Love Doesn't Ask Why

Chapter 33 - Back to New York

With New Year over, both Severus and Hermione's mind turned to Hermione's return to New York. Hermione's return would mean they would be apart for weeks on end until Hermione completed her degree in April.

Hermione stood in the bedroom at Spinners End packing her suitcase ready for her return to New York.

'Are you leaving some things here?' Severus asked as he leant against the doorway of the bedroom.

Hermione turned and smile at him. 'Just a few things.' She replied.

'You can leave as much as you want Hermione. This is your home too as well.' Severus replied walking towards her. 'What time is your portkey?'

'In 30 minutes.' She signed.

'Are you okay?' He asked wrapping his arms around her.

'No.' she said with tears in her eyes. 'I don't know if I can do this.'

'You can.' He replies as he wiped a tear that had fallen. 'I will be out for your scan in 2 weeks and then you will be back here for 2 weeks in February for your reading week.' He replied. 'Your last exam is the 10th April and you'll be back here full time the 11th.'

'It feels so far away.' She replied.

'It will go quickly.' He said. 'Promise'

Hermione leaned up and kiss Severus wrapping her arms around his neck.

'It will kill me to be away for you…and this one.' Severus said putting his hand on her stomach. 'It will kill me not to see you everyday growing our baby.'

'We'll floo call every evening.' She said as she looked up at him realising for the first time that this was hurting him a much as her.

Severus nodded and kissed her head.

Hermione landed back in New York to find her Kyle waiting for her. As soon as she saw him floods of tears came over her.

'Hermione!' Kyle said pulling Hermione into a bear hug. 'Come on, let's get you home.'

'Home is Spinners End.' She wailed.

'I know.' He replied picking up her suitcase.

Hermione was welcomed back into the flat by her friends who had got her favorite takeaway in. Hermione sat with them for hours catching them up on her news before retiring to her room and unpacking.

Hermione finished her unpacking and layback on her bed. Her bed use to feel comfortable however now it felt lumpy and cold.

She moved her hands down to her still flat stomach and closed her eyes thinking of Severus. She wondered what he would be doing now. She knew he was going back to Hogwarts tonight and he promised to write as soon as he arrived.

Hermione turned over onto her front and reached for her diary on the bedside table. She opened the page and began to write.

Are you at Hogwarts?

Hermione stared at the diary but no reply came.

She got up off the bed and went into her bathroom. She took off her clothes and stared at herself in the mirror. Hermione turned to the side and looked at her stomach. Hermione placed a hand delicately on her stomach softly rubbed her thumb over her still flat stomach.

She turned on the shower and got in letting the waterfall over her. Alone in the shower Hermione let her tears fall as the loneness washed over her.

After showering Hermione wrapped a towel around her and went back to her bed hoping that Severus had replied to her. When she noticed no new message she walked to the floo and activated a floo call.

'Professor Snape's Quarters.' She yelled activating the call.

When he didn't answer she tried his office at Hogwarts and then his office at Spinners End.

When he didn't answer any of those she went back to the bed and wrote in the diary.

Severus. Where are you?

Hermione dressed in Severus' shirt for bed and sat up against the headboard waiting for Severs' reply.

Three hours later as Hermione was drifting off to sleep Hermione saw the diary lights up.

I'm sorry Hermione, I returned to school and it seems my office has been broken into. Albus didn't want to tell me over Christmas. I've spent the evening checking what is missing.

I hope you are okay. I will call you tomorrow evening, as I'm sure you're sleeping.

Hermione jumped out of bed and rushed to the floo practically screaming his name as she activated the floo

'Hermione.' Severs said as he answered the floo.

'Severus. Are you okay?' She said sitting down on the rug before the floo.

'I'm fine.' He said although she could see from his facial express that he wasn't.

'You're not.' She replied. 'Does Professor Dumbledore know who did it?'

'Not yet.' He replied. 'How are you?'

'I'm okay.' Hermione replied.

'You should be asleep.' He replied. 'You need your rest.'

'I couldn't sleep without speaking to you.' She replied.

'Get into bed.' He said looking towards her bed.

Hermione stood up and walked to her bed. She lifted the duvet and climbed in.

'Will you stay till I fall asleep.' She asked as she yawned.

'If I must.' He replied but Hermione could tell he was joking.

'Write to me in the morning so I know you're okay.' Hermione asked.

'I'll be fine Hermione. You don't need to worry about me.' He replied as he watched her close her eyes.

'I do worry about you.' Hermione replied. 'I love you.'

'And I love you.' He said as he watched her drift off.