I listened to the song and it made me sad so here you go.

I own nothing.

Jthm and charries- JCV

Whiskey lullaby- Alison Krauss & Brad Paisley.

My carries- Rain, Raven, anyone frome my other stories for Jthm.

~Lalalalalala lalalala la~~~

Rain, Crow, Edgar and the others watched sadly as they saw Nny drinking again. Tears were streaming down his cheeks.

She put him out.

Like the burning end of a

midnight cigaratte.

Nny thought back to when Devi left him. She had screamed at him and told him it was over. She had broken his heart. Torn it to pieces and through it at him...

She broke his heart.

He spent his whole life

trying to forget.

For Nny tried to forget. He took up drinking, and all his friends could do was watch.

I watched him drink

his pain away

A little at a time.

He drank everyday, but could never forget her.

But he could never get drunk enough

to get her off his mind.

Until the night.

Nny stood he had had enough. He wanted the pain to end. He grabbed the gun and put it to his head. And pulled the trigger. Nny staggered and fell to his fell forward.. His eyes drifted close and he was gone...

He put that bottle to his head

And pulled the trigger

He finally drank away her memory.

Life is short but this time

it was bigger.

Then the strength he had

to get off his knees.

Eff and Pycho with the others ran in the room. Eff picked up the note that was next the Nny.

"I will always love her... til I die." he read.

We found him with his face down

in the pillow.

With a note that said

Id love her til I die.

That night Nny was buried on Mystic Hill. His favorite place.

And when we buried him beneath the willow.

The angels sang a whiskey lullaby.

They all cried for the loss of a great friend. Rain held Squee, who was cring the most.

La la la la la la la

La la la la la la la

La la la la la la la

La la la la la la la

Devi cried as she was told the news of Nnys death.

"Its my fault... I killed him..."

The rumores flew.

But nobody knew how much she blamed her self.

For years and years.

She tried to hide the whiskey on her breath.

Devi had taken up drinking after Nnys death. She tried to hide it...

She finally drank her pain away

a little at a time.

She Drank and drank, but never was able to forget him.

But she never could get get drunk enough

to him of her mind.

Until the night.

Devi picked up a picture of Nny, and grabbed the gun. She put it to her head and pulled the tigger. She fell to the floor holding on to the picture...

She put that bottle to her head

And pulled the trigger

And finally drank away his memory.

Life is short but this time

it was bigger.

Then the strength she had

to get off her knees.

Rain and the others went to check on her later that night... They found her, clinging to his piture...

We found her with her face down

in the pillow.

Clinging to his picture for dear life.

They took her and buried her next to nny.

We layed her next to him

beneath the willow.

While the angels sang a whiskey lullaby.

La la la la la la la

La la la la la la la

La la la la la la la

La la la la la la la

La la la la la la la

La la la la la la la

La la la la la la la

La la la la la la la

THere it is. Sad aint it? Im going to do one for IZ and maybe a anime. R&R