Kagome was walking home from a midnight corner-store run when she felt it.
For a split second, there was a flash of Youki, and then the sharp burning pain of being hit in the gut. She hadn't realized she'd been stabbed until she felt the blood on her hand and looked down to see the knife in her belly.
Crying out, she dropped her bags and spun to face her attacker, one hand coming up protectively over the wound and the other curled around the vial of jewel shards around her neck.
She looked around franticly, but the longer she searched, the more hazy she felt.
Unable to spot him in the dark, she released a thick wave of reiki as a last ditch effort to stop any further attacks and to alert someone who might help to her location.
As she hit her knees, she faintly heard a yell, and bright a flash of light from her purification.
Dimly, as her body leaned dangerously forward of its own accord, she realized that the knife must have had poison on the tip, and that anyone who could have sensed her burst of reiki was back in the Feudal Era.
She could have been kneeling there unable to move for moments or hours for all she knew before she sensed the approach of Youki, stronger than the last. Much stronger. Focusing on the feel of it closing in on her is what kept her from losing consciousness.
When she heard feet lightly touching down on the concrete, as if landing from flight, she tried to raise her head to the source, but found she had not the strength.
The demon kneeled down before her, lifting her head up to see her face. Her vision was swimming too much to focus on anything but his golden eyes.
The figure sucked in a breath with a very masculine hiss, before his arms came around her. Her groceries lay forgotten on the sideway as he lifted her into his arms with ease.
She barely felt it when they took off into the sky, and she only faintly heard his words. "Foolish miko; running into trouble no matter what time you are in."
Note: Yes I know I'm doing another of my posting frenzies where I post 8 or 9 chapters , and I promise I'm not disappearing for another 6 months this time. I'm relocating from another website, so I'm steadily trying to get everything moved over here.