Three ways to...

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters.

To be honest, I didn't have any inspirations when it came to writing this story, which is a first as far as I can tell. Hopefully it's just as good :)
Oh and, sorry for no longer posting once a week...but i no longer have enough time nor stories to do it...

"...Three ways to hide from your parents."

"Too easy," Shikamaru smirked, lying on the grass. "Stay over at a friend's place, preferably Chouji for me. The other two would be to say I'm on a mission, or go cloud watching on this hill."

Temari laughed lightly. "Experience?"

"Of course."

The two relaxed at the top of the hill, watching the time go by. In order to kill some f it, they had decided to play a little game.

"Three ways to quickly earn a bit of cash."

Temari thought about it for a while. "The first few that come to mind are illegal."

Had his eyes been open, Shikamaru would have rolled them. "Legally then."

She put a hand to her lip and gave it a thought. "Win a competition, look around the street for money, simply find an odd job, I guess."

"All of that requiring far too much effort and luck for me. Troublesome."

Temari hit him in the stomach, with a grunt following the thump.

"Well then maybe you should get some motivation to find some of that effort and luck."

"No thanks."

She smiled. "Too bad. Name three ways to motivate a lazy ass such as yourself."

"Paying me would be a good start," Shikamaru began. "Being told I can go to sleep afterwards might help."

"Last one."

"Hmm..." Shikamaru thought about it.

If I say violence, she might get some ideas. That'd just be troublesome.

"Some other prize, I guess," he finally answered.

They relaxed in silence again for a while, waiting for ideas to form in their heads.

"Three ways you'd fall for a guy."

"Trying to get ideas, Nara?"

"Hardly, just curious as to what women scary as you look for."

Hitting him with her fan, Temari thought about it.

"Someone who is a friend first. I want to know if they're reliable or not."

Shikamaru smirked. "Trust issues?"

"You know me."

"Ironic, coming from the woman who introduced herself to me with the intent to kill the first time we met."

She grinned. "We're all friends now, Crybaby. Calm down."

He closed his eyes and smiled. "Continue."

"Someone who isn't an idiot. I can barely last a few hours around Naruto, let alone the rest of my life."

"And finally?" Shikamaru questioned.

"Someone who'd treat me properly. Like I said, in my world, I need that trust."

She looked for the time. "Speaking of treats, can we go get something to eat?"

Shikamaru yawned. "Later, woman."

"Three ways to make you treat me out for dinner then, Lazy-ass."

The young man kept his eyes closed. "How bout three words; There. Are. None."

"What if I found some way to motivate you?"

Shikamaru began to open his eyes. "What? Are you going to let me sleep, wom–"

What he saw instead of the sky, was the blonde girl's face close to his.

"I was thinking more of a prize," she replied with a smiled, a quick kiss on the cheek.

After a moment, Shikamaru's surprise faded and he sighed.

"I hear you guys have a new restaurant near the dumpling stall, how about we try that?"

He looked at his wallet, and to his dismay, found plenty of money.

"Alright woman, let's go."

They got up and began to walk down the hill, their eyes trying to stray away from each other.

"Any more questions to finish the game, Lazy-ass?"

He chuckled, and turned towards her.

"What's one way for a guy to stop falling for a woman's tricks?"



Personally, I'd like to know that answer as well.