Okay, since I got such great reviews, I shall continue the story. So here we go!

Chapter 3

In the piano, a young man slowly became conscious of the world around him. His nose could smell the faint scent of blood. His eyes opened to see the floor splattered with his red liquid. He slowly rose up and touched the dried blood that had come from his nose down his face. He had to think about what had just happened. His head was pounding in rhythm with his heart.

Suddenly a high pitched scream echoed through the hall ways of the large mansion. It all flooded back to him. The scene flashed before his indigo eyes. He remembered his rather hostile counterpart had appeared and rendered him unconscious when Austria told him to keep away from Hungary. Then that scream must be from... He trailed off in his head, thinking about what she was screaming about. It then hit him over the head what was going on.

Austria ran out of the room toward her screams of 'no' and 'stop'. It lead him to Hungary's room. He grabbed the first thing that he could find as a weapon, which happened to be an umbrella.

Inside the room, Hungary was desperately trying to escape his grasp, as he undid his pants. Her dress was ripped all to hell, her bra was nowhere to be seen, and her panties had been torn off. "No one is going to save you. You're all mine." He chuckled darkly.

"Get away from me! Why are you doing this, Mr. Austria?" She asked. Tears had finally brimmed to her forest green eyes.

"I have waited for so long to have you all to myself. It took so long for that little wimp to finally let me free." He grabbed her and pulled the struggling Hungarian toward him and his ever hardening manhood.

"What do you mean! I don't understand!" She whined squirming in his grip as he molested her chest again.

The counterpart leaned closely to her ear. "I'm not Mr. Austria. I'm, what you might call, his counterpart. The real one does love you. Cares for you a lot, but me, I want more than that. I'm taking you for myself."

Hungary's eyes widened. While she was relieved that this wasn't her beloved Austria, she now had an even bigger problem. She was going to get her virginity stolen by this monster whom masqueraded as her love.

Suddenly a smirk came over her face. Austria 2 noticed this and was a little puzzled by her sudden change in facial expression, though he refused to stop his groping of her chest.

Dun dun dahhhhhhhh! Why is Hungary smiling? How much damage can Austria do with a freaking umbrella? What will happen next? Where the hell is all my vodka disappearing to?

Find out all these questions and more in the next chapter!

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