Here it is, the final chapter. It hasn't been so much of a long journey, but still, thanks for bearing my late updates and possible grammar slip-ups. I love you all. XD

Barely a chapter...but I needed to be written XD

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Chapter 9: The Final Run

"Due to a few undesired circumstances…" Headmistress Sinistra began, her eyes lingering on the patch of red haired students sitting on the Gryffindor table. "and the overwhelming amount of complaints that I received from parents…" She continued, this time her glare settling on the students on the Slytherin table who all looked sheepish.

"This year's rendition of Romeo and Juliet has been cancelled." She announced, as she watched the students whisper among one another for a moment before the hall erupted into cheers as students clapped, while some despaired, stating that they had just finished memorizing their lines – however few they may be.

She waited till the student body settled down for a moment before speaking once more. "Now, I would like to take this moment to congratulate everyone who had offered to help in the production of the play." She said as she readjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose "To all those who acted, those who helped in the props and Professor Patil who was the cause for this fiasco…" She added with a small smile, causing a few students to chuckle.

"But of course, I would also like to congratulate our Head boy and Girl for playing the leads, on top of their responsibilities as heads…and of course students."Then she peered around the room, trying to find the pair "Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley?" She called out, but on no one replied, sending a few students into curious panic as they all looked around the great hall for the missing heads.

Meanwhile, on a quiet spot near the black lake, hidden by a cover of trees and branches, Rose and Scorpius lay on a blanket in each other's arms, the remnants of a delicious picnic cast prepared by the house elves, cast aside as the girl lay asleep on the boy's chest while the blonde played with her hair calmly.

Both blissfully unaware of the panic that they had accidentally caused inside the castle which seemed miles away from where they were.

There you guys go. :) The "Tragedy" of Rose and Scorpius XD I hope you enjoyed.