Disclaimer: See chapter 1.

A/N: Sorry about the wait. I recently finished writing my book, and I've been in a sort of daze, and writing has been totally impossible. In answer to Shadowcat's question, yes, the Drizzt I mentioned is THE Drizzt, the one and only Drizzt Do'Urden of N'ashez Baernon, Ninth House of Menzoberranzen (if I spelled any of that wrong, it's cuz I did it from memory and I'm too lazy to look the proper spelling up). I'm writing a story about him, too, and another Valdemar one, and a couple Lord of the Rings ones. I hope this explains my delays...no, I'm fishing for excuses. Anyway, enjoy. And I hope no one minds the incredibly hard to write (for me) semi-romantic parts.

"What are we going to do about this boy, Your Majesties?"

King Arden and Queen Leesa exchanged looks. Arden shook his head, and Leesa turned back to the servant reporting the news of the newly Chosen Elryl and the story of how his Gift had escaped his control. It was clear what he thought—his expression, part fear, part disdain, and part disgust gave him away. "He stays, and we teach him to control his Gift. What else is there to be done?"

"But, Your Majesty—" he started to protest, but Leesa cut him off.

"Have you any doubt of the Companions' Choice?"

"No, my lady." The man seemed surprised by the question.

"I doubt you could separate Elryl and Shyr with an army. Shyr's Choice was true, and he stands by it now. All the Companions are on Elryl's side. Just look at the Field! He's out there now, he and Herald Ryara, surrounded by Companions, all ready to defend them. What more proof do you need?"

Cowed by his queen's lecture, the servant bowed and left the throne room. Leesa sat back in her throne and removed her crown, rubbing at her forehead. "This is all we need: an out-of-control Gift."

"The Companions are adamant—"

"No need to tell me that. Rishi's been giving me a devil of a headache, going on and on and on about how we have to protect the Heralds, and how it's not Elryl's fault, and—"

"Enough, enough!" Arden held up his hands. "Allar's giving me the same. Seems like they're all teaming up on us. I wonder why."

Leesa shrugged. "Who knows with Companions? Could mean anything. Elryl could be the next Vanyel, or he could be just another Herald. If that's the case, he's got friends in high places. All the Companions...and that Herald Ryara." She shook her head. "Unpredictable horses."

:I heard that!: Rishi snapped.

:You were supposed to.: "We should get Elryl a teacher."

"Our best," Arden agreed. "That's be Herald—Cynthia, wouldn't you say?"

"I'll send a page to her now." Leesa reached for the red velvet bell pull.

Elryl sat in the center of Companion's Field next to Ryara, leaning against Arilee's side. They were surrounded by Companions, some grazing, some standing watch, some lying casually beside them. He was amazed at the sudden turn of events. Since his Gift had gotten away from him, attacking Herald Thoril, the Companions had apparently been complaining to their Heralds, demanding that he be given a place among them and so forth. Arilee hadn't needed to speak to Ryara—she defended him as fiercely as Shyr. Elryl was grateful for her friendship, more grateful than he could ever say.

He looked down at her. She and Arilee were both dozing. She waved a bee away from her face without waking up fully, smiling slightly and turning on her side towards him.

Elryl smiled too. If his life were all like this, he wouldn't be so afraid.

He couldn't control his Gift. It had gotten away from him and hurt someone who was helpless to stop it, just as he'd been helpless to stop most of the attacks upon him over the years. He couldn't loose control like that ever again. But what could he do to stop it? He could only think of one person who he could ask that question of. :Shyr?:

:Yes, Chosen?:

:How—how do I control my Gift?:

Shyr hesitated, and Elryl feared he would say that there was no way. :We will train it, but your Gift is stronger than any before. Things could get—interesting.:

:Is that a good interesting or a bad interesting?:

:Probably both. Don't worry. Ryara and I won't let anything else like that happen. I've got a firmer shield on you now, and soon you'll be able to build your own, and it'll be even stronger.:

Elryl cocked his head to one side. :What's shielding?:

Shyr tossed his head and gave the Companions equivalent of a laugh. He flopped onto the ground beside Elryl and looked him in the eye. :Rishi and Allar say that the king and queen have assigned you a teacher, Herald Cynthia. She'll explain everything, and better than I can.:

:What's this, a Companion admitting that a human can do something better than him?: Elryl feigned shock.

:Oh, shut up!: Shyr shook his mane. :Humans.:

Elryl bit his lip to keep from chuckling—he didn't want to wake Ryara. :Why can't Ryara teach me?: he asked more seriously.

:Because Cynthia is better.:

:She's not—:

:Let me rephrase that. Her Gift of Mindspeech is stronger, she's been teaching for years, and she's more experienced than Ryara. Stop fretting! You do that too much!: Shyr admonished when Elryl's face fell. :I'm sure you'll see Ryara more than you want.:

:Not possible.:

Shyr bobbed his head, a mischievous look in his blue eyes. :Oh?:

:I mean—:

:I know what you mean. Wake her up, get down on one knee, and spout poetry! Go on, she'll love it! She'll fall into your arms and you'll live happily ever after!:

Elryl blushed furiously. :And I suppose you and Arilee...:


:If I spout poetry at Ryara, you have to do the same to Arilee.:

:Oh, no you don't! Companions aren't poetic. We inspire songs; we don't sing them.:

:Nice excuse.:

:It is, isn't it? I mean—:

Elryl put his hands behind his head and leaned further back, grinning smugly. :Ha.:

He rested one arm on Arilee's side. Ryara blinked. :Did I fall asleep? Sorry.:

:Yes, you did. You've been working too hard.:

Without thinking about what he was doing, he moved his arm forward, around her shoulders. But instead of pulling away, as he half-feared she would do, Ryara scooted closer to him and slid her arm around his waist, sighing happily. Ignoring Shyr's triumphant mental giggling, Elryl rested his cheek on Ryara's head.

:Kiss her already!: Shyr crowed.

:Shut up.:

:Oh, come on, if—:

:Shut up.:


:Shyr, shut up.:

Shyr finally subsided, still chuckling childishly. Elryl ignored him and closed his eyes.