Author: BebePanda401
Story Title:
Glass Heartbeat.
Rated: 'T' just for safety.
A/N: Hey guys, yet another 'Munto' story. Sorry I haven't written one for a few days, but I do need a small break sometimes, you know! Plus I've been having the laziest two days of my life. How I love the invention of the bed- the person who invented it is now my god. Along with the guy who invented toilets (clean ones), ice-cream and foot-massagers. Anyways, how about we actually start the story now instead of my incompetent talking. Shall we?

~Glass Heartbeat~

In those waking moments she had shut out her heart, I felt something- fear.

I was terrified I would loose her to the akuto, loose her heart to something beyond darkness and despair. Like I had lost my parents to it long ago, I felt like I was about to loose another important person. Someone that had managed to see right into my heart, and begin to open it up. Not many people could calm my inner-raging fire, but somehow she doused the flames.

And that's when I began to realize.

I be the one to protect her heart. I wanted to be the one that caught all her tears, and made a smile go onto her happy face. I wished so many things, I wanted so many things in my life...

But I needed to be the one to protect her.

Why? I don't know myself. I thought her to be a rude, immature young girl of the other world when I first met her. But as time grew, I began to admire her determination and courage to go on. When she came to my world, I began to notice her beauty for the first time. She wasn't a magnificently beautiful girl, but she had a unique aura around her that matched up to any model.

But it was when she shut out her heart, I could only hear glass heartbeats in my own.

When she began to give up, my heart had then grew a blue and icy cold. The pure and crystal-clear waters in which had previously doused my internal flames had began to freeze up, and chill my body all over again. I don't know why...

I then heard her own glass heartbeat.

It was impure and corrupted. Something that did not suit her at all.

And then, the flame in my heart ignited again. My desire to save her, my wish to warm her heart outweighed my fear of loosing her. To protect her heart, I had to reach her! I had to reach her heart- her spirit!

And eventually, I did.

"Don't worry, I won't shut out my heart anymore."

She had better keep that promise.

A/N: Guess what my favorite scene of the whole anime was~