Here's another story! I don't know if anyone has done this already but I am going to write it. Sorry if someone has already!

J Somebody to Love J

Sector V is now in High School. Fortunately, they didn't get decommissioned, being the best team the KND has had since Sector Z. Now 15 They all stayed the same as they were when they were younger except they changed there style a little.

Nigel- wears a white T-shirt under a red sports jacket, long khaki pants, and brown hunting boots.

Hoagie- wears a white T-shirt under a sky blue button-up shirt, long khaki pants , and black and white sneakers.

Kuki- wears a green ¾ ( no reference to wally/kuki) sleeve shirt, black skinny jeans, black and white sneakers, and a green headband in her hair.

Wally- wears a orange T-shirt over a white long sleeved shirt, baggy blue jeans, and white sneakers.

Abby- a baggy dark blue shirt with a white stripe down the sides, black skinny jeans, white sneakers, and of course her famous red hat.

Now on this Spring day, all of Sector V were sitting bored in there Science class. Kuki was writing notes when she felt a poke in her back, she turned around irritated to the smirking blond aussie who sat behind her.

''Wally! Cut it out!'' she whispered to him before turning around and trying to concentrate again.

Wally just smirked and went to poke her again when a red hat hit his hand. He turned to Abby glaring and scowling, she glared back in a way saying

Stop-it-now-before-I-kill-you-later look.

Wally rolled his eyes and slumped his seat his arms crossed. Abby smirked and went back to taking notes herself. Wally straightened up a little and looked around.

He looked up close to where the teacher was standing next to the chalkboard to one of the front desks where one of his best friends, Nigel Uno was sitting. He was sitting with his back as straight as a ruler, with his hands together folded together, his eyes locked on the teacher. Wally rolled his eyes and thought ''teacher's pet''. (no offence to anyone who sits like that or anything)

He looked to his right and saw his other best friend, Hoagie Gilligan doodling on a piece of scrap paper. To any teacher or teenager it just looked like doodles, but to Wally and the rest they knew it was designs for a new aircraft or invention.

Wally slumped back in his chair but quickly straightened up again when he heard his name being called.

''Mr. Beatles what is the answer to the question on the board?'' the teacher said hiding his evil smile ( teachers are evil! :P) from him, knowing he wasn't paying attention.

''um 7?'' Wally guessed stupidly, Nigel and Abby rolled their eyes at him, while almost everyone else snickered.

The teacher quietly scowled and said harshly ''that would have been correct if we weren't in Science class Mr. Beatles.''

The class snickered at him again while Wally slumped in his seat again while slightly blushing in embarrassment. Kuki turned and smiled at him sympathetically, but he just slumped even lower. Then the bell rang and everyone collected their things and left.

Wally got his things and was about to turn around and leave, but Kuki was standing there still smiling sympathetically.

''Don't worry about it Wally anyone else would have done the same'' Kuki said kindly.

Wally just rolled his eyes at her and frowned at her, ''whatever Kuki I'm fine it's okay.''

Kuki smiled her usual big smile used to his grumpy and aggressive mood and said ''Okay, Okay I was just felt bad for you.''

Wally blushed at what she said, but quickly hid his face by looking down hoping she didn't see. Unfortunately, she did but didn't say anything about it just smiling bigger.

''Come on the guys are probably waiting for us'' Wally said embarrassedly as he grabbed her hand gently while pulling her to the cafeteria.

Kuki looked down their locked hands with a shocked face and a tint of pink on he cheeks. She smiled again, but there was something in her smile like it was somehow even happier and kind of special.

They both walked out the classroom heading to the cafeteria where their other friends sat waiting for them. When they got there they saw Nigel, Hoagie, and Abby sitting there talking, when Hoagie saw them he waved them over.

As they were walking to the table they were stopped by the one person they really didn't want to see, Alexis.

Alexis was the most popular and richest girl in school, but she was a jerk. She always wore mini skirts, revealing tops, and high heels (again no offence to anyone who wears any of these clothes). She has curly blond hair and icy blue eyes. Alexis has had a huge crush on Wally since the beginning of middle school, she always flirted with him and revealed herself too much.

''Hi Wallykins'' Alexis said flirty like, smiling a huge fake smile. She frowned when she saw Kuki and glared daggers at her like she did every morning. Kuki glared right back at her with fire in her eyes, but then just rolled her eyes and stood there impatiently tapping her foot waiting for Wally to hurry up.

Wally scowled at the nickname she had given him for two years, Wally tried to go around her but she moved in front of him every time he tried.

''Alexis leave me alone'' Wally said angrily.

She frowned at him, and started to cry fake tears '' but Wallykins I want to be with you.''

Wally rolled his eyes (yea I know a lot of people roll their eyes) and said

'' Alexis go away.''

Alexis just frowned angrily but turned away and walked away in a huff. When she was gone Kuki smiled cheerfully and grabbed Wally's arm and dragged him to the table where the rest waited for them.

Wally smiled at her and thought , '' I think I just noticed some jealousy over there…''

So do you love it or hate it? This is going to be my first chapter story so please tell me how it was! If there is something wrong tell me and sorry I am tired and it is 4:00 in the morning and I am not looking forward to school. : (

Review! Review! Review! :D :D :3