Disclaimer: I own nothing. I'm making no profit from this story. Everything belongs to J.K. Rowling.
Solitary Man
There is a legend in Godric's Hollow. It is the legend of the Solitary Man who comes on Halloween to mourn his lost love. The legend can be traced back to the terrible tragedy that happened here many years ago. And this how the legend begins.
It was a cold Halloween night when James and Lily Potter died, and their son, Harry, defeated Lord Voldemort and became the Boy Who Lived at the age of one. Everyone knows about this but no one truly knows the events that happened afterwards. A solitary figure entered the ruins of the Potter home. The figure moved with the shadows, swiftly seeking with grace and agility, until the nursery. Then there was a cry of such anguish and sadness that it would have broken the hardest of hearts. The cries were the endless torment of the figure and those cries can still be heard to this day. After some time, the cries came to a stop. Magic replaced the cries as a vow was made. A vow to love always and a vow to protect. The remnants of the magic linger to seal the promise and once sealed the figure vanishes. No one saw the figure leave and are baffled when Albus Dumbledore assures that there had never been anyone else in the house. But the people of Godric's Hollow know better.
Every Halloween night since the tragedy has been cold and unforgiving. Every Halloween night, at midnight, a figure appears. It is a man and he travels to the farthest spot in the cemetery. The very spot, where under the protection of an oak tree, lay James and Lily Potter. The man is always dressed in black and moves with the shadows. No one knows who this man is and soon he is known as the Solitary Man or the Man in Black. He is severe looking, with long straight hair, a hooked nose, and eyes as black as the night. He never says anything, always silent. But everyone can feel the anguish that radiates off of him. He stands there and stares. He just stares at the headstone. He stands there until dawn and with the first ray of light, he vanishes. And some wonder if what they saw was truly real and other wonder who the man is and if he will return. He will, he always does.
For the next seventeen years, the Solitary Man returns. He returns to stare at the tombstone until dawn, when he will vanish with the first ray of light. He does this until the Final Battle, where he is killed. The Solitary Man is given a name, Severus Snape. He came every year to mourn the loss of the love of his life, Lily Potter. The people of Godric's Hollow learn this through Harry Potter as he explains to the world what a hero, Severus Snape, was.
The Halloween following the Final Battle was just as cold and unforgiving as all of the others from years before. It is midnight and there is a figure seen traveling to the back of the cemetery. The figure is heading to the old oak tree where James and Lily Potter lay. The Solitary Man has returned to mourn his lost love. He will mourn until dawn, where he will vanish with the first ray of light. Nothing can stop love, not even death. So be sure to pay attention on the night of Halloween. If you pass the cemetery at midnight, look to the old oak tree. There you will see the Solitary Man. There will he stay until dawn's first light, when he vanish as though a wisp of air, until the next Halloween.
This is the legend that has been told in Godric's Hollow. And the legend continues for true love never dies.
AN: I hope that you all like. It was just something that popped into my head when I was thinking about myths and legends. Please review and tell me what you think.