Hi, everyone so I am still editing this story every time I go threw it I find something more I want to change. As always I own nothing exspt: Andrea
I woke to the sun shining in my eyes through the thin curtains I really needed to put up a blanket over that damn window. I covered my eyes trying to go back to sleep. It was Saturday and I had no desire to get up anytime soon if I could help it. I covered my head with the blanket rolling onto my stomach; I was almost asleep when something heavy landed on me. "OMG Paul get off me you big fury dork!" He grinned down as me as before kissing me on the forehead. "Time to get up baby girl."
I smiled pushing him off me; Figures mom would send him in to get me out of bed. They all knew for some reason he was the only one who could put a smile on my face first thing in the morning. I still think it was just having a cute guy come snuggle up next to me. Of course Paul was way more to me than just a cute guy.
Paul is my best friend, always has been ever since I was little, he used let me tag along with him and the pack. I guess you could say it is a little weird that I think Paul and the rest of the pack as my buddies since there all older the dirt, but since they do not age not many people would be able to tell unless they knew the pack. Paul doesn't look much older than me, but in reality he is in his late 30's.
Paul smiled as he pushed himself off me. "Might want to get up before I come back in here with the garden hose. That will have you up real quick."
I growled pushing the covers off me. I knew he was not joking about the hose, figures he would force me to get out of bed on my lazy Saturday.
"I'm up, see? Now get out so I can get dressed." I said shooing him away even though I wanted him to stay with me more than anything in the world.
He smiled at me exiting my room; I couldn't help but glared at him. I just wanted to slap that smug look right off his face. I smiled to myself as soon as he was gone; I was so glad the pack could not read my mind most days. I've had a crush on Paul for as long as I could remember. I know he's older, gross, but it's not like he looks it or acts it.
I jumped out of my thoughts as Paul's fist connected with my door.
"Get moving Uley, I'm sending your dad in next if your not out in the next five minutes."
I laughed as I heard Paul move down the hallway. I dressed as fast as could, not being sure what Paul would tell my dad to get him up to my room. I was still kind of mad at him for the last time he had pulled that stunt.
He had ran downstairs yelling that I had a guy in my bed. By the time dad had made it up to my room he looked like he was about to phase in anger, I'm just glad there really wasn't anyone in my bed The poor guy would have been ripped to shreds before he even knew what hit him. It had taken nearly twenty minutes that day to calm my dad down and convince him there had never been a guy in my room, in the end he only believed me cause he could not smell anyone. The pack was still picking on me for that after a few weeks.
Though it did make me feel better when my dad made Paul run extra shifts to make up for the embarrassment he caused me, take that fur ball, no one mess's with daddy's little girl.
Finally making it downstairs I was surprised to see only Paul and Seth sitting at the kitchen table filling their faces. I walked over to Paul leaning over and kissing him on the cheek.
"Happy now? I'm up and before ten even." I said as I looked at the clock in the kitchen. He grinned at me like the dork he is.
"Yes I am, anyway I need your help today. My mom's going to be in town, and I need help making my place look less like a tornado hit it." No one could ever help Paul's place that much. Why he always waited for the last minute to ask for me help, I had no idea. But here he was again mom on the way and a trashed house.
"No just a pack of wolves, anyway Paul I'm not your maid. Why don't you get a girlfriend to help you with crap like this?"
I bit my lip after saying that last bit, why the hell had I said that? I know he deserves to be happy, but truth be told the thought of him with any other girl made me crazy. I looked away before he could see the tears forming in my eyes. "Ahh Dre you don't really want me to date anyone, then I wouldn't have enough time to pick on you like I do."
"Beside no girl is desperate enough to date Paul." Seth laughed ducking too slowly as Paul slapped him upside the head.
I rolled my eyes at them; I looked up as mom and Dad entered the room, both with damp hair and laughter in their eyes. Didn't take a rocket scientist to know what they had been up too.
"Geesh Sam, I was wondering if you too would ever come up for air, you know Rabbit season does not start for another month." Paul said with a smirk.
I nearly choked on the juice I had been drinking, oh my gross bad mental image, "Paul, that is disgusting."
I glared at him as he laughed at me, how in the hell could I ever love this jerk? Oh yeah he has one fine ass.
"No, it's just a fact of life princess, what did you think you parents stopped having sex just because you are old enough to know what sex is, Tuff luck honey but I have to see Sam's thoughts on a daily bases." I rolled my eyes at him; gosh I was in love with this arrogant wolf.
Paul's POV
I watched my Imprint as she moved around the kitchen helping her mother with breakfast, gosh she was beautiful. I loved the mornings when Emily would send me in to wake her up. It wasn't often I got the chance to lay with my imprint, even if it was only for a moment. Guess it was better than nothing. Sam and I had decided we would not tell Drea about the Imprint till after her eighteenth birthday.
In my head I counted the days. It still seemed like forever till she would discover she belonged to me.
Things had been great up till about a year ago, it was then I realized just how much Drea was turning into a woman. She was no longer the same little girl who would crawl onto my back when I was in wolf form and pretend I was a horse. No I will never confess to playing horsey for a four year old.
I was surprised and slightly hurt when Drea had told me to go find a girlfriend. My wolf was whining in my head fearing we were losing our imprint; it wasn't till we both saw tears in our imprints eyes that my wolf had been able to relax. She hadn't wanted me to see them but they were there, that was enough to settle my wolf for now.
I finished up my breakfast as quickly as possible because I needed to get ready for my mom, and it would give me time to spend with my Imprint alone. Drea had not met my eyes since her last comment.
"So you want to come with me or not?" I asked her softly hoping she would agree. I needed a day with my Imprint to relax my wolf and hell I hated to admit it but myself also.
"Yeah, I guess I can." She said nodding with a small smile on her face. Score a day with my imprint now I am a happy man.
Sam's POV
I knew Paul would not be able to hold out for much longer, his wolf was begging to claim its mate. Running extra patrols seemed to be helping somewhat, but it was only a temporary fix. I watched as Drea followed him out the door. Days like today worried me. They would be alone together; even though Paul was a lot older than her the age difference didn't seem to bug her. Deep down I knew my baby girl felt the imprint.
Paul's POV
I walked with Drea towards my place, soon I told my wolf, soon she would be living with us and there would be no more of this separate house's crap. I stopped as a sickly sweet smell hit my noise. I growled pushing Drea behind me. Why today, couldn't I ever have just one nice day with my imprint.
"Paul, what is it?" Drea asked.
I didn't say anything just kept staring into the woods, I knew what lurk behind the tree line. "Drea close your eyes for a minute."
I didn't look back at her to see if she had done what I asked. Drea was used to the pack, she did what she was told when it came to our wolves. I striped quickly tying my shorts to my leg. In a matter of seconds I was standing on four paws.
I lunged forward as the smell came to the edge of the wood. "Leech!"
I threw back my head and howled, the whole pack would be behind me in no time, but for now it was up to me to protect my imprint.
"Paul, what is it?" Jake growled in my head.
"Leech, I have Drea with me. Get Sam and the others I can smell more approaching, I will not be dumb enough to take on them all on, I can't protect her and fight at the same time." I growled low in my chest as I watched four figures step out of the tree line.
I didn't move as I felt Sam and the others run up beside me. "Seth get Drea out of here." I commanded.
I turned my head long enough to watch Seth in his wolf form push his head into Drea pushing her back towards the house.
Drea stopped dead in her tracks as another figure stepped out of the tree line in front of her, Hell no they had caught the scent of my imprint. I growled turning away from the other leeches to face the new threat, my brothers could handle them without me. I could not leave Seth alone to guard my imprint.
I stepped directly in front of her determined to never let anyone hurt her. A growled ripped through my chest; I'm not sure if I was growling at the leech or if it was the fact Andrea was sinking her sexy little fingers into my fur. Damn that felt good, get your fucking head in the game Paul.
"Step back mutt, don't even think about messing with our snack." The leech in front of Drea laughed, his burring red eyes fixed on my Drea. Like hell would I ever step back. I rushed forward as he bolted towards Drea. My teeth sinking into his arm, I held him as Jacob jumped on him tearing into his neck. The leech growled at me in fury grabbing my front leg in a last ditch effort to get free. I felt the bone in my leg snap as we tore the leech a part.
I watched as my brothers chased the other leech's off into the wood. We still needed to burn what was left of his leech, Seth could handle it. I limped back to my imprint sniffing her over once then twice just because I loved the way she smelled.
"I'm fine Paul." She said hugging me tightly. Behind me the leech went up in flames as Seth phased back to light the remains.
Drea turned around as I phased back, my wrist was sore as hell. I knew both bones were broken, but they would heal in a few days, for now it was just a pain. I was so glad I had worn basketball shorts today. There was no way I would have been able to snap my jeans, it would have been a pain trying, knowing my imprint once she saw me struggling with the snap she would have stepped in, it was been hard as hell keeping something else from getting hard having her that close to me. Gosh I loved this girl.
Drea's POV
I did my best to hold back tears as Paul phased back. I was not sure whether the tears were from what I had just experienced or knowing Paul was hurt. I could still hear the sound of his bones snapping as the leech grabbed him it replayed over and over in my head as I waited for Paul to dress. I turned back around and saw Paul walking up to me, I smile feeling safe as he wrapped his good arm tighly around me.
"Are you okay?" His voice was filled with concern as he pulled me back towards my home.
I nodded as we walked in silence; mom was waiting for us on the front porch as we walked up.
"Paul what happened?" She asked concern filling her voice "Sam ran out of here so fast I knew something had to have happened."
"We're fine Em, a gang of leeches tried to attack us on our way to my place."
Paul's arm was still around me as entered my childhood home. I couldn't help it no matter how hard I tried I broke down and like a little girl right there in the living room.
"You're okay Dre. I wouldn't let that tick get a hold of you." He kissed me on the side of the head as I buried my face into his chest.
"That's not why I'm upset Paul, I'm upset cause you're hurt." I said in between sobs.
Mom looked at Paul with a concerned look on her face. "I'm fine Em, broken wrist that's all, it will heal in a few days." Mom didn't seem to hear his words as she gently grabbed his wrist examining the broken bones. Mom had become a nurse after her imprint to dad. She saw it as her job to fix up the wolves when they came back with bumps and bruises which they often did.
I felt Paul wince as mom checked the alignment of the bones in his arm. "The bones look good. You don't have to worry my arm, my mom's going to be in town today and do you really think she going to let me use it in any way shape or form? I'm going to take Drea upstairs until she calms down." I said as I looked over at my imprint whom still had silent tears streaking down her face.
I felt out of it as Paul led me up to my room, I didn't want to let him go ever. I wanted to keep him strapped to my side so he could never leave me. I sank down on my bed burying my face in my pillows "Paul will you lay down with me for a bit?" He smirked as he settled down next to me. I wrapped my arms tightly around his good arm holding him close I made up my mind than and there no matter what I would never let Paul go.
"Drea look at me." I couldn't look at him; I was being such a baby. "Andrea Atheena Uley look at me."
I finally met his eyes. I hated when he used my full name if he only knew how sexy I found it. His expression softened at the sight of my tear filled eyes.
"I'm fine." He whispered kissing me on the forehead.
"I know, I just hate seeing you hurt, and the worst part is you got hurt protecting me." I whispered laying my head on his shoulder.
"Forget about it Drea, it will be healed in a few days." I nodded closing my eyes. I was just happy to have him next to me; I was able to relax knowing he was safe for now.
Paul's POV
I watched as my beautiful imprint slept, my wolf was happy. She was so concerned about me being hurt. I closed my eyes breathing in her scent; I hated knowing those leeches were still out there. I could hear the conversations of my brothers down stairs as they slowly began to file in. They had got away, and they were still a danger to my imprint. As I saw it, as soon as my arm was healed I would be back out there, ready to rip them to shreds. But for now I laid back enjoying the time I had with my Imprint in my arms.