing light.
Oh, snaps, she's got a piece of my heart!
"That's Rivi Zarah, the daughter of one of my father's followers. Unknown to many people, Rivi is half Roman. And she was planning to infiltrate the Jewish territory and allow us to be governed by the Roman empire. "
I stared at him, urging him to continue.
"The Grecians and the Romans are the most powerful empire of this time, it is obvious that they wanted to govern in any place where they can land their eyes into. " He explained. "It's no doubt that if they have their way, they will turn all countries into their colonies, making them the superior leader. "
"What's Rivi Zara's plans? How will she infiltrate your country? " I asked curiously.
He pursed his lips. "By destroying our religion and replace it with treacherous Roman Gods. " He spat in disgust.
"In what way? " I demanded.
He let out a bitter laugh which surprised me. "Using her charms as a woman, of course, by that I mean, seducing and tempting my father into her bed, and then eventually, ask him to marry her. You know males, once a woman had wrapped them around their little finger, they will ask males to give them what they want, and then, the males, who are stupid enough to trust them, will give them what they want no matter how stupid or expensive their wishes are as long as they were satisfied with them. "
I glared daggers at him. "Are you insulting me? " I growled. "And besides, how did you know all of her plans anyway- "
He snickered sadly. "She's my woman before, but she killed me. "
I blinked at him in shock.
He halfsmiled as he looked at her. "I was blinded by love. " He explained as he looked at Rivi with adoration in his eyes.
I looked back at Rivi again, and I have to admit, she was very beautiful. Her caramel locks that were bobbing out from her veil were shiny and looked soft to the touch, her greenish brown eyes were like emeralds sparkling over the dessert lands. Her nose is perfect and she possessed lovely, soft looking pink lips. Her skin is not pale like the others, fact is, it was rosy white. And despite her loose clothes, I can see that she's got a voluptuous body.
An angelic beauty.
But her eyes are that of a demon, and it was obviously predatory, ready to snark at any prey that she can see.
"I won't blame you for falling for someone like her. " I agreed as I slumped on the wavy bars of the veranda. "I mean with looks like that, she could invite anyone and can attract every man in bed anytime of the day. "
He halfsmiled. "That night, I thought that she was so in love with me, the way she writhed and gasped my name under the sheets over and over- "
"Hey, stop over there, man! " I scolded. "We're not here to discuss your wet dreams, remember? "
He scratched his head. "Oh, I apologize. " He said. "That night, the night that I took her was the night that she killed me. She told me everything before cutting off my head. "
I bit my lip. Why is it that the good ones always fall for the bad ones? And then the bad ones fell for the good ones? Why is that?
Why did I have to fall for Natsume of all people?
I shushed the thought quickly the moment it entered in my head. Stop thinking about it, Mikan!
Waking up from my little mental tirade, I sighed at him.
"Why didn't you observe her first before taking her? " I said as I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, I'm a young man with raging hormones! And seeing a beautiful girl naked…well…I… " He trailed, ashamed of what he will say next.
I rolled my eyes again. Males and their perverted and hormonal thoughts.
"No wonder you got killed. " I answered blandly. "You used your dick instead of your brain. "
"Hey, I'm not only after her body! I love her, literally and metaphorically! " He defended.
"And look where your foolishness landed you. " I retorted.
He sighed as he slumped on the veranda as well. "I know I'm stupid, you don't have to rub it on my face. "
I looked away, I didn't mean to hurt him, but honestly, he needed a reality check smacked straight on his face.
My eyes landed on the red veiled bitch, at first, her eyes didn't give anything away, but if you looked deep into those greenish brown orbs, you will see the gleam of murderous attempt in them.
I shook my head. Well, some women are willing to become a slut just for the sake of their country. I was thinking though, I think that Rivi girl prioritizes her Roman blood than her Jewish blood.
"So what do you want to do? " I asked, though I already have an idea on how to get her on my own hands.
He looked below again. "I was thinking of my own plans when I saw you, and it's apparent that you didn't came from this time, from your clothes, and the way you talk, I can tell, and we believe that people who can travel through time have powers. "
I raised a brow at him. That was a surprise, seems like pretty boy has remaining neurons inside of him. Well, he was right about that.
"What do you want me to do? " I rephrased my question.
"Please stop her. Stop her from killing my father. " He requested as he angled his head towards me.
"Why is that? "
"My father, he was the next leader after Rabbi Akiva, the founder of the Judaism. And we needed a great leader to guide all the Jewish people. Without him, we will all perish. "
I raised both my eyebrows at him. Is he some kind of a God?
But I kept my mouth shut, I don't want to insult him more than I do.
Besides, I need to seize the opportunity before it gets out of my grasp.
My eyes then went towards Rivi who was showing Omreh's father what a kind and beautiful angel she was and I can't help but to snort. Stupid bitches and their stupid antiques…
My hazel orbs went back to Omreh who was staring blankly at the two beings, I wonder if he was jealous or if he was feeling sorry for his father. But I never dared to ask.
"You know, to get my heart, I need to eradicate her existence. " I started as I called his attention. "If I tell you that I will kill her? Will that be fine to you? " I challenged.
He halfsmiled. "She's already dead. She only managed to have a body because of you. "
"Don't tell me that you only knew that right now, don't tell me that while you're having your own fills, you didn't notice her transparent form? "
He nodded.
"Idiot. " I muttered. What a waste of such beautiful face. Though it surprised me, I didn't know that souls could have sex with mortals.
Well, maybe that's where the terminology succubus and incubus came from.
"So you don't care if I kill her then? " I repeated my question again.
He looked at the dark, midnight sky. "You could say that. "
"I thought you love her. " I noted.
"I do, but it's for the sake of other Jewish people. " He said as he smiled sadly but filled with determination. "I wanted to at least save my father and the other Jews from being persecuted in the future, I don't want them to suffer a very horrible fate because Rivi found a connection through me. I would never be able to forgive myself if I forsake my own people in exchange for my own personal needs."
"So she used you to gather information as well? "
He nodded gravely.
I closed my eyes and nodded in understanding. "Then let me do my own plans. Not unless you wanted to incorporate your own. " I said as I looked at him in the eye.
He nodded without any hesitation in his eyes. "It doesn't matter, as long as you can prevent my father's death, you can do as you wish. "
"Very well then… " I said. Since I have a piece of my heart, going flesh to flesh is of no problem.
"Come here. " I commanded.
He neared towards me.
"Closer, touch my forehead. " I demanded.
I remember Yoichi teaching me my memory alice during our travels which really surprised me, according to him, the memory alice has the ability to know memories, at the same time, copy some of it and incorporate it on myself as well, using it as a reserved data in case I need to blackmail someone into submission.
"That's good, now stay like this for a few minutes… " I instructed as I closed my eyes.
I concentrated in using my memory Alice, putting a lot of effort on it, after a second, I felt a gush of warm trinklets showering my head, and suddenly, mental pictures started to fill me up, Omreh when he was a kid, Omreh when he read his first book, and Omreh when he had sex with Rivi…
He stood still as I read all of his memories…
Painful and happy memories that consists his personality…
After I gathered everything, I concentrated and willed my Alice to stop, and in an instant, the warm gush of light stopped, and I took my forehead away from him.
But as I was about to stand firmly, I felt myself wobble.
I was about to fall when Omreh caught me on the waist.
"Are you alright? " He asked in a voice full of concern.
I nodded. "Just let me rest for awhile… " Damn it, who could've known that using memory alices takes a toll in a soul?
He agreed, and supported me, and after a few minutes, my soul was okay.
"Thank you… " I murmured as I stared at him. "We will meet tomorrow in the barn with Yoichi, then we'll discuss our plan to you… " I said.
He nodded and smiled. "With the little boy? Of course… "
"Alright then, I'm going… " I said as I prepared myself to fly.
"Wait! "
I sighed as I shifted my head to face him.
"Thank you Mikan… " He said sweetly as he smiled.
I bit my lip at this. This man is so nice, how could a woman like Rivi betray him like this? Didn't she have any conscience or didn't she even feel any guilt while beheading him?
I was so nice back then…how come Natsume was so cold to me?
I shook my head, my brain is really pissing me off, how come it always reminds me of Natsume? That rascal should be banished to hell, not end up in my mind.
"You're welcome… " I replied as I flew off.
"So, that's your plan? " Yoichi asked as he lied on my lap.
I caressed his soft gray spikes. We were inside a barn, with golden hay and wheat surrounding us. I told him all about Omreh and the situation and the facts that I got to claim my heart back. Speaking of him, maybe he will watch his dad as a guardian angel for the night, knowing how nice and kind he is.
"This time, I won't feel sorry. " I said as I lowered my eyelids.
"You better, and don't let your heart get in the way. "
"I'm already grilling Omreh because of his stupidity of falling in love with a power hungry bitch. "
"That's love, idiot. "
"Yeah, love, and look where it landed him? A decapitated body and a missing head. "
Yoichi raised a brow at me. "Aren't you in the same boat as well? If he fell in love with a slut, didn't you fell in love with a bastard as well? Afterall this time, and afterall this years that Hyuuga Natsume was out in your sight, and afterall the things that you did to forget him, deep down you still love him, don't you? Despite the fact that he hurt you, you still have desires for him. "
I bit my lips. He was right.
He raised his head and stared at me.
"In a way, Hyuuga Natsume killed you, he killed the sweet, and innocent you. "
I flinched at his words. Another point for him. Yoichi really is a very bright boy. And an observant one at that.
To be honest, I felt like he dug a deeper hole inside of me and smacked it on my face.
"But… "
I looked at his jaded eyes.
"Bit by bit, I can tell you're going back to your old self. "
I halfsmiled as I put his head back gently on my lap.
"I hope you will pray for my success, Yoichi. " I said as I caressed his hair again.
"I don't pray for people who can achieve things idiot. Besides, everyone makes their own luck. "
I smiled as I leaned on a bunch of haystack.
"Yes, by the way, can I ask your help? "
"Sure, stupid girl. What is it? "
I whispered something on him, and then he nodded gravely.
"Of course, I will. " He responded and lied back on my lap again.
"Omreh? "
I nodded in return. I asked Yoichi to help me. So at dawn, before he went on his mission, we agreed to meet Omreh. Yoichi then took a little bit of his spirit, then molded it and transferred it to me, making me look like him.
And since I have the Stealing and Insertion powers, I stole some of Omreh's natural traits, traits and attitude that will be enough for the people around me to recognize that it's him.
Well, actually, it's really me, in Omreh's spirit and body.
I looked at the man in his mid forties. His face is withered and has some wrinkles, despite that, I can see the handsome features that once marred that worn out face.
It's that man, Omreh's father…
The one who will be killed by Rivi Zara …
Rabbienu Hakadosh.
"Omreh, my son! " He said as he opened his arms and gave me a huge, fatherly hug. "Oh my Yahweh! He has come back! My son came back! " He said again as he hugged me tight, tears streaming down on his face.
From ahead, I saw Omreh looking away, either he's envious of me or he feels sad because he was tricking his father.
"What happened? " He asked after he poured his heart out to me. "Rivi said that you got eaten by the wild dogs. I always recited the Mishnah, especially the Nezikin every dusk for your safe journey, for the first time, Yahweh granted my prayers. " He proclaimed joyfully.
Err…I wouldn't count on that, pops...
"Anyway, I better recite the Kiddush, later at dinner. In celebration of you coming back from the dead. " He said happily.
He was about to say something when we heard a jug of water being dropped on the floor.
When we looked up, we saw a red veiled lady with wide greenish brown orbs.
"Rivi, look! Omreh is alive! " Rabbeinu Hakadosh spread the news happily to her.
"I- I know. " Rivi muttered, getting pale.
"What's wrong, Rivi? You look like you've seen a ghost. " I teased, with a hint of meaning.
I smirked inwardly. Let's see how she will fare with this.
As expected, she even got even more pale.
I shifted my head away from her and smiled to Omreh's father.
"Shall we go father? " I asked as I smiled at him. " I wanted you to meet someone… " I urged as I took his arm.
"Really? I thought you're in love with Rivi? "
"I thought so too, but then, I realized all of a sudden that it's not her. " I reverberated, making the Rivi bitch hear what I said.
Rabbeinu Hakadosh raised his eyebrow at me.
I smiled at him as I tugged his arm. "Come on, let me introduce you to her. " I said as I left Rivi who was still shocked to her core.
I asked Yoichi to make a copy of Chantelle, one of the most beautiful girls in Hollywood who happens to be my co-worker as well. She's half Jew and half- French, so it's safe to use her.
With her wavy blonde hair, dazzling blue eyes and killer smile, everyone will go crazy for her. Well, literally, she wouldn't be a face on the poster ads if she's not a drop dead gorgeous babe.
I introduced her to the famed Rabbai. And as usual, admiration was apparent on his face, the same as his followers, I also told him that she and me will be married soon, as a result, a celebration was announced that day.
I smiled as I snaked my arm on Chantelle's waist, since Yoichi gave me the power over her, she's under my control now. So I told her to smile and snuggle on me.
When we both sat on the table, Rivi suddenly came, carrying a jug of wine.
"Here, have some wine. " She said with a smiling face as she tilted it to face our cups.
And then…
I looked in shock at Chantelle, who was then dripping from her waist down.
"I'm sorry, my hand slipped. " Rivi apologized, but I can tell from her tone that she really wasn't sorry at all.
I stared at her for awhile, and her eyes contradicted her soft voice. Her eyes were angry, it was full of rage, and…
And pain…
I blinked. Usually, I don't want to jump into conclusions, but could it possibly be that she's…
If she was jealous, then that means she's in love with Omreh…
If that's the case, then why did she have to kill him?
I looked back at Chantelle again, took my cream coloured robe, and put it on her.
I glared at Rivi in return.
"Can you please be careful next time? The pathway is wide, I'm sure you're not that blind not to see your way. Or did you do this on purpose? " I hinted.
She glared back. "Pardon me, but I think I apologized. " She shot back at me.
"Well then, that's pretty rude of you, Rivi. " I dismissed as I took Chantelle in my arms and carried her. She's not heavy anyway, she's as light as a leaf since she was just created from a small mass of the real Chantelle's soul.
I shifted to my back, but from the corner of my eye…
I swear I saw a very pained look on her face.
Oh kami, is this what misunderstanding love means?
"Hey… "
Omreh turned around at me and I can't help but to flinch, looking at him is like looking at the mirror since I have his face.
"Are you sure Rivi is not in love with you? " I interrogated as I snapped my hand and Chantelle disappeared in a sparkle of yellow dust.
He raised a brow at me. "If she does, then why in the world will she kill me? She even used me to gather information, and I gave everything to her, including my body and my heart. "
I sighed as I sat on one of the couches which was lightened by a small lamp.
"I just noticed though, because earlier, she seemed to be…jealous. "
He looked at me.
"She looked so jealous of Chantelle earlier, I can tell that the incident earlier was no accident. " I said honestly as I looked at him. "Did it ever occur to you that she might as well be in love with you. "
Besides, it's not hard to fall in love with Omreh, he's such as sweetheart.
"Don't assume things. " He shot back at me. "You don't know her, I dealt with her, and she was very good in depicting different emotions. She's a very good actress. "
I sighed. "Didn't it ever occur to you that the main reason why she gave herself to you is because she loves you? Didn't you know that when a woman offers herself to a man, it means that she was deeply in love with him? It's not everyday that you see a woman offering herself with a man, not unless she's a slut or something."
"Are you siding with her? "
"No, but I'm stating the truth. "
"So am I. "
"Didn't you look at her eyes when she decapitated you? "
He looked away. "No. "
I slapped my forehead at this, I thought that I'm the most stupid girl in the globe, turns out there are people who are even more stupid than me.
What the fuck?
Hahaha. Glad to know I still have a brain, I sighed sarcastically.
"You know, even though I think she loves you, there is no way that I will back out in my decision. " I replied in determination. "I won't let others use my heart for their own personal reasons. And not even you could stop me from doing that."
He angled his head back to me, and looked at me in the eye.
"And as I said, do as you wish. " He said stubbornly.
I stood up and shifted my form to him.
"Very well, then tonight, I will kill her. " I vowed as I walked ahead, leaving him behind.
But before I could leave him, I spoke.
"It's not good to be stubborn, especially when it comes to love, you better decide, or you might regret it later... " I advised as I walked away from him.
I was about to enter the house when I heard light footsteps behind me.
"What do you want, Rivi? " I asked as I whirled my head to face her. Even though I wasn't looking, I can tell it's her, she's got the lightest footsteps in the bunch.
" I wonder how you're still alive. " She said sarcastically. But underneath it, I can sense a hint of excitement in her voice.
"Why, planning on killing me again? For what? To put your fellow Jews in the hands of the Romans? " I shot back at her.
She lowered her eyelids. Instead, she let out a sad smile.
"You know what, Omreh, that night, that night that you took me, that was the happiest night of my life, I will never forget that… "
I stopped and stared at her as if she was insane.
"Hard to believe huh? You think that I'm just a heartless whore who betrayed you. " She followed and walked swiftly towards me and cupped my cheeks. "No matter what happens, you'll always be the man that I love. " She said sincerely.
"Don't give me that nonsense! " I hollered in defense as I took her hands away from my face in a harsh manner. "You almost killed me! Don't you ever dare to pretend that nothing happened because it did- "
She ignored all of my rantings and glided towards me and buried her head on my chest.
"I know you still love me, Omreh. " She said seriously as she tilted her head to look at me. "I know you do…just say it- "
"Stop it! " I said cutting her off. "Don't think that you can fool me again. You're just my past, you will never be my present, and certainly not my future! " I acted as defensively as I could. "What happened between us was already history, Rivi, and there's no way in heall that you can bring that back! "
Sheesh! I feel like a man in a heated trouble with two women.
And I must say, it's really hard.
Breathing, I took her head away from me and glared at her.
"I know you more than anyone else, Rivi… " I warned. "So if I were you- "
"If you know me so badly then you know why I'm doing this! " She screamed at me, tears started to form at the rim of her eyes. "Do you really think that I would kill the man that I love so much without any reason? " She added as she slumped on the floor and cried. "From the start, I told you not to get involved with me, but you didn't listen! I tried to control my feelings, hold all of it deep in my heart because you're a very nice man, and I don't deserve you, but you still involved yourself with me! And as a result, we became lovers, and as a lover, I don't want you to suffer eternal damnation because of me! Omreh, I love you too much, it's better for me to see you resting well in heaven than be captured by the Romans, I won't be able to stand it when I see you being whipped and tortured and I can't do anything! So I have to kill you to save you! "
I froze, and slowly looked at Omreh's side who seemed to be so shocked as well while hiding in the bushes.
Rivi cried even more, as she tilted her head to face me, her eyes glittering with tears.
"I love you Omreh… " She said with full devotion and bit her lip. "I may not have the right to say it, but I do, I really do… "
I sighed internally, this made things even more complicated, if only Rivi didn't love Omreh, and instead, acted like a heartless bitch, then this job would be easier.
I looked at Omreh again for any signs of stopping my intentions, but he just looked away and bent his head, shielding his eyes. It seems that even he had closed his ears for her explanations, too bad for him, because wether he likes it or not...
I'm still going to proceed in killing her.
Breathing deeply, I walked towards her.
I looked intently at Omreh for a second, I saw him raise his head and look at me.
"Forgive me… " I mouthed at him.
He nodded and I angled my head back on Rivi.
In lunged at her in a dramatic fashion, then swooped her in my arms, and encaged her there, afterwards, one of my hands took a hold of her head keeping it secure, showing her how a man loves a woman. Thank goodness I'm good at portraying male roles during my theatrical studies.
And I'm good at playing the sweet, romantic and seductive one as well.
"Oh, my lovely Rivi…" I started in a voice so poetic and charming that I felt her eyes widen. "I apologize for my crude behaviour, my darling! I didn't know that your love is as deep as the ocean, and that your heart resembles that of a golden flower. Oh, how I loathed to see those rare bejewelled eyes glisten with tears! Oh, Rivi, what should I do to have your forgiveness? "
I felt her hug me tight in return.
From afar, I saw Omreh's eyes widen, and as I followed his stare, I saw Rivi's free hand reaching towards her pocket, as she opened it, I saw a glistening blade from the inside.
So she's planning to kill him again, huh? Traitorous bitch!
"I'm sorry, Omreh… " Rivi hiccupped. "But I've made up my mind, I don't want you to suffer, please understand that… " She said as I felt her take the dagger out.
As I felt her raise the dagger to stab me on my back, I spoke.
"You better think again, bitch! " I growled in my real voice.
She stopped when she heard the sudden change in Omreh's, actually, my voice.
I quickly used this opportunity to separate her from me, and as we separated, I smirked.
"Don't give me that sacrifice bullshit nonsense, girl, that is so out of style. " I grinned as I stared at her with my hazel orbs, and with a snap of my fingers, I inverted my head upside down, scaring the poor woman even more.
"Who are you? " She demanded in shock. "You're not Omreh! "
"If you know him so well, then you would've noticed the difference. " I shrugged as I snapped my fingers, and in an instant, the illusion of Omreh disappeared, and in his place stood my appearance, the appearance of the real Mikan Yukihara.
"You-you're… " She stuttered.
I smiled evilly and snapped my fingers to reverse my head back to it's original state. "Stop speaking of sacrifices and some protection or any of those shit, you're not a saviour girl, anyone from a fifteen mile radius can tell you that, to be honest, you're dramatic diatribe moved me at first, you acted so well that even I hesitated in killing you, but now, I see, that you're nothing more but a delusional and psychotic bitch. " I dismissed as glared at her. " If you really love him, then you would've died together with him, but no, you prioritized your job instead of him. " I added as I narrowed my eyes at her. "Now give me back my heart, you thief! "
"Never! " She screamed as she scampered away as fast as she could.
I just stared at her for a second, it's futile to run away from me, even she knows that.
But before she could get away any further, I quickly enveloped her in a ring of ghosts that I acquired from Yoichi.
She stopped and looked in horror at the ring of bad spirits howling at her, gaping at her and glarign daggers at her with their huge, elliptical crimson eyes.
Not to mention the clawlike fingers that were ready to slash her any second if she tries to escape.
I don't know why, but for some reason, I felt like I'm doing the right thing for making this exception.
I should be the one to torture her, to kill her…
This isn't my love story…
This is Omreh's and Rivi's love story…
And they should end it together…
Just like what Arianna did in the first century.
"One step and you'll be finished. " I announced as I looked at Omreh then stretched my hand. "Come, your love story isn't finished yet, you have to end it by yourself. " I noted.
He was hesitant at first, but then, Rivi's eyes darted towards him and she gasped.
Impatient, I flew towards him, and then took his hand in mine, he looked at me as if asking why, but I pushed aside all of his doubts and spoke.
"You're love story isn't at the end yet. " I started as I looked at him. "You and Rivi started this farce, this confusion, you messed up this time with your misunderstanding. If that's the case, shouldn't the both of you end it together?" I said as I looked his rare eyes. "Stop running away, face her like a man, show her what a real lover should act, even if she did something bad, it is your responsibility to end things with her, finish everything like how it's supposed to be or you might regret it in the end. Wether you love her or not, it's your decision to make."
He looked at me, and then sighed, afterwards, he then tightened his grip on me and smiled in understanding.
"I owe you this one, Mikan… " He said as he flew with me and went inside the evil spirit circle.
"O-omreh? " Rivi stammered.
"The one and only… "Omreh answered as he flew towards her and crouched to reach her height. "You have to give Mikan's heart, you know it doesn't belong to you… "
"But I have a job! " She insisted. "I need to perform my missio- "
She stopped when Omreh suddenly hugged her.
"Please… " He begged. "Stop torturing yourself, you deserve to rest now, Rivi, your job is done, stop regretting all the things that you didn't achieve, you did your best, and that's enough… "
I saw Rivi's eyes clouded with another batch of tears as the dagger slipped from her fingers.
"If you really love me, if you really love me as Omreh, then you will stop, let's leave this time and palce and go somewhere peaceful. "
She hiccuped. "In land of milk and honey? Is that what you're trying to tell me? To go to that place? Our favourite place? "
Omreh tightened his hug to her as if saying yes.
"You still love me despite all the things that I did to you? " She asked as she tightened her embrace on him.
"I would be lying to myself if I say I didn't, but yes, I'm still in love with you, believe it or not. " Omreh said as he hugged her closer. "You'll always be the woman for me… "
She sniffed even more. "The same goes for me, I've always wanted to walk with you, in the land filled with milk and honey…I love you forever, Omreh… "
Omreh smiled and released her.
"For eternity… " He said as he kissed her.
I looked away, I can't help but to be envious, well, at least, I will get my heart without any violence.
"For the first time, whoopie!" I muttered sarcastically.
After a few seconds, I heard Rivi's voice.
"Ms. Yukihara… "
I looked back at them and saw Rivi smiling.
"Here… " She said as inserted her hand inside her chest and took the glowing piece that she was shielding all the time. "This belongs to you…thank you very much for letting me borrow it. " She said sincerely as she handed it to me. "And thank you for fixing things for Omreh and me, we owe you a lot. "
I halfsmiled as I took it. "I wish you the best. " I said as I put my heart inside my chest and experience its warm glow.
As she did, her form became even more transparent, and her red veil was gone now, her hair was flowing naturally, making her lovelier than before.
"I hope you'll be happy… " She added as she stared at me. "I can sense too much sadness on it. "
I half grinned. "It depends…afterall…life isn't fair. "
"But life is what you make it. " Omreh noted as he took Rivi's hand in his and planted it on his chest. "We better go now, Yahweh is waiting for us… " He said as he watched the sun almost at the horizon.
"Bye, and we hope to meet you again, Mikan! " Omreh said as he waved goodbye, whereas Rivi just smiled at me, and in a huge swept of the winds, they were gone…
I smiled as I looked at the purple and black moss forming in the sky above me…
In a few seconds, the moss started to combine it's airy tentacles, and then in a few seconds, it merged with each other and then formed a huge round ball above me.
It then opened on the centre and it showed Yoichi.
"Oi, baka, let's go, we have another century to visit. " He said.
I grinned at him and inserted my heart inside of me, for some reason, the heart that I got from this time makes me feel carefree. "Coming! " I said as I flew towards the warp hole.
I found myself sprawled on the dark floors, my hair flowing on the smooth dark marbles, and my spaghetti strapped dress sliding down on my shoulders…
My eyes are looking past at nothingness while my hands were just frozen on my sides…
I looked up to see the droplets of water falling over me, I watched it as it slowly fell from the dark skies to the black floors…
Suddenly, my right arm moved and reached towards a droplet of water stationed across my face, my index finger touched it, breaking the tiny clear dome that it formed in an instant, then spreading it on the clear black surface…
How beautiful…
Without any word, I sat up, and looked around.
Only to stare in surprise as I saw a mirror across me…
I wanted to see my reflection closer, so I dragged myself towards it.
And when I looked up, I smirked sadly.
The woman in front of me was…miserable. Her long auburn hair was messed up like a chicken's nest, she doesn't have any make up and her lips were dry, she's got black eye bags, like someone punched her eyes, her straps are sliding, revealing her cleavage, her white dress was filthy and her hands and feet were all covered in dirt. Top it all off, she was drenched like a lost puppy.
Perfect to portray a woman who looked like a psycho that escaped in a mental facility…
Not liking what I'm seeing, I raised my hand, intending on smashing the darn thing off.
But before I could do so, the mirror formed a hazy gray on its surface, with swirling movements faster than the waves, after a minute, the swirling haze disappeared bit by bit, only to reveal the face of the person I love the most…
Natsume Hyuuga…
I don't know if it's real, but somehow, I found myself looking at his crimson eyes.
I've always loved his crimson eyes. It was so rare. Most of the time, I imagined looking at his eyes during twilight, I'm sure that it will look like a pair of glowing rubies…
And that would be very lovely…
I felt my arms reaching up on his image like he was some kind of a saviour, as my palms reach in contact with the mirror, I found my body bumping lightly on the said glass.
I raised my palm, caressing his cheeks under the clear surface, I continued to do so, like he will come to life any minute…
"I love you… " I mouthed as I looked at his face. God, I am so madly in love with him no matter what he did to me, that, I would gladly admit to myself.
I stared at his lips… then I closed my eyes, putting my palm on the glass, I neared my lips on the mirror and gave him a kiss.
Suddenly, I felt warm liquid touch my cheeks, so different from the cold water that was falling on me…
I opened my eyes, and his image is still there.
I bit my lip as I formed my palms into fists and started banging the glass.
"Why… " I whispered as I bent my head and let my fists slid down towards the floor. "Why couldn't I keep you out of my system, Natsume? What did you feed me? What did you do to me that made me so enamoured by your presence? Are you a sorcerer? What did you do to hypnotize me and made me so crazily in love with you? Why the hell can't I move on? Why couldn't I picture myself without you? Why?"
I sobbed further, I know what this mirror means, it means distance, and no matter how much I soar, no matter how much I aim the skies and aim for the stars…
I will never ever have his heart…
And that's the painful truth…
I leaned on the mirror closer.
I didn't know what happened next as I heard the mirror crack.
And then…
I felt my body being thrown backwards on the ground…
Like a wasted person, I looked up, across me is the mirror, shattered and broken…
Just like me…
I was about to reach the broken mirror in an attempt to fix it, when I felt something flowing on my chest.
When I glanced down, I saw a red liquid pumping out of my pale skin, above it is a medium sized crystal, piercing my flesh and controlling the flow of my…blood…
I just stared at it, as if I wasn't in pain, I watched my blood, continuously falling out of my system.
For some reason, I slumped my body back on the ground again, then rolled up harshly into a supine position, and glanced the dark skies…
I felt like a crazy moron as I opened my mouth and started to sing one of Selena Gomez' songs: Love you like a love song out of nowhere…
Constantly, boy you played through my mind like a symphony
There's no way to describe what you do to me
You just do to me, what you do
And it feels like I've been rescued
I've been set free
I am hypnotized by your destiny
You are magical, lyrical, beautiful
You are... And I want you to know baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
And I keep hittin re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
And I keep hittin re-pe-pe- pe pe-pe-peat
I stopped at that line and looked up above, ignoring the cold droplets of water hitting my face.
"Yes, I'll keep on loving you repeatedly…"
I put my palms on my face, then let my left hand move upward, revealing a side of my face.
"No matter how much you hurted me and killed me… "
"Natsume Hyuuga… "
I opened my eyes and clamped my mouth as tears started to form in my eyes…
I closed my eyes again.
Seems that I'm like Omreh…
Because no matter what misunderstandings I have with Natsume…
I still love him…
For eternity…
And I wanted to kill him for it.
Misunderstandings are a part of love…
They are the humps and obstacles in the road…
But they are not there to make your relationship dull and useless…
They are the tests…
The rocks that will polish you to a brilliant shine…
So that your love for each other…
Will stay in full light…
For eternity…
Please review!
Thank you for reading!
Glossary of Words:
Kiddush – (Hebrew: קידוש ), literally, "sanctification," is a blessing recited over wine or grape juice to sanctify the Shabbat and Jewish holidays.
Mishnah - Mishnah or Mishna (Hebrew: משנה, "repetition", from the verb shanah שנה, or "to study and review", also "secondary ) is the first major written redaction of the Jewish oral traditions called the "Oral Torah". It is thus named for being the written authority as a basis for the passing of judgment, a source and a tool for creating laws, and the first of many books to complement the Bible in a certain aspect.
Nezikin ("Damages") – the fourth chapter of Mishnah, this chapter concerns on how to deal with civil and criminal law, the functioning of the courts and oaths .