A/N This is my very first fan fiction I got this idea in the middle of a dream please be nice I mean cyber bullying not a big fan.

Plot: - Jack, Kim, and the whole gang are all famous young stars. Olivia is daughter to two film producers. Jack is bobby wasabi's grandson. Milton is the son of an actor and actress. Jerry is Moises Aries brother. Jerry parents are millionaire dancers. On the other hand all of them have acted together before.

Kim's POV:

Lights flashing everywhere, so bright she was wearing sunglasses at 9 at night. Everywhere people rushed and told her what to do, she hated that, but she plastered a smile on her face and posed and smiled. She scanned the area her and her cast were supposed to be there. Eddie, Jerry, Milton, and Rudy where there, suddenly she saw him and a real smiled appeared. There he was his deep chocolate hazel eyes, his brown hair so perfect without him trying, his button down purple shirt opened over his black undershirt with his loose black tie and dress pants, she was kinda jealous it probably took him 20 minutes to get ready while it took her hours. He casually walked over and started posing and smiling.

"You're late, again" Kim muttered still smiling.

"You can't rush perfection" he said sarcastically a smile creped onto his face.

"Come on it probably took you five minutes to get ready." Snapped Kim, she was not in the mood.

" You don't have to be so grouchy" he said, loud enough for most to hear.

"Shut up" Kim said. "People can hear you."

"No you shut up, why are you so annoying" Shouted Jack. Now everyone was watching them.

"Guys, quit it" Hissed Rudy "You're embarrassing everyone."

"I don't care he just shows up whenever he wants. He doesn't care about anyone, but himself, and you know what? I. Am. Sick. Of. It." Shouted Kim.

"That isn't true, and you know it Crawford." Jack shouted back while taking a step closer challenging her.

She knew that he knew she hated being called Crawford. "Really, then prove it Howard." Kim said, taking another step closer. She knew he hated being called that.

Jack scoffed, pushed by her and walked off heading inside to the teen choice awards.

"You can run but you can't hide, Jack Howard" she said walking after him " We sit together, present, sing, and accept awards if we win."

"Leave me alone Kim." Jack said as he ran into the mens bathroom

"Jack, come out please." Kim begged

"Uggh, fine." Kim said. "But you'll have to come out sooner or later." She walked away.

Jerry and Eddie texting:

Eddie: wow did u c that

Jerry: yeah they totally like each other

Eddie: yeah it's so obliviously.

Jerry: except to each other.

Eddie: haha yeah lets head in

Jerry: yeah hope we win see inside later

Eddie: later