Me: Hey! This is my second bakugan Fanfic, and for this one I'm making the chapters longer and the characters might act a little OOC at times
Julie: Yay! I get to be in another story! (Squeal)
Me: Yep, and this time it has absolutely nothing to do with the game of bakugan
Dan: Aaawwww... so no brawling?
Me: Yeah sorry, but it will feature some characters from the second season
Runo: Really!
Me: Yes, and I should stop taking now and explain some things... well, a lot of things. These are my 'Keys'
A line= Time skip
*= Start and end of flash backs
{~X~}= Swap locations
Bold= Emphasis on words
Italics= Speaking their thoughts to themselves
[]= Titles of songs and who's playing who (The characters will perform some real life songs I will choose later on, so if you check out the music videos or songs, pretend that they are them, along with the costumes they wear)
And here is the characters description and the clothing they usually wear, but sometimes I will change their outfits. The roles in their singing groups are in the story, but their personality is basically the same as the original seasons. For extras I'll give a brief description
Main Characters
Alice Gehabich- Age: Sixteen
Clothes: From season one. A yellow outer dress with white shorts, green halter top and white boots with the bottom coloured in green
Runo Misaki- Age: Fifteen
Clothes: From season two. A yellow boat neck inner dress, a white zip up overcoat with pink zips, orange knee high socks and some brown cross strapped low heels
Julie Makimoto- Age: Fifteen
Clothes: From season two. Hot pink shorts and a gold heart belt with matching earrings, necklace and hair clip, along with a tight baby pink tank top that has a light blue horizontal stripe in the middle and some heels that matched it (Added shoes by me)
Mira Clay- Age: Sixteen
Clothes: From season four. A white track jacket with blue stripes over a blue dress, as well as a black collar
Shun Kazami- Age: Sixteen
Clothes: From season four in the second arc. A long dark green and black coat with a matching shirt, white pants, burgundy gloves and belt with black shoes
Dan Kuso- Age: Fifteen
Clothes: From season three. A red and white jacket with rolled up sleeves, black pants and navy blue goggles, shirt and shoes
Billy Gilbert- Age Fifteen
Clothes: From season two. An orange short sleeved jacket with black stripes, dark grey pants, black gloves and belt, brown sneakers and a white baseball cap with a red lightning bolt
Ace Grit- Age: Sixteen
Clothes: From season two. A purple long sleeved shirt, with black and grey trimmings, grey pants and black boots
Extra Characters
Baron Letloy- Age: Eighteen
Clothes: From season two. A red headband with a yellow lightning bolt, blue boots and gloves, a sleeveless yellow and white button up shirt with white pants
Description: A young television host
Kato- Age: Seventy
Clothes: From season one. Black butler jacket with matching shoes, grey pants, white button up shirt and a red bow tie
Description: Chauffer
Mylene Farrow- Age: Twenty
Clothes: Business type clothing. A black knee length skirt with matching suit jacket, a white button up shirt and black flats, also wearing silver rimmed round glasses
Description: The receptionist
Sorry, I know it was so long and you probably already know this stuff, I just wanted the trivial stuff to be clear. Check my profile for better details. There are more characters, but I will add them once they are in the story
Julie: By the way, AsianBunny owns nothing but the plot
Chapter One: Fighting for the Spotlight
No one's POV
"Welcome to a brand new season of S.T.A.R.Z.! And I'm your host Baron Letloy!" The applause of the audience was drowning his voice, but that only emphasised the excitement in everyone, since this was Japans most top rated show on air.
"Tonight we introduce two new singing groups, both from JYP Entertainment!" The groups entered from opposite sides of the brightly illuminated stage.
"To my right is upcoming sensation, Miss B!" The girls shot winning smiles and waved to the camera "And to my left are rising stars, the B. Brawlers!" The guys were less charismatic as the girls. Only two out of the four were excited to be there. The groups sat in the four red leather seats placed on each side of their host.
"Let's introduce the members shall we?" Baron was waiting for the cheers of the crowd before continuing, and that's exactly what he got "First of all, we have Miss B's leader and main vocalist, give it up for Alice Gehabich!" She smiled sweetly at the audience that seemed to make all the guys in it blush "Beside her is Runo Misaki, vocalist and rapper of the group!" She crossed her legs and winked with a small sailor salute only using two of her fingers "Lead dancer, vocalist and apparently their stylist, Julie Makimoto!" Due to her charisma she had no problem getting off her seat and start roaming the stage blowing kisses to everyone. When she returned to her chair the host concluded the final member "Last but not least, main dancer and vocalist Mira Clay!" She waved to the camera and crowd.
"Now onto the B. Brawlers, leader, main vocalist and guitarist, Shun Kazami!" He was one of the groups less interested guys. All he did was look up with not even a smile and all the girls in the audience started squealing "Next up, lead guitarist and vocalist Dan Kuso!" He, like Julie had a confidence like none of the others. He got up and waved with both of his hands to the crowd, earning more fan girls for B. Brawlers by the minute "On drums and main dancer we have Billy Gilbert!" With a tip of his cap he gestured he was glad to be there "The final member plays base and is also a vocalist, let's give a round of applause to Ace Grit!" Even though he was the other person who wasn't so keen on being on camera, he still gave the audience a slight grin.
Baron moved up closer to the centre of the stage "Now, tune into the next twelve weeks to see who will be the next S.T.A.R.Z. of Japan! But remember only one group can win and get the five hundred thousand dollar recording contract!" The crowd was getting pumped though all the suspense "Will it be Miss B?" Baron gestured to the group on his right who all waved in response "Or will it be the B. Brawlers?" He then moved his arm to the left, but only Dan and Billy were hyped up ready to play the game "Only you can decide Japan..."
The host's words were cut short as the T.V. blacked out from someone sitting on the couch opposite of it, pushing the off button on the remote.
"Hey Runo I was watching that!" Screeched Julie sitting on the far end of the same, circular white leather couch she was on "It doesn't matter we were actually there a couple hours ago!" The two were about to start a cat fight when Mira came from the back of the couch and separated them with both her hands "Guys, remember what happened the last time? Do you know why the agency had to renovate our old apartment?" The two ceased fighting and reminisced about their old home.
Runo and Julie were standing outside their twenty five storey apartment building with the police on their right and the fire department on their left, using the extended hose to water down the remaining sparks from their floor on the tenth.
"I told you to turn off the stove! The one time you cook and in bursts into flames... literally!" Runo yelled at the Australian who shrunk down three sizes from her bluenette friends constant yelling and was scratching her head in embarrassment "He...he... it was a simple mistake" She said trying to make her soon to be punishment less worse. Runo crossed her arms in anger and looked away from her "Humph, tell that to Alice and Mira when they come back"
Then almost as if on cue, the said girls came running down from the sidewalk with appalled expressions "What happened here!" They exclaimed in unison. Runo made serious eye contact with them "Julie+ Cooking+ Fire" That equation made it all clear. The three gave the silver haired girl 'OH MY GOD' looks on their faces. Mira snapped out of it "You cooked?" Alice and Runo dropped to the floor anime style.
*Flashback ended*
Julie shook her head from side to side to get out of her memory-like state and started flapping her right hand up and down "That's all in the past, now we have this beautiful loft, and its way better than the last one!" She said while getting up and twirling around the room.
Their new apartment was the penthouse on one of the tallest and most modern buildings in Tokyo. Everything was spacious, completely white and was decorated in different shades of purple, courtesy of Julie. It had glass windows surrounding the entire top floor and was separated into two wings. The east was where Alice's and Runo's rooms were, and on the west was Julie's and Mira's. The rest was basically the kitchen, living area, pool room, music room and dance studio. Like all good luxury suites right?
The sound of the elevator dinged as a sign someone was entering. The loft didn't have a door, so there was only an elevator at the centre of it "Must be Alice. Good thing she didn't see you about to tear this place apart again" Mira sighed in relief. The two girls laughed nervously.
Alice emerged from the double steel doors with a pair of headphones in her ears and some sheets of papers in her hands. She took the right one out so that she could hear and left it dangling in the air "Hey guys, I just got the first mission for S.T.A.R.Z."
S.T.A.R.Z. didn't just have singing and dancing competitions. It was so much more than that. They challenge you to be the best in the biz, from getting killer photos for music covers to the popularity you bring from your fans. They are all attained through the tough missions given from the show.
"What is it for the first week?" Mira asked. They all knew that there were twelve weeks until they can officially debut, but it wasn't about how many challenges they win. It was about how the audience and all the people of Japan react to their performances. Alice skimmed through the sheets "We are to write an original song along with a dance accompaniment, and we have till Friday" She finished as she averted her eyes back to her group members.
They all had their mouths on the floor. Julie regained consciousness fast "But that's only seven days away! We can't make it!" She panicked. Alice turned back to the elevator with her head held down. Her fringe covered her face, but her expression was grave "We have to..." The seriousness in her voice made the rest of them a little worried. Alice put on a smile and turned to her friends "I'll see you guys at the studio in an hour ok. I'm heading there now" With that, she pushed the button, entered the elevator and her figure disappeared behind those two doors.
The others had their eyes concentrated on them for a while with a sympathetic face "We have to do this, for Alice right?" Mira said determinedly while gripping her left hand tightly to the girls on the couch. They nodded in agreement "We owe it to her after all" Runo added with a grateful smile.
Alice was in their private van on her way to the JYP Entertainment studio. They did not ride in limos as it was too conspicuous, but there was a chauffeur driving them wherever and whenever they wanted. It was black and had a small T.V. manually installed on the roof, with six tan leather seats, two in front for the driver and an extra person, while the remaining four were separated for each of the members. They had their own designated seats, Alice was on the front left with Runo beside her. Behind the blunette was Julie and the last was Mira's.
She was still on her purple iPod. Alice seemed to be so engrossed to what she was listening to she didn't hear the car stop. That was until the driver opened the door for her to get out "Oh, we're here? Thanks Kato. Can you pick up the other girls in an hour?" He nodded in response and returned to the wheel.
As he drove off, Alice walked up the wide, grey stone pathway in front of her that was beside a long rectangular pond on her left, up the steps and through the automatic glass doors. The studio was like an atrium and had ecofriendly qualities. The outer walls were completely made of glass and the building was three storeys high and took up huge amounts of land. The stairs were planks of hard oak wood with metal railings that didn't have bars, but square sheets of glass. The reception was on Alice's left and had a wide stone wall acting out as a waterfall with some tropic greenery at the bottom. To her right was a modern waiting area for guests.
Alice walked up the stairs to the second floor. The clicking of her heels could be heard on the white marble tiles. She turned to her left down a hallway and bumped into someone and fell to the floor. Her earphones got pulled out and glided to the end of the hall. She rubbed her head and looked at the person she knocked into, who was standing up perfectly fine.
He had short raven black hair and amber gold eyes "Sorry" He was the one to apologize. Alice stood up on her feet and dusted herself off "Me too. Hey, you're Shun from B. Brawlers right?" He nodded "And you are?" Alice was a little surprised he didn't know her despite having been on the same show the a few hours before. She gave him a raised eyebrow and a sarcastic filled smile "No one you need to know" Alice answered playfully.
She then remembered her iPod was gone, as her hands moved to both sides of her ears "Oh no! Where did it go?" She was frantically twisting here and there searching for it. Shun turned around and grabbed it off the floor "Are you looking for this?" He said with showing it off in the air. Alice sighed in relief and ran to him and snatched it out from his hands "Yes that's it!"
"Don't I even get a thank you?" His voice was emotionless when he housed his question "It was implied" She simply said. Alice then turned around, put on her earphones and walked from the hallway to a different part of the studio, leaving behind the clueless singer in the dust.
The remaining Miss B members were now escorted by Kato, on their way to JYP Entertainment.
"Knowing Alice, she's already has a song planned" Runo stated while daydreaming out the car window on the right side. Behind her, Julie clutched the sides of the blunette's seat and pulled herself closer "Are you kidding me? She has a whole songbook big enough to release five albums!" On Julie's left Mira sat quietly thinking deeply about their leader. She turned her attention to the empty seat in front of her with half closed eyes. She sighed then looked back at the traffic surrounding them.
They soon arrived at the studio and entered inside. Julie turned to the receptionist "Hey Mylene! Do you know where Alice is?" The Vestal looked at the computer on the desk, scrolling down the screen "She's at recording room 2B" Julie thanked her and caught up with the other group members.
When they entered, Alice was singing a couple of bars inside the large booth that was filled with various musical instruments with a pair of professional black headphones on her neck, she only covered up her right ear while warming up her vocal cords. Mira went up to the sound board, sat on one of the swirly seats while Julie took the other and pressed a button to let Alice hear them from the outside "Hey, sounding good. We're here ready to rehearse the song even though we have no idea what it is yet" She said sarcastically.
Alice cracked a smile, removed the headphones and placed in on the rack. She got off the stool and exited out of the red soundproof room "Let's write it now then" The orange head then plopped on the modern burgundy couch that was shaped like an L on the right side of the room beside Runo.
Julie twirled around the chair gave her a quizzical look "Alice, don't you have like, a ton of songs already?" She nodded honestly "Yeah, but the mission was to compose a brand new one" Julie continued to get even more confused "But no one has even heard of them yet!" Alice pondered for a while as she crossed her legs and held her chin in a thinking way "Hhhhhhmmm... Perhaps you're right. We could use one of mine and edit it together" Everyone nodded happily.
Meanwhile in another recording booth, the B. Brawlers were racking their brains for a new song.
"UUUUUUUuuuurrrrrrrrggggggggg!" Dan yelled while staring at the ceiling, pumping his fists in the air. Billy pulled him back down onto the black leather chair. Their room was the same as the girls, only it was in tones of blue.
"Chill out Dan. We just got the mission an hour ago and your already freaking out" He said to the overactive brunette. The goggled headed guy faced him with wide eyes and grabbed the collar with both of his hands "We have to write a song in a week dude! How can you be so calm!" He half asked and half stated, but all the while still yelling.
Ace, who was tuning his base the end of the couch answered for him "Because he's level headed unlike you... well, more or less" Dan released the near choking Billy and sat on the wheeled chair and started playing with the mixing console "We can't make a song with such little time" His voiced sounded so depressed and unmotivated unlike his usual energetic attitude, he was probably just too lazy to do any actual work.
They heard a click by the door and saw their leader walking in with his signature silent aura around him "Yes we can" He said calmly, not the least bit worried about composing a song in under a week. Dan was a little suspicions, for some reason Shun seemed different today "Ok, what happened?" He straight up questioned "What do you mean?"
Dan rolled his eyes "Dude, I've known you since I was three. And you never act this subtle" Ace and Billy looked at each other, and then to the two childhood friends "He's subtle now?" They said at the same time in disbelief "I know hard to believe right? So anyway what happened?" Dan repeated his previous inquiry "Nothing" Shun was still playing hardball with him.
Dan eyed him curiously, and then gave up "Fine don't tell me" But he will get it out of him later. Shun was slightly annoyed at his so called best friend, but then went back to the mission at hand "Don't go insane Dan, we already written a song a couple of weeks ago, we just need to add the dance moves. Billy can you do the choreography?" The capped drummer nodded in agreement "Then let's start recording" Shun concluded before entering the booth as the rest followed him in.
It has been more than six hours, and both groups have been relentlessly rehearsing their routines, the guys with their song and the girls with their dance moves. But what they didn't know was that the entire building was rigged with video cameras watching their every move.
Runo and the girls were in the dance studio practising their moves while wearing outfits that Julie made in the costume department not long ago to get used to the fabric for the actual performance. Even though their song was not yet composed they decided to work on the choreography first. Runo couldn't find the energy drink in her dancer bag so she had to leave to go to the vending machine down the hall. However some else was already there, and who but none other was there, the lead guitarist of B. Brawlers.
He turned to Runo and looked at her up and down. She, not realising that her costume was still on, thought otherwise "Don't check me out!" Runo snapped as she held both sides of her hips. Dan was taken back and had a judging expression on his face "Nice hair" He half complemented and half made fun of in a flirty way. Dan walked back to his recording room with a drink in his hands, leaving Runo utterly speechless.
When she returned to the dancing studio Runo still had the wide open mouth she made before "What happened, where's your drink?" Mira wondered who was now stretching her legs on the long wooden rail. Runo was rethinking the events that happened in the last few minutes, and then a light bulb lit up over her head "Alice..." She began deviously. And the red head knew it wasn't something good "Yes Runo?" Alice waited for her to continue as she was now on the floor pulling her legs back to normal from the forward split position she had just done. Runo walked over and knelt beside her as she whispered something into Alice's ear. She nodded in response "Yeah that could work, but why?" Runo stood up straight with crossed arms and closed eyes. Her posture was filled with pride and determination "It will teach him to judge me!"
Julie who had her hands on her hips and legs shoulder with the part while stretching from left to right asked "Who?"
Runo's POV
I can't believe him! I just met him this morning and he has the guts to mess with my hair! Argh... Hhhhmmmm... Maybe I got the best payback to use as our advantage.
I knew I had a smirk on as I thought of my plan "Alice..." I could see the suspiciousness on her face "Yes Runo?" The idea in my head was just perfect. All I needed was for all of us to edit a certain song.
I went up to her and whispered "Alice, can we use your very first song? You know the one you wrote when we first joined as a group? We can fix the small bits up after the choreography, is that ok?"
She pulled away from me with a sort of confused yet, accepting expression and nodded "Yeah that could work, but why?" I stood up tall and folded my arms "It will teach him to judge me!" Julie, on my right, questioned me on who it was. It wouldn't matter anyway, at least not until we beat them in our first mission.
No one's POV
Dan returned to his own group with a satisfied smirk "What's with you?" Ace asked the usually more hypoed brunette "Saw this dancer or something in the hall that had blue hair" The base player gave him a disapproving glare "Hey. No criticising hair colours" He joked seriously, considering he himself had mint green hair. Dan took a sip of his red energy drink before continuing "No man, she was kind of cute" Ace sighed as he slumped lower from the sound board chair "This is no time to be hitting on a girl Dan" He ignored his comment "Yeah, yeah whatever"
"Shun can you do a re-run?" Billy asked who was standing at the mixing console, pushing the button and speaking to him through the microphone. Shun nodded then put the headphones back on and began singing the main vocals of their song.
The two groups have been going at it nonstop for the past three days, not leaving the studio once, and have been sleeping in different places throughout the night.
At the moment Miss B have just added the finishing touches to their song, all they have to do now is record. But with all of them asleep, it will have to wait.
Mira and Runo were head to head laid out on the couch in the recording room while Julie was on the carpeted floor which had a round furry carmine pink rug that kept her warm. Alice on the other hand was on one of the black wheeled seats and had her arms spread on the sounding board as her head was resting on her left arm and her right hand was hanging onto a dial.
Her position was probably wasn't the best one considering she began to toss and turn while accidentally pushing the volume slider up to high, causing a loud screech to emit from the speakers, making everyone shoot up awake, covering their ears.
On the other side of the studio the guys were asleep as well. Inside the booth, Dan was hugging onto his metallic red guitar on the ground as if it was a teddy bear while Billy was draped over the drum kit, still holding onto his sticks. The other two were on the outside. Ace was sitting upright on one of the leather chairs by the sound board as he rested his legs on the other. Shun was sleeping on the middle of couch facing the ceiling with crossed arms.
All of a sudden they heard a loud ear piercing sound coming from outside that woke all of them up.
Yes, the speakers from the girl's side were loud enough to echo through the halls of the JYP Entertainment building. It was a good thing it was empty since it was six in the morning.
"ALICE TURN IT OFF!" Yelled Runo who still had her ears covered. The said red head had her eyes shut in pain because of the noise. She slowly used her hand to try and find the volume slider. When Alice did, she pulled it all the way down to zero.
They all sighed in relief and plopped down on their knees due to the nostalgic state they were in.
Runo held onto the couch to find her balance as she got up, and then fell down on it out of exhaustion. Mira was too tired to get off the floor so she just stayed there. It was the same with Julie too. Alice was now wide awake and began pulling herself up from the music console, she blinked a couple of times before fully regaining consciousness "Um... I think I'm going to get some tea. Do you guys want...?" She was about to ask if the girls wanted breakfast, but they were sound asleep again, the Russian was glad that she was whispering as she didn't want to wake them up. Alice smiled unknowingly to the others then left the room, slowly closing the door behind her.
As she made her way down the hallway to the café on the left side of the building to make herself something to eat, she was tackled to the ground by three shadows.
One was covering her mouth to stop her from talking "Who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked in a threating tone. Alice couldn't see her attackers as it was still too early for the sun to rise. She was mumbling through his hand, somehow not scared by the situation at all. And then suddenly a bright light shone in front of her and revealed the three mysterious figures. Through her blocked lips she managed to say "B. Brawlers?"
The person who was covering her mouth was Dan. The person around her waist was Ace, and finally, Billy was holding both of her legs. Dan released her and had a blush cross his face as did the rest of them. The three let her go and moved away from her still on the floor, a little embarrassed from their misunderstanding.
"Why would you guys ambush someone in the dark?" Asked Shun who was holding onto a lit flashlight. Alice was still confused as to what just happened. She used her hands to elevate her body from the ground "Why did you guys just tackle me?" The three guys on the floor scratched their heads nervously. Billy answered for all of them "Well we heard this weird noise coming from down here, so we came to check it out" Alice nodded, slowly digesting the information given to her.
She got up from the floor and patted the dust off herself. Alice smiled and pointed to her right "You guys must be hungry right? I'm headed to the company café now" With that she walked away with the three following behind her shortly. Shun, still holding onto the torch sighed, switched it off and went on with the rest of his group.
Alice was taking the lead, with Dan on her left and Ace and Billy on her right, while Shun stayed a few feet behind her. Dan held both of his hands behind his head and started walking backwards "So why are you here so early? Do you work here or something?" Alice was slightly taken back. I guess all of the members are pretty self-centred if they didn't know who I was, considering I've already met them. She thought. Then, almost instantly and idea popped into her head. Maybe I should have some fun with them for a while. Alice grinned, but to the guys they thought it was just an innocent smile "Yes I do actually. I'm the producer of S.T.A.R.Z." She lied convincingly.
Dan looked at her, believing every word she spoke "Oh, no wonder you looked so familiar" Alice stifled a laugh "U-huh" She agreed while giving a single nod towards him. Ace and Billy watched her curiously "But what are you doing here so early in the morning?" The drummer asked repeating Dan's first question.
Alice turned her attention to the two, closed her eyes and gave them her 'Oh so sweet' smile that caused them to blush. It worked on every guy since Alice has practiced for so long just to be in this business "Oh, I like the tea they have here" She said it sarcastically but in a believable way. They were all buying her story, well, except for the leader of their group.
They all soon arrived at the café that centred at the edge on the second floor beside a glass bridge that leads to the greenhouse balcony. The guys sat on four of the eight woven chairs that hanged from the roof and each had a lime green cushion. It surrounded a small, round wooden coffee table.
Alice was going behind the counter and turned on the espresso machine and put on a black apron that was by a hook "Do you guys want something to eat?" Alice asked as she tied a bow behind her and turned on the lights beside the wall.
The guys took a couple of minutes to adjust to it. Ace covered his eyes with his right hand "No thanks, I'll just have a coffee" Billy ordered the same while Shun asked for a latte. Dan however was starving "Can I have bacon and eggs with an orange juice" Ace nudged him with his left elbow "What?" Dan was confused "Don't cause trouble for her" He answered sternly. Alice giggled "Oh it's no problem" She then walked in the kitchen to prepare breakfast for all of them, even if they didn't want it in the first place.
A couple of minutes later she exited out of the door carrying four plates of Dan's order at the same time. Alice placed them on the coffee table then returned to fetch the drinks. After she gave it to them, she went back into the kitchen to take off the apron and to get her own food, a cheese and tomato croissant sandwich and a milk black tea with two teaspoons of sugar.
When she sat in the middle of one of the four remaining chairs opposite the guys they began eating. Dan was eating like there was no tomorrow, and Alice was slightly scared that he might choke "Don't worry about him. He like a bottomless pit of no return" Ace stated calmly as he continued eating. Alice slowly nodded "If you say so" And with that she took a bite into her own breakfast.
After they were nearly done it was about seven thirty and Alice wanted to see if they were as dense as she thought "So, speaking of which, why are you guys up so early?" She questioned while wiping her mouth with a serviette.
Billy, who was banging the knife and fork on the table answered, but was to into his drumming to look up at her "We're recording and choreographing a new song for your show" Alice put on a fake impressed smile "You're very dedicated to this aren't you? I mean, to be up this early in the morning" Ace groaned "We have been basically living here for the past three days, so we'd better win the first mission" Alice's smile grew more sly "So are you saying you deserve to win? What about your competitors?" Dan choked a laugh and looked at her nonchalantly "Please. We didn't even see them here the entire time. They clearly don't want to win this"
Alice's lips soon grew into a frown, filled with anger, hatred and for some reason determination. Determination so strong that it seemed like it was something more to her than just a plain T.V. show. There was something beyond that.
The yell could be heard rebounding from the glass windows of the building. The guys looked forward at the corner of the hallway, listening to the three pairs of footsteps running down the path. Alice was not the least bit surprised to who was calling for her, so she just closed her eyes and continued to finish her tea.
Soon enough the people emerged from the corner were none other than Miss B's remaining members "Alice there you ar..." Runo stopped midsentence as her green orbs laid on a certain guitarist she saw at the vending machine days ago. Dan shot up from his chair and they both pointed at each other "YOU!" They said in unison.
Billy began scratching his head as if he had a hard time remembering something "Alice, Alice, where have I heard that name before...?" While the drummer was busy figuring things out, the other two were in an all-out staring contest, losing all the hydration from their tongues due to their dangling mouths. The rest were swapping glances at each other in silence while Alice was still drinking her tea and Shun had his arms folded across his chest with closed eyes, uninterested in the situation.
"Oh!" Billy clicked his fingers and was wide eyed at his realisation "You're Alice, the leader from Miss B right?" He asked in disbelief while getting up slowly from his seat, pointing at the red head.
Alice opened her left eye slightly the shut it again only to view all the stares she was getting from the guys. When she finished her tea and placed the cup on the table she finally spoke "Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, well, for the second time" She answered while smiling. The B. Brawlers were so confused right now including Shun, but he soon went back to his silent posterior. Ace narrowed his eyebrows and started going through his memories, but soon gave up "What do you mean by 'for the second time'? And you said you were the producer of S.T.A.R.Z.!" Alice turned towards the clueless bassist "I was kidding. I was trying to see if you guys actually didn't know who I was, I guess I was right. And by 'second time' I meant that both of our groups appeared on air at the same time, on the same show. But you guys were either too self-centred or just uninterested to actually pay attention to our host"
They guys felt really guilty about not knowing their rivals, despite having met them days before. Ace was about to finish off his eggs, but then had a thought. What if they tried to sabotage us by giving us food poisoning? She did know who we were after all. He had the food on the fork place right in front of his face and eyed it suspiciously. Then Dan and Billy had gotten the same thought and gave a scared glare at their competitor's leader, while Shun remained unfazed.
She raised her eyebrow while giving a smile. She then sighed realising that the guys must have thought of a ridiculous idea. Alice, to prove herself went to Ace, and held his right wrist with her left hand. She closed her eyes and ate the last of his eggs, this caused him to blush a visible shade of crimson.
When Alice was done, she covered her mouth with her right hand and swallowed the remaining bits of Ace's breakfast "I wouldn't give you food poisoning if that's what you were thinking" The guys went back to their guilty state, but before they could apologize, Alice twirled around and made her way to the girls, who were now smirking with their hands on their hips, watching how foolish their rivals seemed.
Alice stopped halfway to her group "By the way, we have been here for days as well. So don't say that we don't want this as much as you do... perhaps even more" She said seriously, but they couldn't hear her last words as she whispered it and was barely audible to them. Well, except for their silent leader, who could hear her as clearly as day.
She then continued to walk down the hallway with her team members following behind her. Runo caught up with Alice and had a worried expression on her face "Alice, are you sure about intimidating them? I mean really, they're just boys"
She closed her eyes and thought deeply about something. And Runo, Julie and Mira knew exactly what it was "We have to win this... we just have to" Alice answered. But that sentence felt painful to say to her, she almost had to force them out.
Alice looked forward determinedly and picked up her pace, back to the recording booth ready to sing for her life.
Me: OOOooooooo... is there a mystery in this story?
Dan: You should know, you're writing this story
Me: I was being sarcastic... and making sure the readers hang onto it later on
Alice: Why?
Me: (Grins mischievously) Well you'll have to wait and see!
Julie: Cool, we're going to be famous singers!
Me: Well, it depends on who gets the contract
Julie: (Flaps right hand up and down) Technicalities
Me: Anyway for this story I update depending if I want to, because my mind has the last half of the story planned, but the beginning half a bit jumbled, argh, too many ideas. Yeah I know, if you liked this story you're going to kill me, but I promise I will update... within a month or so (Laughs uncomfortably) And I know, there's not really any AliceXShun in here, but don't worry, it will develop within the progression of the story
Runo: So please review if you want to, or for the sake of reviewing :)
Say B!