Disclaimer: I do not own any twilight characters or reference, but I do however own Kaylee.

Hanging out with the pack was actually quite fun. Jenna was already acting like we were the best friends ever and I loved that, I never really had a best friend before...

Embry and Quil were awesome they continually tried to embarrass Jake, but failed after i said, "Everything your saying just gives me another reason to love him." I stuck my tongue out at them and they laughed.

Billy, Jakes dad had not stopped smiling at me, which I had to admit made me feel very happy, to know that Jakes dad liked me and approved.

And Jake. He was perfect... He never left my side, He just sat next to me, holding my hand and making sure i was ok, which every time i would reply, in a whisper, "Of course I'm ok, I'm with you." He would smile in response and stare in to my silver eyes, which he would say were 'shining like heaven.' I would blush and Jared would laugh and call Jake a 'soft cub', which caused Makayla to softly whack his head and Jared would get all mushy with her and everyone would laugh.

The only down side to this happy meeting... Paul and Leah hadn't stopped glaring at me... well Leah was glaring, Paul was more watching my every tiny move to protect Layla if i should 'attack', I thought that was extremely sweet, Jake however considered it unnecessary and annoying. And growled at him to stop, with a little advice from the imprints, I managed to calm him down and he leant back on the sofa, I could still feel his smiling gaze on me.

So, overall it was a great success!

"So, what affect does an imprint have on a person?" I asked openly, "Because all i know is what imprinting means..."

Jenna was the first to respond, "Basically, The imprint makes us immortal, it's kind of like you already are, because we can still get hurt, but never die." Embry held her closer when she mentioned getting hurt. Jenna joked, "But you're lucky, you get cool powers too" I laughed and told her about my mind map after she asked what i could do, I even told her about the effect my laugh has on humans, "... I have one more power too... but i don't like to use it very often..."

That sparked some interest, the pack had faced me and i ducked my head down slightly, my old instincts kicking in, "what is it?" Jake asked softly from beside me as he gently squeezed my hand in comfort. "Well... I can umm..." I took a deep shaky breath. "My eyes go red when i use my mind map... but for this power they go dead coal black..." I stared at the carpet as i explained further, "This power is one i am not proud of... It is considered in some places a great evil... So if you don't want me around its ok..." Jacob said lightly "I will always want you around" I didn't move, too scared of there soon reaction. "When i enter my 'Angel of darkness mode' as it's referred too..." I winced at the sad memory "I can invade peoples soul... there inner, raw emotion and deep personal workings... I can change a person's soul from happy and proud to ravenous and murderous in a second. I can rip apart a soul and leave a person literally dead inside." I paused and held back tears pricked my eyes.

"Some people say that it's a gift... others say it's a curse... I've never been sure."


No one said a word.

I slowly looked up and was surprised to see caring and saddened faces. Even a few tears from the girls...

Jenna was about to say something when my phone rang...

I slowly picked it up and read the name on the screen, then said aloud, "It's my family..."

They watched with interested faces and i bit my lip and answered, "Hello?"

I was replied to by all the voices of my family... speaker phone...

"Kaylee! Oh honey, are you ok where are you?" ~ Mom...

"Were at home Kaylee, where are you? Are you hurt?" ~ Daddy.

"Sis, tell us where you are." ~ Rose

"I can't see your future! Why did you run off like that!" ~ Alice and Jazz

"B.c. come home, before everyone has a brain hemrage" Emmett... trying to lighten the mood


I felt small tears escape down my cheeks, i glance up to the pack, and the majority seemed to be shaking in anger at Edwards comment, Jake worst of all. I looked to Jenna for help; she took the phone from me and said out of the blue to my family.

"OK! Let's get one thing straight. Do NOT yell at my best friend! You mister depressive ran off and made your family follow, which Kaylee did for YOU! Then how do you repay her? You all lie to her when a load of you run off to Italy! And lie to her because of Bella! And besides she doesn't need you because she has us, so don't think of hurting her again because otherwise you will have the entire pack after your heads! And best of all she has Jacob now. And unlike you guys. We. Will. Never. Hurt. Her. Like. You."

She closed the phone and i stared in absolute shocked.

I had never felt so cared for and protected in those few seconds it took her to get that all out. But at the same time Jenna had just burst out that i was here. In LaPush. With the pack. And she had revealed in the most spontaneous way I was now with Jake...

But i hugged her; she had stuck up for me... something no one had done in a long time, "thank you."

She smiled and said laughing "that was fun." The pack laughed and then looked at me and Sam said, "The imprint announcement there could cause a major problem..." Jenna gasped "Oh My God! I'm so sorry! I didn't even realise! I just gave it away!" She looked at me and she looked close to crying, I smiled softly and hugged her as embry kissed her head, "It's ok Jenna, you didn't mean too..." "So we're still friends?" she asked nervously, "of course" I laughed slightly and hugged her once more before turning back to the pack...

"I don't know what they'll do, but i can guarantee they are not happy..."

My phone beeped as if on queue, I read the text aloud, "Meet us at the field borderline and bring your... friends.' ... it's from Edward's phone.

"We have to go." Sam said, i nodded but felt my eyes turn red and looked in the mind map...

... I felt all eyes on me as my eyes changed back to their usual silver colour, I grabbed jakes hand tighter and he pulled me closer to his side as i held back a sob.

"What is it? What did u see?" he asked gently as they all listened,

"They're bringing Bella."

/ please review! X next chapter will have their reactions and may included Kaylee's dark mysterious secret x oh! And Merry Christmas and Happy new year!