You Took My Life.

For a while I keep thinking of what would happen if Jason finally had enough of Shane and decided to get him back by using the one thing that would trully get to him. Claire.

Jason's POV

Man I hate Shane Collins. He just thinks he's so amazing. And he acts like he is the only one who has lost a parent, or that what has happened to him is the worst thing in the world. I'm not someone who would do something without being prevoked, but believe me, if I had the chance I would love to take him down. But how...

three days later...

For days I have been pacing my flat trying to think of a way to bring down Shane Collins. And getting nothing. I was starting to go crazy. I would barely eat for thinking. So I decided that there was nothing to do but go out for a bit. I was doing nothing and getting nowhere, and I needed fresh air. I decided that as I saw an advert for the new movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, on the telly a day or so before, I would go and see it. I got into my car and drove off to the drive in, knowing that this was the cheapest and safest way to go see a movie in Morganville this late in the day, as it would be close to vamp time when the movie would finish.

When I got to the drive in, I handed over the couple of dollers entry and carried on to find a space. As i was driving looking for a space I noticed a black herce pull in. I recognised it as my sister Eve's car. Looking I noticed that it was Shane, uggggghhh, why can't I get peace from this guy. But suddenly I had an inspiration. Sitting beside him was Claire, my sister's best friend and roommate, and also Shane's girlfriend. This was another reason I hated Shane, he was an asshole, but still got a girl as great as Claire. How was that fair. Secretly I liked Claire, she was one of the only ones who didn't judge me right away, and even after I did some bad things to her, she still didn't judge me too harsh. Even though she didn't fully trust me, she still didn't judge. Yet she still was willing to put up with him. And to top it off he's the only one she's been with which stops her from seeing how much of a dick he is. All of a sudden a plan formulated inside my head. I knew exactly how to get at Shane Collins and even help Claire get a little more educated.

I finally found a parking space and parked, luckily the drive in was packed and so Shane and Claire could only get the last parking space, convieniently right beside me. I decided rather than watch the movie, I would use the opertunity to observe the two. I would also use this time to put together my plan of action. Step One: Kidnap Claire Danvers.

Claire's POV

The Next Day

Hehe. Last night was fun. I had been talking to Eve earlier in the week when we had seen the trailor for the final Harry Potter film. We had been talking and I offhandedly mentioned that I had been dying to see it as I had always seen the others as soon as they came out. Shane had been on his playstation and I had thought he handed been paying attention to our conversation like he normally does. Oh, how wrong I was. A few days later, Shane had surprised me by saying he was taking me out that night to see the film. I was so excited.

When we got to the drive in we saw that it was packed, there was only one parking space left, we grabbed it and got comfy. Shane put his arm around me while I leaned into him putting my head against his chest. Shane had gotten us snacks, so we were all ready for the movie.

The movie was amazing. And especially the part that Ron and Hermione kissed. While reading and watching the movies I had been always wanted them to get together especially during the times when it was clear that they wanted each other. Okay so I like lovey dovey mushy things, i'm a girl, sue me. We got home just before dinner, and I chatted with Eve the whole time about the movie. I got up to grab another coke from the fridge to find that there wasn't many left. 'Hey guys, we'll need to get some more cokes, we're running low here.'

'Well, I'm not going to be able to get. I've got lessons and things all day tomorrow.' Mike excused. 'And I'm working too. It's going to have to be one of you two that get them.' Eve chimed. It was like we were playing a game of 'not it' or something. 'I can't-' 'I'm work-' Both me and Shane said at the same time. We looked at each other for a minute before both going at the same time again. 'Not it.'

'Hey how about this. We are all working and busy till late. Since its between you two, and Shane's got the charger tomorrow, and picking you up from work, why don't you both go after you've picked her up. It'll be on your way home anyway. How's that.' Michael asked. It seemed liek he wasn't in the mood for another petty squable tonight. 'Sounds fair. What do you think.' Shane asked me. 'Yeah that's fine.'

Later that night we had us some more fun. And here we are pulling up into the convienience store to grab us cokes and knowing Shane, more beer for the house. 'You wait here, I'll only be a minute.' Yup what do you know, Shane's obviously getting more beer. It's the only reason he would leave me here in the car, especially since last time when he was refused cause I was with him. The look on his face had been priceless. Eve and I had laughed ourselves senseless on that one.

Shane left the car and went into the store. I pulled out my phone to text Eve letting her know that we were at the store picking up the cokes and tell her about Shane leaving me in the car so he could pick up the beer at the same time. All of a sudden I felt my door being yanked open and someone grab hold of my body and drag me out of the car. I screamed as loud as I could praying that Shane would come running out in time. Just as he does though, I am already in the back of a van with my kidnapper starting to pull away He tries to race after the van but doesn't have time to get to the car and can't keep up for long. I was so busy looking out the window at Shane that I didn't realise that someone was with me in the back of the van. All I felt was the prick of a needle as they gave me a sedative before everything went blank.