I was just listening to Tata Young's song "Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy" and I thought of Jessica Lovejoy. This is basically a songfic about a sixteen-year-old Jessica. Enjoy, and don't forget to review.
I pick all my skirts to be a little too sexy
Just like all my thoughts, they always get a bit naughty
When I'm out with the girls, I always play a bit bitchy
Can't change the way I am, sexy naughty bitchy me
Jessica Lovejoy had been manipulating boys since she was ten. Now she was sixteen, she still managed to pull the wool over her parents' eyes. She wore the shortest skirts, the tightest clothes, and had the clearest skin and silkiest hair of any other teenager in Springfield. If she ever was attracted to a guy, no one would be able to tell.
I'm the kind of girl that girls don't like
I'm the kind that boys fantasize
I'm the kind that your momma and your daddy would be afraid you'd turn out to be like
Jessica didn't have a good friend. No girl liked her. Even Sherri and Terri, nicknamed unoriginally as "Double Trouble, Twin Duo" wouldn't hang around with Jessica. Genius Lisa Simpson would barely look at her, although her older brother had trouble keeping his eyes off her. They had dated briefly when they were ten, but he'd dumped her after she framed him for stealing. But he wasn't the only boy who couldn't stop watching Jessica.
I may seem unapproachable
But that's only to the boys who don't have the right approach
Or ride that makes a girl like me wanna hop in and roll
Jessica was infamous for breaking hearts and there were rumours circulating that she'd slept with two boys at a time, and ones that were way older or way younger than her. Jessica didn't care, though. She let the rumour mill work overtime and just enjoyed hearing the other kids whisper about what she supposedly did or didn't do.
People think it's intimidating when a girl is cool with her sexuality
I'm a 180 to stereotype girls like staying home and being innocent
Most girls had a strict curfew of midnight and followed it. Not Jessica. She'd stay out until five in the morning and barely slip into her bedroom before her parents woke up. But she didn't mind. She had fun.
My mouth never takes a holiday
I'm always sharp with the things I say
I was always the kid in school who turned up to each class 'bout an hour late
Jessica had been known to reduce the toughest boy to tears in less than a minute. She walked around, going her own way, with boys staring after her. "That girl is something else." they'd say. And Jessica would just ignore them.
And when it comes to the guys I'd lay
I'd always pick the ones who wouldn't figure out that I was clearly rebel to the idea of manogamy
Jessica wasn't planning on getting married. Ever. A life of having the Reverend as her father had turned her against anything religious. If she ever did settle down with a guy, she still wouldn't marry him.
I like all my shorts to be a little too shorty
Unlike all my guys, I like them tall with money
I love all my nights to end a little bit nasty
Can't change the way I am, sexy naughty bitchy me
When Jessica walked down the street, she'd hum songs like "Girl" or "One Of Those Girls" while other girls would be humming "Stupid Girls". Why? Because the songs fit the personalities of the girls. But really, Jessica wasn't stupid. She was just a better flirt than anyone else worth noting as a flirt.
I pick...my skirts...to be...sexy
Just like...my thoughts...a bit...naughty
When I'm...out with...my girls...bitchy
Can't change...I am...
However, getting into the mind of Jessica Lovejoy was impossible. No one knew what made her tick. No one knew how to trick her. She was the siren of Springfield. No one could ever bring her down.
Sexy naughty bitchy me.
Well, I hope you liked that! Check out the song by Tata Young. Review!