This chapter was inspired by a song by Nickelback. So I decided to name the song after the chapter. It was interesting writing this because I was unsure whether or not to let this be the last chapter. But you guys should have your say whether or not I should do another final chapter. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will be waiting on those who want me to continue it with one last chapter or not. Just let me know :)

Now onwards...

Oh and {I do not own any Sonic Characters}

Chapter Eight

'Savin Me'

Shadow was on the urge of an breakdown, as he chased after the blue streaked person. He questioned why the mysterious person was travelling at such a speed but once he caught up, he realised.

Crone was stood in his normal form with the Rosin Ring on his hand. He laughed at the black hedgehog below him and then striked. He jumped down and smashed Shadow to the ground before furiously kicking him in every direction.

Shadow growled in pain, moving from side to side to get away from the sharp slams that he was encountering with. But Crone was everywhere he moved. He picked up his head and slammed it back into the ground before picking him back up and punching him in the chest. Shadow went flying into the side of Eggman's metal lair, with blood stains on his white chest fur. He went to charge back at the evil Crone, but he missed, causing Crone to take another shot back at him.

Shadow flopped to the ground, and yelped with extreme pain. He struggled to move but eventually got back up to his feet, in a stance position. He was ready to fight once again.

"Give up hedgehog" Crone shouted, as he crunched his fists to his right cheek. Shadow stepped away to retain his balance, and spat out the blood from his mouth before continuing the fight when Sonic dived in the way to protect him. Crone smashed Shadow away from him and gripped Sonic by the neck.

"Stop it, please no!"

Sonic was unsure what to do, as he held onto Crone's hands to support his neck but the evil creature only squeezed tightly allowing his head to feel light.

"You're both pathetic" Crone spat in Sonic's face and then eyed the black hedgehog who was struggling to move. "Just look at yourselves. Too weak…"

Sonic's eyes were now blaring at the sparkling ring in front of him, which was on Crone's hand. It was shining so many different colours, that it started to show an effect of a rainbow. Crone tightened his grip even more. Making Sonic loose himself. His body flopped in Crone's hold making the evil one throw him aside, like garbage.

"A waste of time. No competition" he said with a grin on his face. Suddenly the sky began to turn red, making Crone stare up with a confused look. It wiped his grin and this made him shake his head with disbelief.
"Impossible! Impossible!" he shouted at the sky, stamping his feet to the ground. Sonic's eyes opened, as Shadow silently stood up. Crone was now screaming and taunting at the sky, pointing his ringed finger. "I have this! What do you have!" he snapped. He didn't seem to notice Shadow standing behind him, holding onto his side. And with one heavy punch, Crone was decked to the floor. The two hedgehogs looked up at the sky and tilted their heads.

"Whats…going on?" Sonic wondered as he stroked the side of his neck. Shadow shook his head, seeing something yellow in the distance.

"That's that yellow fur ball" he said, pointing up at the flying fox coming towards them. His face was full of shock as he landed, grabbing hold of Sonic furiously.

"Amy! Amy! See…come! Now! Amy!" he panicked, pulling Sonic's arm. The hedgehog's both stared at each other then looked down at Crone, who was ready for the next fight.

"You! You hit me!" he shouted at Shadow. The black hedgehog performed his famous "humph" at him then turned away, but Crone wanted to beat him down. He got up and charged back at Shadow who was now looking back at him. They both held out their hands and gripped each others before spinning around and grunting from the strength. Shadow slipped off the Rosin Ring and threw it across to Sonic, who caught it in his hand.

"Go!" Shadow shouted to him, as he let go of Crone's grip. They both slipped to the side of the Lair and watched as Sonic held the ring in his hand.

"But what about you?" Sonic asked. Shadow winked at him as he grabbed Crone by the scruff.

"I'll take care of this guy" he said sharply. Sonic smirked as he grabbed onto Tails and flew across the flaming trees that were burning and waving with sadness.

And before he knew it, he was there. Staring at the beach which was now a fiery pit of doom. Everywhere was burnt and black, with fire dotted in areas with trees and bushes melting.

"Where is everyone?" Sonic asked quickly as he scanned the area. He could see that in the distance Amy was stood, floating in mid-air with her flames in her eyes. He went to run up to her but was stopped by Tails who pointed over at a couple who were swimming near to them.

"Sonic!" it was the red echidna with his girlfriend, the white bat. They swam over and ducked low in the water, hoping not to be caught by the furious Amy.

"You need to throw water over her, to put her out" Rouge gurgled as she spat sea water out from her mouth. Tails looked at Sonic, who was now becoming very dull in the face.

"But…it's water" he muttered. Knuckles sighed watching the slow expression on the hedgehog's face.

"Sonic, water will set her out" he commented. But Sonic had a different approach. He smiled, lifting up the ring he had in his quills. The Rosin Ring.

"This can absorb any energy it touches" he said slowly. Rouge and Knuckles both stared at the sparkling rock. "If I can get close enough, I can absorb her powers to the ring"

"But that might kill you and her in the process, Sonic!" Tails exclaimed. Sonic bit his lip, looking over at Amy's helpless uncontrollable body which was now burning with flames.

"Then at least I'll be with her" he said softly. Rouge and Knuckles sniffled as they hugged their hero tightly.

"Save me Sonic"

"We want you to do what's best. But if there is anything we can do?" Rouge asked. Sonic looked at the ring.

"I might need a distraction"

The beach was now fully set on fire and the remaining trio ducked low in the water, ready to take on the fire that Amy would shoot out at them, as Sonic went the other way in attempt to free Amy from the possessed body.

Tails, Knuckles and Rouge all swam close to the rocks nearest Amy's body and began to flick the out water at her. And as they hoped, it grabbed her attention.

Amy began to shoot out flames from her palms and eyes, heating up the water as she did so. Tails flew into the air and tornado kicked water at her, but this did nothing. Rouge's idea of wetting her didn't work, making them hope for the best for Sonic. They continued to soak Amy's body but with her body being so hot, the water just evaporated.

"We need her full attention" Knuckles told the others. He then began to charge up the rocks from the water. While Rouge and Tails flew up from each direction. Amy couldn't keep an eye on everyone and screamed at a high pitch, before shooting out thousands of fire balls in all directions. Blazing hot sun light shots from her skin as she squealed louder. Unknown that behind her, stood Sonic with a tear down his cheek. He held up the ring and faced it at Amy's body causing her to fall to the rocky ground. Her body began to sparkle brightly as so did her hands and feet. Till finally her whole body was as light as the flaming hot sun. And as Tails predicted, the ring began to flash in Sonic's hand, striking different colours. He looked at Amy's body and jumped down to hold her, seeing Amy's sweet innocent smile on her face.

"You did it Sonic. You're always my hero" she whispered, holding her shining hand up to his face. She stroked it softly and then linked it with his own gloved hand, making him grip it tightly.

Sonic could see that Amy's body was beginning to fade away, so he quickly risked leaning in on her lips, and kissing her for the first time.

It felt like a rush of emotion, an energy pattern streaming through his body. He could see that as he closed his eyes to drift into a love dream of the one he truly loved, the touch of her lips was drifting away. And as he opened them, he saw her fading. His heart pounded as a burst of tears dropped from his eyes till he was finally holding nothing. The thin air in his hands that was his precious rose.

"I love you, Sonic the hedgehog"

That's when he knew, that the voices in his head was Amy Rose. His last ever rose.