a/n: so this is going to be the last chapter. I just want to thank everyone who has reviewed this story and has added it to their story alert and favorites. Please read my new story When Beck Met Tori. Anyway on with the story :)

Classes started quicker then I would have liked. This semester I had no one I knew well in any of my classes. So the first few weeks were difficult but I managed.

Valentines day was coming up quick. This was our first valentines as a couple. We decided that we weren't going to overboard with gifts; just being together was the most important thing.

"are you sure you don't want anything?" Beck asked me.

"yes, I just want a quiet evening with the best boyfriend." I kissed him. we were hanging out at his place watching bridesmaid; robbie had gotten a small role in it we watched it as often as we could. Robbie was surprisingly good; since he sucked in high school.

"ok but I am warning you I am still going to buy you a present" he winked.

And he did buy me a present; he bought me a necklace, with a small diamond on the end. It was beautiful, simple and elegant just like me, as Beck said.

We went to dinner and spent the rest of the evening at my place.

Now I may have Irish in racing through my veins but I never got into St. Patricks day. But people in Bostin thought it was a federal holiday.

They had a huge parade and a big pancake breakfast where all the politicians get together. The parade sounds fun; but I can live with missing the breakfast, having to listen to mumbles Menino for longer then 3 seconds, is torture just thinking about it.

I had no idea what Jessica was talking about when she warned us before he spoke at school one day, and then he opened his mouth I wanted to chop off my ears. No the pancake breakfast was out.

Sarah was dying to go to the parade; so even if I didn't want to I was going to get dragged along. The parade was fun; Everyone was decked out in green.

Now back when I first arrived to Boston in August Beck took me to see the seals at the aquarium, but he never took me in. Finally 8 months later he took me. it was very crowded and not with just little kids and families; people were on dates. The giant fish tank was very cool. They have a giant turtle her name is Myrtle she has been there since the 70's! they say there is an octopus in the tank but I couldn't see it I was so bummed since I love octopus-but not squid after that fiasco in high school at Nozu's ; I smelled like squid for 3 days.

They even had Dory fish-you know from finding nemo-no one will ever know the real name. I had to buy gifts for my parents –and myself- in the gift shop. I bought my parents a coffee mug and I shirt that said New England aquarium on it. I found the cutest "dorm" pants so I got those for myself. Beck did the same for his parents just a different mug and shirt.

April in Boston was a huge month apparently. Everyone on our floor was getting ready for opening day at Fenway. This year was the stadiums 100 year anniversary and sarah, who really was the planner in our little group of friends, decided that we were going to the game that day. I had been really lucky to make such good friends with my roommates, we were going to share the same apartment next year as well.

The game was on april 20 we sat on the green monster-which is the famous wall. The red sox were playing the Yankees. The game was fun I'm not a huge baseball fan – or really any sports fan- I usually just watch football. I had gotten really into the Patriots, Jessica had dragged me all the way to foxboro to see the stadium and go to patriots place. So nice there Toby Keiths bar is wicked fun; o jeez there I go again with saying wicked don't tell Beck he will just make fun of me. any way back to the Red Sox game, the final score was 6-2 Yankees win. The feel of the stadium to lose to the Yankees was strong they really had a rival with this team.

April ended and May began, the weather was so nice. Boston was having a odd heat wave, can't even call it a heat wave since we never had an actual winter it was spring all year. Finals were in 2 weeks and I would be going back to LA. Beck was going to be done in a week but he was waiting for me to finish so we could fly out together.

It was a little bitter sweet, at first I was so ready for the year to be over and go back home but I made so many friends. I had so many adventures and my life changed so much. I voiced this to Beck who was so understanding since he felt the same way. We were out to eat at Game On the resturant connected to Fenway.

"you know I miss my family but I don't know its now hard to imagine leaving Boston."

" I know Tori, but you will be back before you know it."

"I just feel that I won't fit in anymore in LA."

"Tori hun you are by defintion a California girl, you are now also a Boston girl. It is ok to have two homes, I now have 3 if you include Vancouver." He smiled at me before leaning in kissing me.

I returned his kiss and smiled at him "well wherever you are I know that I will be home."

a/n: so here is the end. I want to say thanks again for everyone who added it to their alerts and favorited it and reviewed.