A/N: Oh my God, last chapter! I'm so happy but I hate it because I just don't want it to end I love this story sooo much. But this is the moment I've been waiting for since chapter one. I really hope you enjoyed, please review! :D

"Mark!" I cried out one last time before my release. After we lay side by side panting from a moment or two before I pulled him close and buried my head in his shoulder. "God, Mark that was amazing...after all those long lonely nights in that shelter. I missed you so much."

Mark had that dreamy after sex look in his eyes. He began running his fingers through my hair lazily.

"Well, I'm here now so you don't need to worry."

That was right he was here now. After it all, he was here, I was in his arms again and was never happier.

My heart started to sink a little as time went on. I was downright gitty over the fact that we were not dirt poor anymore. But still uncertain about our relationship. I think Mark was doubting me, at first this upset me, but really who could blame him. Though he said nothing the like actions seemed to tell my that his mind was tied down with negative thoughts. Maybe he thought that things would just go back to way they were, me treating him like a personal slave. I was never going to let that happen.

"I just don't understand!" I put my head down on the front counter. Tony had kept trying to get me to leave for the past hour I, however started a little pity party by going on and on about my relationship problems. "I've done everything I can think of. I mean I'm not mad at him because I understand where he's coming from. And he's never come out and said, 'You haven't changed at all,' or 'I don't trust you.' But he just... it's like when you know someone so well you can just tell what they're thinking. But I'm at a total loss at what to do. I say that I love him all the time why doesn't that mean something?"

Tony laughed.

"Oh, I'm glad that you find my troubles funny, that's nice."

"Man, you are a drama queen sometimes you know that?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Look do you want my advice or not?" I nodded "Okay so you've told me a lot about this Mark guy, and by the sounds of it, you really love him."

"Yes of course I do!"

"Well, why do you love him?"

"Why do I love him? He's- he's the best. He's smart, handsome, he makes me laugh, and he understands me better than I do. He's loyal, comforting...he's done so much for me. Big things..." I was again hit with the memory of Mark holding me all night as I was going through withdraw. "all the small things..." Mark's smile, him trying to make me smile when I was down. "That's why I love him."



"You love him because of everything he's done. Not everything he's said. Hey, you could tell the guy you love him 'til you're blue in the face, but it means nothing until you do something to prove you love him."

A thought hit me. It was a big idea, but I knew I had to do it, I knew I wanted to do it. It just felt right.

It was a rainy morning. I left Mark in bed and left the apartment, I didn't go anywhere I simply walked up and down the stairs over a dozen times trying to think of a proper way to put it. My heart was hammering so hard I couldn't take it anymore. I had been doing the same thing all week. I couldn't even be in the same room as him. Really the only time we saw each other was late when I would sneak into bed. I opened the door my breath rattling in my chest. Mark had his back to me looking at the drops hitting the windows.

"Mark?" I said way too loudly. He jumped and looked at me.

"Oh, hi." There was I bit of tension in his voice.

"Sit down, there-there's something I want to say."

He sat looking a bit blank.

Before sitting too, I slid my hand in my coat pocket and wrapped my hand around it.

"So..." Mark looked around the room. "Does this have anything to do with the fact that you've been out all day this week?"

"Yes. Yes it does. There's something I need to say but I'm-well I'm a afraid...I'm afraid of what you'd say."

His suddenly fearful eyes shoot to mine. Their pure ocean blue color made me forgot for a moment what I was to say. I remembered, no I couldn't look him in the eye as I said it, I didn't have the guts.

"Tell me." He said in a low voice.

"Mark I love you! All of you, and I almost lost you, that was the most terrifying time of my life." I held it even tighter. "I never want to be parted from you again." I practically fell to the floor and got in front of him.

I looked down not wanting to meet his gaze. I pulled out the sliver ring.

"W-will you marry me?" I forced the words out of my throat. Silence. I looked up, Mark's head was turned away, resting his forehead in his hand. Oh God, this was just what I was worried this would happen.

"Awhile ago you said you wanted commitment. Well I was a jerk to you, but now, thats the only thing I want. I want to commitment to you, and only you. I want to spend every second I have left on this earth with you...and I know this has been said before, but if you say yes you'll make me the happiest man in the world." I held out the ring, Mark was unmoved.

"Mark, please say something, I understand if you don't want this but-"

He let out a loud gasp, that almost sounded like he was choking. He turned to face me. His cheeks were red, mouth slightly parted with tears falling from his eyes.

"Tears? Am I that bad?" Mark laughed trying to get his breath back.

"You don't mean this." He was half laughing.

"I do."

"No, because I-I want this more than anything, this-this can't be real."

"So you still want this?" I was a bit shocked, shocked and overjoyed. He cried even harder.

"Yes, yes Roger I do, I will." I took his hand and slide on the ring. I wiped away his tears as he admired it. I kissed him more passionately as I ever had. Mark wrapped himself around me so tightly my heart felt it might burst. "I love you, Roger so much...I never thought you the type to settle down."

"I never thought I'd meet 'the one. Love you too Mark.'" I kissed him again.

We spent the rest of the morning cuddling on the coach both of us warm and happy with the simple thought that we had each other forever.