(...the results arn't worth it)
2- When your Angry at Sebastian, Dont randomly scream at him "I'LL EAT YOUR SOUL!"
(He finds this extremly amusing when a human says things like that and he'll start getting all smart about it)
3- Even Thought your Best Friends name is Hannah Doese not mean that she carries a Demon Sword Inside her.
(Hannah: It was Scary...
Jen: LOL! I cant beleive I actually convinced Claude that you did!
Hannah: *Evil Glare*)
4- When Bored, Pinching from The Phantomhive chocolate Supply is stricly prohibited (*Innocent Whistling*)
5- When Ceil retires For the night, DO NOT WAKE HIM UP!
(When he's sleep deprived, he's grumpy and when he's grumpy, he'll call Sebastian on us.)
6- Dont encourage Bard's cooking Techniques (Hannah- That ones All Jen Jen- EXPLOSIVES ARE ART Hannah- *sigh...*)
7- Grell is not alowed at the Phantomhive manor for a Tea Party (Hannah: I Found it funny Jen: HAHA! Good Times!
Sebatian: *Demonic Glare*
Jen/Hannah: O_O'
8- Stop Nagging Sebastian about how he should find a way to Bring Drocell back to life (Jen: PLEEEEEEAAAAAASE!
Sebastian: No.
Jen :!
Sebastion: No.
Jen: -
Sebastian: *sigh*)
9- Alois Is not Alowed to be in the same room as Jen ( When alone, They are scary, but when together, even Sebastian gets worried)
10- The Song London Bridge is falling down is forbidden In the Manor (soon, Hannah had a legion of Finny, Meyrin, Bard, Jen and the Hermit who lives in the woods all out to annoy Ceil.)
11- The Hermit Who lives in the woods next to The manor is not allowed inside.
(DARNIT! Why not!)
12- Even though Everyone knows Claude is a little Prick, You got to remember he is a demon and can crush us puny humans in a second.
(How were we supposed to know that saying that he was gay for Ceil would tick him off?)
13-Holding Balls without the consult of Ceil or Sebastian Is Prohibited.
(Ceil just walked right back out the door when he came home to find Jen Trying To teach the Triplets how to YES and Hannah having an intelligant conversation with William.)
14- Hannah is not allowd to borrow Grells Sythe (Jen: H-Hannah, Just put the chainsaw down and we can talk!
15- Calling Sebastian Ceils "Bitch" Is uncalled for.
(Ceil surprisingly found it amusing when Jen mentioned it but when Ceil wasnt looking,...Lets just say all hell broke loose, Quite literally.)