Hey guy's this is my first America and England story. So yeah enjoy
summary: England is sick... guess who has to take care of him?
England lay panting on his bed, cheeks flushed, blanket lazily laying on his hips. He had just barely woken up when he began to feel an overwhelming heat rush through his body, and a slight pain in his stomach. His mouth tasted of something familiarly gross. And he knew what was about to happen next.
He quickly shot up as he threw the blanket aside almost tripping over a shirt on his way to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
Once he as finished releasing the contents of his stomach, he flushed the toilet and leaned his back against the wall, witch felt incredible considering how cold it was compared to his hot back. He ran a hand through his messy hair, making it even more messy. Thinking of what to do.
"am I to sick to work?.. maybe I should call in just in case...no I have a job to do I can't not get my work done because of some stupid sickness."
England sighed as he let he hand fall back down to the floor. His eye's began to burn a little, so he closed them. "just for a little bit," he thought, as he let his body relax against the cool wall.
meeting time!
America sat right next to the empty chair where England normally sat.. but there was not England.
"alright is everyone present?" Germany called out. America looked around the table to see if he had sat somewhere ells, but there was not England to be found. America raised his hand, to get everyone's attention, " Iggy San is not here." He said in a large voice so everyone could hear.
Everyone's attention turned to America. "He didn't call in this morning did he Italy?" Germany asked looking at the Italian sitting next to him. Italy looked through some papers, then looked back at him, then shrugged.~ve
Germany sighed looking back at America, "alright you may call him but make it quick we are behind seclude, everyone you may take your break now." Germany announced. Everyone got up and walked out of the room accept for America, he was a bit worried about England's safety. He pulled out his phone and flipped it open. Dialing England's number.
Ring.. ring.. ring.. after a few more ring's England's voice mail picked up. America felt a little worried but he called again, only to receive the British man's voice mail again. He closed his phone and put it in his pocket. He walled out in the hallway nobody was around. He sighed, knowing he would get in trouble for just walking out, but England could have been in trouble. And lets face it nobody ells cares enough about England to go off and find out if he was okay. So it had to be America.
He walked down the hallway and out the main entrance. He decided to start back at England's house.
sad day!
England was still laying against the bathroom wall, asleep, only half dressed and his hair a bloody mess! The only thing he had on was a pear of black boxers and Pajama pants that were green. They didn't particularly look good but it was sleep wear who cares?
He began to slightly wake up, feeling that same pain in this stomach as he did about two hours before. He leaned over and hugged the toilet as he relieved himself of burning stomach acid, quite painful, yes.
He grabbed the nearest towel and whipped his mouth, then flushed the acid away. He laid back against the wall, witch wasn't so cold anymore. He let out a small grunt of pain, as his stomach growled in hunger. Closing his eye's again and tried to go back to sleep. But then he heard a knock... after a few moments of blowing it off, he heard another knock . He grunted as he slid against the bathtub, trying to avoid answering the door.
Stupid England!
This wasn't like him to not answer the door especially on the second knock! Horrible thoughts began to run threw America's head, mostly from the scary movies he watched. But his brain ran whiled as he imagined a dead England on the floor. His eye's swelled up and he took out the key from behind a bush, that was where he kept the spear.
He unlocked the door with a shaky hand, scared of what was on the other side, but he was a hero damn it he needed to see if England was okay!
He took a deep breath before he opened the door, his eye's closed in fear of what he might see. He slowly opened his eye's and sighed in relief as he spotted the living room wasn't messy at all, it was.. well it was England's house, organized as can be, and completely spotless.
America slowly entered the house closing the door behind him. He glanced around there was no England in the kitchen either. He decided to check upstairs, in his room.
America journeyed upstairs, feeling a bit more confidant then he did a few moments ago, he made his way to England's closed bedroom door. The scared feeling built up again. He began to imagine England tied to the bed and naked, and someone coming from the bathroom getting ready to rape him, then going after America because he as just that hot!
America gulped, taking his hand off the door knob for a moment he took a deep breath then quickly opened the door. Opening his eye's he saw England's unmade bed... that's unusual, he always makes his bed first thing.
America heard a small grunt come from the bathroom, he jumped slightly and he clenched his hand ready for anything. He walked to the bathroom, and he was shocked at the sight of England laying hunched over the toilet, not really barfing, but trying to. One hand on his stomach, the other holding his hair out of his face. England paid not attention to America who was standing in the door way not really knowing what to do.
After another failed attempt to relieve his stomach, England looked up at America. The looked that America received made hims want to hug him super tight, but then he didn't want to get sick.
… "um.. you okay?" America asked not sure what to say. England nodded, but then his eye's grew wide as he hunched over the toilet again, this time actually barfing. Mostly air but some acid came up.
America looked away and tried not to focus on the barfing noises he was hearing, he didn't need to get sick in front of a sick person, that would be bad. Plus he was the hero, he needed to stay strong.
America walked over to England when he was done, he flushed the toilet before leaning next to England, he patted his back, trying to comfort him. "are you done?" he asked.
England nodded, not making eye contact with the other man, he was to ashamed of the fact he couldn't control his gag reflex, especially in front of a younger country.
America picked England up bridal style, and carried him out to his bed. England laid his head on Americas muscular chest, as if he gave up even trying to move. America laid him on the bed. And pulled the blanket over him, England shivered at the warmth, and looked up at America.
"What," America asked looking back at him. "what are you doing here?" England's voice was scratchy, and his eye's were sliding closed then reopening again.
"oh uh well, you weren't at the meeting, and you didn't answer your phone, so I came right over to make sure you were okay." England looked up at America with a small smile he said, "tha-" but then he felt a strain in his throught and he began having a cough fit. "uh, no problem." America said in a slight nervous voice. He had never taken care of a sick person before, but he had to try. Once England was done coughing he looked back at America and finished his sentence, "thank you."
"any time bro." America said moving the hair out of England's face. Their eye's met, and silents overtook them, as they stared into each others eye's. America began to think, "whoa dude his eye's are green. I've never noticed that before.." and England thought, " why was he so worried about me?"