Final Blowout
Mark did his best to make me feel better that day. Instead of heading straight back to his house we went out to eat at this really nice Italian restaurant. We were silent for most of the time we were there, but he decided to break the silence.
"Are you ok Kitty?" he asked.
I sighed and cut a piece of my lasagna, "I'm cool…I'm just having a little trouble understanding why my parents keep lying to me."
He nodded, "I want to know why I was also lied to…I can't believe your mother has been alive this entire time."
I looked up at him, wanting to reach over and touch him. There was so much hurt in his eyes that I wanted to pull him against me and hold him until he smiled again.
"I'm sorry Mark…"
He looked at me, "For what? You didn't do anything."
I sighed as tears filled my eyes, "Yea…but if I wouldn't have been born, none of this would be happening."
He looked at me in complete shock, "No Katrina, how could you say that?"
I dropped my fork and wiped my eyes with my napkin, "It's true Mark, they shouldn't of had me…clearly I don't have a purpose in their lives so…it would have been simpler if she would have gotten an abortion."
Mark stared at me for a moment before finishing his food. I guess my comment pissed him off since he didn't speak to me at all until we got home. It was real uncomfortable being around him when he was quiet like that. It seemed as if he had suddenly turned into Oscar the grouch.
In order to get away from him, I took Lexi upstairs and gave her a bath before putting her to sleep for the night. After that, I went to his den to read a book for awhile. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to concentrate on the book at all. All those secrets and lies were running through my head over and over. I shut the book and tossed it to the floor before resting my face in my hands. I sobbed for a few moments, feeling my heart break into a million pieces. I was so angry…even more so now that Mark was upset with me.
After crying for a few moments I went upstairs to Mark's room only to find that he wasn't there. I figured he was in his gym so I slipped off my shoes and laid down in his bed, crying myself to sleep.
I didn't sleep too long once I felt Mark's arm wrap around my waist and his lips pressed against my cheek. I turned over and looked at him just as he kissed my lips. I closed my eyes and melted against him. He slowly climbed on top of me, deepening the kiss. I moaned softly when he pulled away and moved down to my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair and down his shoulders, getting completely lost in his affection. This was just what we needed…
I reached down and lifted his beater over his head and tossed it from the bed. He then kissed me roughly as I ran my hands over his chest. We started taking turns removing each other's clothing until we were both completely naked.
"Keep your eyes closed," he whispered to me.
I bit my bottom lip and did as he asked. I wasn't sure what it was, but there was something very romantic about how he made love to me that night. Not only did it last nearly two hours, but he kept it slow, making sure to touch or caress every single part of my body.
When we were done, he lit a few candles and sat them on both if his nightstands before getting back into bed and holding me tight. We were quiet for awhile before I started up the conversation.
"Were you mad at me Mark?" I asked him.
He didn't say anything at first. Instead he just ran his fingers through my hair. "I was at first Kat but now I'm not."
I smiled slightly and then looked up at him, "Is it because of what I said?"
He nodded, "Yea…I love you Katrina and when you said you wished you'd never been born…it made me feel like you didn't care about what I was feeling about this whole situation."
I thought about what he was saying making sure I completely understood where he was coming from. "I care about your feelings Mark. I was just upset that's all."
"I know you were, which is why I came up here to find you." He said before kissing my forehead.
I smiled, "Ok…so what are we going to do about all of this?"
He sighed, "Well I know you don't want to, but I think it's best if we bring everyone together and talk this out. We need to know exactly what's been going on."
I shook my head, "No Mark…we don't need to."
"What do you mean," he asked.
I looked at him, "I don't want to talk anymore Mark. I just want to move on…just me you and Lexi. I'm tired of digging into the past and worrying about my parents…they weren't worried about me or Lexi…" I reached up and placed my hand on his cheek, "…and they damn sure didn't care about you taking care of me all of this time…so let's go."
He looked into my eyes and then gently rubbed my face. "Are you sure Kat?"
I nodded, "More than ever Mark. I love you and I want to be with you forever."
He smirked and then kissed me softly. "Alright then…we'll head out first thing tomorrow ok?"
I smiled and hugged him tightly. I didn't know why I wanted to just move on…it seemed right you know? I was so sick of worrying about my parents and how they treated me. I had a man who truly cared for me now, and a little sister to take care of. As far as I was concerned, they were all I needed.
The next morning, Mark and I spent our time getting things packed up. While I was loading some things into the big moving truck, I saw my mom's car pull up…along with my dad's. Mark came outside and stood next to me, he looked somewhat confused by them showing up like this but not at all surprised.
My mom got out of her car followed by Glenn, while my dad got out of his with Nicole.
"Hey there...I'm so glad we caught you two before you left…" my dad said.
I folded my arms, "What are you doing here?"
He sighed and looked over at my mom, "Well your mother called me last night and told me how she felt like it was time for you to hear the truth…"
I rolled my eyes, "I don't think that's necessary, you two have caused enough damage to my life."
My mom stepped up, "Honey please, listen to us ok?"
I sighed and glared at her.
"Listen, I'm so sorry for abandoning you like that but…the truth is-"
"-I didn't want kids." My dad said, cutting off my mom. She glared at him and he shrugged, "It's true…I didn't want any kids."
"When your father found out I was pregnant, he became very….aggressive…"
My dad laughed, "In other words…I did everything I could to make sure you didn't come into the world."
I gasped, "Are you kidding me?"
"No." he said. "Kat, when the hospital called me and told me you had been born I almost told them to put you in the system…but when I saw you…" he stepped up to me and held my hands. "I knew I couldn't give you up."
I pulled away from him, "So you waited until I was old enough to take care of myself to decide you weren't going to care anymore."
"No Kat…I wanted to take care of you I really did…but when Mark came into town and I saw how well he took care of you…I knew he was the one you should be with."
I sighed and looked at Mark. "Yea he made quite the impression."
Mark smiled, "Well you grew on me fast so…"
"Wait everyone…there's more." My mom said as she pulled out some paperwork from her purse. "This is for you Mark."
She walked up to him and handed him one stack of papers. "What is this?"
"My rights…I don't deserve to be a part of Kitty's life after what I've done…"
I looked at her, "What do you mean mom?"
She sighed, and looked down at the other stack of papers in her hand. She tried to stop herself from crying before handing me the papers. I looked at them closely before I realized what they were.
"DNA results?" I said as I looked up at her, "For what?"
My dad glared at my mom and then at Glenn, "So it's true then? You were cheating on me the entire time with him?"
I looked down at the results and saw that Glenn's DNA, matched mine.
My mom cried, "That's why I ran away from you John. I knew Katrina wasn't yours so…when I went into labor I went to the hospital with Glenn. Once she was born they had the DNA test done. I wanted to take her home with me but, I knew you would have killed me if you knew I had a baby to someone else…especially because he's Mark's best friend."
"I can't believe this shit! You mean to tell me that I took care of Katrina this whole time and she wasn't even my daughter?"
Nicole chuckled, "Does that surprise you John? You did tell me she was a whore."
"No one asked you bitch!" I snapped. "Keep your mouth shut before I beat your ass again!"
She sighed and then went and got in the car. I then turned my attention to my mom.
"So if I'm Glenn's daughter…is Lexi his too?" I asked.
She shook her head, "No…she's John's daughter."
Glenn gasped, "I fucking knew it! And here I was thinking our baby died!
My mom cried, "Glenn I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to lie to you!"
John laughed, "That's what you said to me…you know what…Katrina I'm so sorry you have a mother like this. Have fun with Mark, I can see that he's the only man here that cares for you."
I nodded and watched as John got in his car and sped off down the street.
"Mark…I'm sorry I didn't tell you all of this." My mom said. "I just didn't know what to do."
Mark sighed, "You could have started by telling the truth Torrie. You might have faced consequences for it but at least your daughter wouldn't have to face all of these lies."
She cried, "I know…"
"look…you two have told us your secrets…we might as well tell them ours." Mark said as he held my hand.
I looked at him and nodded, knowing that they would find out eventually.
"Katrina and I are in love." Mark said.
My mom gasped and looked at me, "Is he serious?"
I nodded, "Yes. He's the only one who has shown me any ounce of affection. Yes I know he's my godfather, but he's done a whole lot more for me than anyone in my life."
Glenn sighed, "That doesn't surprise me at all…and honestly it doesn't bother me."
"What?" my mom said. "Glenn this is our daughter!"
"Yea? Well she's a wonderful young lady and he's a great guy. I know he'll take good care of her Torrie."
"Yea I will…and since when did you care about her well being?" Mark asked.
She glared at Mark. "I've always cared Mark…I love both of my daughters."
"Is that right? Then leave her the hell alone." He said. "Don't try to visit her, don't call her, don't even think about her…just let her be."
She looked at me, "is that what you want Kat? Do you want me to leave you alone?"
I looked down at the papers. "Yes mom…but I would really like to get to know my real dad if that's ok."
Glenn smiled, "Of course that's ok. In fact, I'll make sure to visit as often as I can with your other sister Rayne."
I smiled, "Good."
"Great…so what does this mean for me?" My mom asked.
Glenn laughed, "Well as of right now…I want a divorce."
"Yep, it's your fault that all of this happened Torrie so now you have to pay the price. As for you two…go have a nice life. I'll call you as soon as I can."
I smiled and squeezed Mark's hand. "Ok dad,"
He smiled and then hugged me tight. "Come on Torrie, you have some packing to do."
My mom sniffled as she headed for the car. Mark and I watched them leave in silence before continuing to pack up all of our stuff.
"Are you certain you're ready to do this?" he asked me once we got in the truck with Lexi in the backseat.
I held his hand and smiled, "More ready than ever."
After one good kiss, Mark started up the truck and got the party started.
Four Years Later
Mark and I ended up moving to San Antonio, Texas where I finished out high school. Soon after, we got married and ended up having a son who is now two years old. I thought it would be hard being a stay at home mom, but Lexi and Derek were real easy to watch.
My dad became a frequent visitor at our place as well, constantly bringing gifts for the kids and letting Rayne spend the night so she could get to know her sisters. It was real nice having him over, I felt like for once I had a true father in my life. He and Mark remained pretty close too, which made things even more enjoyable.
Things got somewhat hectic when my father revealed that he and my mother didn't get a divorce. He told us he loved her too much to just leave her. Mark didn't really like that idea but he allowed her to start coming around for family affairs. I had to admit, it was nice having her over whenever I needed a break from the kids. Since Mark started wrestling again, it was tough sometimes to run around with all of them. As for John Cena, he visited Lexi every now and then, and though I wasn't his daughter by blood, he still considered me to be his. We soon became real close buddies and rebuilt the once torn relationship we had. He was still with Nicole though, she never came around. I didn't think that I could be happier than I am right now. And it was all thanks to me meeting the one person I never thought could make me happy…my godfather, my best friend, and now husband, Mark Calaway. He was and forever will be…my shoulder to cry on.
The End