How to annoy Carlotta

Tell her she is a terrible singer.

After she uses the spray the phantom placed to make her lose her voice, tell her she sounds the same as before

Call her Carl for short.

Do loud imitations of her.

Do an imitation of Simon from American idol and loudly explain that 'your ears are bleeding' whenever she sings.

Tell her you are a magician and guess her age. Guess 74. When she gets angry, offer to make up for it by guessing her weight and guess 488. Laugh as she cries.

Train her doggy to bite her.

After she sings, say "Oh my gosh, you are great!" As she beams, turn to someone else and say; "I never knew cows could sing! This will be a hit!"

Point and say; "You're in the wrong place. The circus is that way."

Say; "Hey, the zoo called. The baboons want their butts back… so you're gonna have to get a new face." (There's nothing like a good, plain insult)

Say; "My son is having a party in a few weeks. Could you come work there? He loves clowns."

After she hits a high note, remark; "I'm certainly glad I'm not made of glass."

After Christine's amazing performance, say; "Wow, you are losing your touch. Tsk, tsk, tsk, upstaged by a chorus girl…"

As she's singing, run onstage dressed as an Animal protection person and yell; "Fess up, who's killing the cat?"

As she sings Think of Me, mutter, loud enough for her to hear; "I'd really rather not."