Several hours had passed before Conan grew tired of playing video games, he handed the controller off to one of the other children then abandoned his spot on the sofa to return to his spot next to Haibara. With a tired yawn and his hand covering his mouth, he leaned back as his eyes closed.
A stray tear slid down one side of his face only to be wiped away by Haibara herself, she could tell he was tired.
Conan glanced at her in surprise though he let his eyes close once more, too tired to even protest to her action. "Edogawa-kun?" she asked at last, waiting for him to acknowledge her words.
When he looked her way, she spoke. "Can you show me to the bathroom?" she questioned, it threw him off as to why she'd ask that but he nodded. "Sure, we can find it together." He slid from the chair and waited for her to join him at the door way, he ignored the feel of four uncomfortable stares on his back. One was Rachel, while the other three were his so-called friends.

Professor Agasa was the only one who had the decency not to stare at the pair, he quickly pointed out that time was running out on the clock in the game. That distracted the children and their disconcerted cries distracted Rachel so that she focused on the game the children were playing.

Conan and Haibara slipped from the room unnoticed, Haibara taking hold of Conan's hand as she let herself be lead by him. He blushed slightly at the contact but said nothing of it, "I think I saw one upstairs while I was exploring."
Haibara just nodded silently, following him up the stairs as he lead her there. Her intent was not to use the bathroom, but to get Conan away from the others so they could talk without getting strange looks from the other occupants.
She stopped once they were well out of earshot and out of view from the bottom of the stairs, "Conan." She stopped, pulling him to a halt as well. "Do you really not remember who you are?" she asked, watching as he shook his head.

"No, I don't remember who I am." Conan responded, his gaze was steady but she could see that he was unsure of himself. He knew that he lost his memory and that he didn't know who he was, the only things he could remember were the past few days. Everything else was a blur, a mystery that didn't want to be solved.
There was no light to shed on the mystery that plagued his mind, it was as if an inpenetrable shadow had been cast over his memories to devour and/or hide them.

Haibara sighed, turning away from him as she crossed her arms. "I see, then you don't remember me before today." He frowned, annoyed but he couldn't help feel as though he had disappointed her.
She had turned away to hide the shame of him in her eyes and the faint blush that tinted her cheeks, knowing that she, herself, had fallen for the troubled boy after just a few days in his presence. And now, without the hesitation of Rachel's influence stopping him. She had the chance to ask him how he felt for her but she knew it would be for nothing. How could it be when he didn't remember?

"Conan-kun.." she murmured, getting his attention. He looked up at her, away from the floor he had taken to staring at when she turned from him. "What is it, Haibara?"

Before she could speak again, Rachel called out for the pair. "Conan-kun? Ai-chan? Are you alright up there?" Haibara frowned, though showed nothing more than that to prove her discontent of the interruption.
Conan had spoken up, "we're fine. We'll be down in a moment," he called back to her before looking at Haibara.
She met his gaze, feeling her heart flutter before it settled back down. "Come on, we better get back to them." Haibara found herself nodding, discontent that she didn't get the chance to tell Conan how she felt. She let him lead her back down the stairs, keeping a hold on his hand for the time she could get away with it.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, everyone had ceased playing because of how late it was. Agasa was going to take the three children home, leaving Conan and Haibara with Rachel for the time being. Haibara started to leave but Conan stopped her, "wait."
Conan looked up at Rachel, "I'm gonna walk her home. Alright? I'll come back when she's safely at home," he didn't know it wouldn't take very long considering she lived just next door.
Conan turned to Haibara, taking her hand. "Come on, let's go." He smiled, she was surprised but she agreed. "Alright, Edogawa-kun." Haibara smiled slightly and walked with him, the pair disappeared beyond the front door after a few seconds.

Rachel went to shut off the lights of the house, making sure everything else was clean and locked up before she made her way to the front door as well.
Agasa had taken the game system with him, since it belonged to him and all.

Conan, as he had promised, walked Haibara the short distance to the house next door. Even though he didn't remember much, Haibara had reminded him where she lived. The light was on inside so they assumed the professor was back already, the smells of cooking food wafted through the door and to the outside where the two stood. "I...guess, I'll see you around." Conan muttered nervously, avoiding eye-contact with her.
Haibara nodded, "I'll be sure to drop by and steal you for awhile tomorrow at some point." He frowned at her choice of words but didn't protest, "I'll let Rachel know you're going to drop by for a moment then."
Shyly but quickly, Haibara kissed Conan's cheek before disappearing into the house behind her.
Conan blushed profusely, unsure of what just happened there. He stood dumbfounded for several moments before he made his way back to Rachel, a faint blush still evident on his face. He could tell from the burn on his face that it hadn't gone away, he hoped Rachel would think he stood outside in the chilly air too long and his face had started to turn red from the cold.

Rachel had fussed over Conan when she saw him, his face red but not from the chill though she checked to see if he had a fever. Once satisfied that he was alright, though his face was slightly cold to her touch. She lead Conan back to the Detective Agency where a drunken Richard Moore sat, passed out at his desk.
Rachel had peeked in to check in on her father, sighing when she saw him passed out from drinking too much. She shut the lights off and left her father to sleep, locking the door behind her. "Come on, it's time to get you to bed Conan-kun."
She helped the small boy change and get ready for bed, leaving him once she was sure he'd go to sleep. She went to bed shortly after him, asleep within seconds of laying down.

That night, Conan dreamed of Haibara and some about his past though the parts of his past were extremely fuzzy and vague. They made little or no sense to him, dreams of his past soon faded to leave only dreams of Haibara and earlier that evening when they were alone together.