"You make me wanna say I do," –I Do (Colbie Caillat)

The silence continued for a moment longer, but it seemed like forever until Fred broke it.

"Somebody please say something," he whispered. He sounded almost nervous.

His words were met with a second wave of silence, but it was only a little while before Mrs. Weasley dropped a spoon she was holding. It clattered to the floor and that seemed to finally break the silence for good as everyone began to talk at once.

"He what?"

"I knew it!"


"Did you say yes?"

"Obviously she did, Ron."

"Well, I didn't notice a ring."

"Where is the ring?"

"Yes, let us see it."

Cassie pulled her left hand out of Fred's grasp and held it up. Every pair of eyes was drawn to it and a gasp escaped the mouths of every girl at the table.

"Cass, it's lovely," her mother whispered, examining it carefully.

"George helped me to pick it out," Fred said proudly, glancing at his twin, whose grin widened, if that were even possible.

"Well you did a fantastic job," Mrs. Weasley said, leaning over Cassie's mother's shoulder.

"Married," her dad finally said.

"Caught up, have you, Dad?" Cassie asked with a small smile.

"Aren't you a little young?" he asked, staring at both Cassie and Fred with an intent, fatherly look.

"Well, we're twenty two, sir," Fred said politely.

"I know how old you are, but—but-." He didn't seem to know how to finish his sentence.

"They're only a year younger than we were when we got married," Cassie's mother said quietly with a small smile. "Don't worry so much. It'll be fine."

"But married," Cassie's dad croaked out. "My little girl."

"You are happy, aren't you?" Cassie asked, biting her lip. Fred looked at her and she looked so nervous about her dad's reaction that his heart almost broke. He knew that she wanted her dad to approve so badly.

Her dad took a moment to answer, but he finally broke into a grin and nodded. "Of course I'm happy. I'm happy if you're happy. I'm just a little shocked. I'll get used to it."

"Thanks, dad," Cassie said quietly and Fred could tell she was breathing a quiet sigh of relief.

"Well, come on then," Mrs. Weasley said. "Everyone into the living room. We have wedding plans to discuss."

At once, everyone stood up to move into the next room. "What about the apple pie?" Ron asked over the noise.

"We'll bring it with us," Mrs. Weasley declared. "It's not glued to the counter, is it?" With a smile and a wave of her wand, she levitated the pie so that it floated after them into the living room.

Eight months, lots of flowers, and one wedding dress later, Cassie stood in Ginny's room at the Burrow. It was her wedding day. Finally, after all the stress and planning, it was here. She was getting married. After today, she would be moving into the flat with Fred and George and she would be selling the house she had previously lived in, but most importantly, after today she was going to be Mrs. Fred Weasley.

"Are you going to put the dress on or just stare at it all day?" Ginny asked from the other side of the room. The redhead was sitting at her vanity, pinning a small, purple daisy into her hair, just above her ear as she looked at Cassie in the mirror.

"Put it on, of course," Cassie whispered, but she still didn't make any move to take the dress off the hanger.

Giving her hair one last fluff, Ginny sighed and stood up. She crossed the room and pulled the dress off of the hanger. "Come on, we don't have all day. Fred's waiting." She smirked at Cassie, who felt her stomach do a happy little flip. Ginny helped Cassie into the dress and they stood in front of the full length mirror hanging on the wall next to the dresser. "Beautiful," Ginny said.

"If you mean you, then yes," Cassie said, turning one way and then the other to look at herself.

Ginny frowned and put her hands on her hips. "Oh, stop. You look stunning. Now, sit so I can do your hair." She pointed to the vanity and Cassie obediently did as she said. "What do you want me to do with it?"

"Leave it down and curl it," Cassie said at once. She had been planning her hairstyle for months so that she knew exactly what she wanted.

"You got it," Ginny said with a smile as she picked up a strand of Cassie's reddish brown hair.

When she finished curling it, Ginny circled Cassie and examined her handiwork. "Thanks, Ginny," Cassie said. "It looks great."

Ginny nodded, satisfied with her work. "It was no trouble."

There was a soft knock at the door before it was opened a crack by Cassie's mother, who had her eyes closed. "Is it okay to come in?"

"Yeah, we just finished getting ready, Mum, Cassie said quietly, still staring at her reflection in the mirror. She also could see her mother's reflection and she saw her open her eyes and smile across the room at her daughter as tears began to fall down her face.

Cassie turned in her seat and smiled back. "Hi, Mum," she whispered.

"Stand up, so I can see you properly," her mother said.

Cassie did as her mother told her and gave a little twirl. "What do you think?"

"Doesn't she look wonderful?" Ginny asked.

"Better than wonderful," Cassie's mother sighed, wiping her eyes. They all sat in a comfortable silence for a moment before Cassie's mother smiled widely. "Well, if you're ready, we'd better head downstairs."

"I'm ready," Cassie said, taking a deep breath.

"Well, let's go," her mother answered. She led the way out the door and down the stairs, Ginny and Cassie following close behind.

Cassie had agreed to have the wedding at the Burrow, which had a large, beautiful yard that was just perfect for a wedding and the entire Weasley family had been working extra hard to make sure it looked just so. Cassie had chosen purple as the color of her flowers and as the color of the dress Ginny, her maid of honor, would wear.

"Don't look so nervous," Ginny laughed once they had reached the living room. She and Cassie's mother busied themselves adjusting the skirt of Cassie's dress so that it flared out around her.

"I'm not that nervous," Cassie said, looking down at her hands. It came out in a whisper.

"And I'm not a redhead," Ginny said sarcastically. She let out a small laugh. "Seriously, I'm not stupid, Cass. I can tell you're nervous."

"Relax, dear," her mother added. "You'll be fine. You look beautiful and it's your wedding day."

"Yeah, even if you trip halfway down the aisle, nobody will care because you're the bride," Ginny said.

"Ginny," Cassie groaned.

"Sorry," Ginny said quickly.

"Are we—oh, Cass, you look wonderful." Cassie's dad had just come into the room from outside and he was standing by the door with a look on his face that said how he was feeling. "I can't believe it. I could've sworn it was just yesterday that you were crawling around in diapers and now you've got a book published and you're about to get married."

"Yeah," Cassie whispered. She didn't know what else to say. Her father was right. A lot was happening to her but at least now it was all good things.

"Any chance that we can freeze time?" her father asked with a shrug and a smile.

"I don't think you'd really want to do that, Dad," Cassie said quietly, smiling back.

"You're right, I don't," he agreed. "I want you to get married. And more importantly, I want you to be happy."

"I am happy," she said.

"I know you are," he whispered, stepping forward and kissing her forehead. "You could have been marrying Josh and I would have been happy for you if you were happy."

"Seriously?" Cassie asked, raising an eyebrow as her mother and Ginny laughed.

"Well, okay, I would have had to force myself, but I'd have tried to be happy," her dad responded, laughing as well.

"It's okay. You know I wasn't truly happy with Josh anyway."

"Thankfully," her dad smiled.

"It's time to get started," her mother said, giving Cassie's dress one last bit of adjusting before straightening up, giving Cassie a hug and heading outside. Ginny went next and Cassie followed her, arm in arm with her dad. They stood at the entrance to the tent that had been set up last week and Cassie nervously stared straight ahead at the closed tent flap covering the entrance.

"Hey," her dad whispered. She looked up to see him smiling at her. "Honestly, don't be so nervous. You're about to get married to a man that really loves you. There's nothing to be nervous about."

"I know. I'm not nervous about marrying Fred. I'm just nervous about-," she stopped and took a breath and let it out, "I don't even know. I actually think I'm more anxious than nervous."

Her father nodded silently as the music started. He patted her hand. "It's nearly time."

Ginny threw Cassie a smile over her shoulder before stepping out into the tent. Cassie tightened her grip on her father's arm. "Let's do this," she whispered.

Her dad patted her hand. "Loosen your grip just a little, honey or else you're going to cut off the circulation in my arm."

"Sorry," she whispered as the music grew slightly louder. Cassie took one last deep breath as her father pushed away the tent flap and began to lead her down the aisle.

Immediately, Cassie's eyes found Fred, standing at the other end of the aisle, waiting for her. His eyes were on her as well and Cassie felt herself smiling at the look on his face. Seeing Fred helped to calm her down and once she finally reached him, she felt all of her anxious feelings disappear completely.

She gave her father a kiss on the cheek before stepping closer to Fred and taking his hand. He was still grinning at her. "Hey," he whispered.

"Hey yourself," she whispered back, giving him a smile.

Together, they turned to the front of the tent, where the Ministry wizard was preparing to start. Cassie gave Fred's hand a squeeze and glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. She saw him glance at her and they both smiled at each other. This was it. They were finally getting married.

"You may now kiss your bride," the Ministry wizard announced after what seemed like an eternity later. It was the moment both Cassie and Fred had really been waiting for; the moment when it would all be official.

Fred's grin widened even more as he and Cassie turned towards each other. He grasped her hand loosely in his, bringing his other hand to her cheek as he pressed a kiss to her lips. He could hear the wedding guests clapping and cheering and he could hear George wolf whistling, but only vaguely. Everything and everyone besides Cassie had been pushed to the back of Fred's mind for the moment.

When they broke apart, Fred moved his hand from Cassie's cheek to her shoulder and slid it down her arm until he was grasping her hand. Now he was holding both of her hands and another grin spread over his lips as he looked down at her.

Almost at once, a crowd formed around the two of them, preventing Fred from saying a word to Cassie, which was truthfully what he wanted to do more than anything. Instead, he politely thanked the numerous people who came to congratulate him and then posed for a few pictures his mother and Cassie's mother insisted on taking. Only after that was done did he have the chance to actually talk to Cassie.

"So," he grinned as he led her out to the dance floor. He seemed to be doing a lot of grinning lately. Not that he minded, of course.

"So what?" she asked, a small smile turning up the corners of her mouth and a twinkle appearing in her eye.

"How does it feel to be Mrs. Fred Weasley?"

"Well, I've only been married to you for about fifteen minutes…" Cassie trailed off and smirked at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Fred put his hands on her waist and they began to dance.

"So? How were those fifteen minutes? Were they the best fifteen minutes of your life?"

"Oh, by far," Cassie laughed.

"That's what I thought," Fred answered.

Cassie giggled and brought one of her hands to Fred's face, brushing a piece of hair out of his eyes. "You know, I've always liked your hair this length."

"It used to be this length for a while, but then I cut it. I grew it out again to match George's. He grew his out to cover his missing ear."

Cassie nodded seriously. "Could you tell?" she asked in a whisper. "When George lost his ear, I mean. Did you know something was wrong?"

Fred didn't answer right away. He readjusted his hands on Cassie's waist, pulling her closer. "Sort of," he answered finally. "It was crazy and my dad and I were trying to get to the Burrow while fighting off Death Eaters and I just felt this intense wave of panic. Not that I wasn't panicking already, but it just got worse and I got this weird feeling, instinctual, I guess, that something was wrong. That one of us was hurt."

Cassie nodded again. "I'm sorry I brought it up. You don't want to think about that today. Today, you should be happy."

"Don't worry," Fred said, "I am happy."

"So am I," Cassie whispered, resting her head against his chest.

"Well, this is the last box," Cassie said, climbing the last few steps to the flat and kicking the door shut with her foot. She, Fred and George had just moved her things from her house to the flat.

"Good, because I'm beat," George said, flopping onto the couch.

"When are you not?" Fred snorted.

"There weren't even that many boxes," Cassie scolded with a laugh.

"Yeah, but they were heavy. It's like you packed bricks," George answered.

Cassie rolled her eyes as she lugged the box in her hands to Fred's bedroom. The door was closed, so she tried to open it with the side of her hand, almost dropping the box in the process.

"Easy there," Fred said, appearing almost out of nowhere and steadying the box.

"Thanks," Cassie said, blushing slightly and letting out a giggle.

Fred laughed and kissed her forehead, pushing the door open enough for her to walk inside. "I'll go get more boxes and help you unpack."

"Okay," Cassie agreed, stepping into the room. She put the box on the floor and put her hands on her hips as she looked around.

"I know it's not much," Fred said, appearing in the doorway with another box. "Sharing a flat with me and George, I mean. It's not an actual house, but…" he trailed off.

"No, I love it," she argued.

"I moved some of my stuff out of the dresser so now there are two drawers for me and two for you. Half of the closet's yours as well. Like I said, it's not a lot."

"It's perfect," Cassie said, sinking to her knees to open the box at her feet. Behind her, she heard Fred opening another box.

Cassie stood up again, a picture from her wedding in her hands, and crossed the room to the nightstand. She set the frame down and smiled to herself.

"Ah, what should we do with this?" Fred asked. Cassie turned and saw Fred holding up the frame containing the napkin and the Sickle.

"Out there," Cassie gestured to the door, "where we'll always be able to see it."

She followed Fred down the hallway and into the living room where George was still lounging on the couch, flipping through a broomstick magazine. "Finished unpacking so soon?" he asked.

"Hardly started," Cassie shook her head. "We just wanted to hang this up." She gestured to the frame in Fred's hands.

"Ah," George said, standing up and tossing the magazine aside. "Where?"

"Somewhere out here," Fred answered, looking around.

"Why not down in the back room of the shop?" George asked. He looked at Fred. "You and I are always down there and if Cassie's going to help us like she agreed to…" he trailed off and smirked at Cassie, who laughed.

"Of course I'll help you," she said. "I did agree to it, if you remember, as long as you make the food during the lunch break."

"Oh that's right," George said with a dramatic sigh. "I suppose that's fair"

"I'll say it is," Fred agreed.

"You stay out of this," George joked, poking Fred's arm.

"So, where are we hanging this?" Cassie asked, tapping the frame with her finger in an attempt to get the twins back on track.

"Is the back room okay with you?" Fred asked.

"If it's okay with you," Cassie said.

Fred nodded. "Sounds good to me."

"Well, come on then," George said. He led the way down the stairs to the back room where the three of them chose a spot to hang the frame. When they did, Fred and George hung it up, while Cassie stood back and supervised, making sure they were hanging it straight.

"A little to the left," she said. "Now move the right side down a little. No, that's too much. That's perfect."

"Yeah?" Fred asked. "You're sure?"

"Positive," Cassie grinned, clapping her hands together.

Fred and George finished hanging the frame and then stood back to admire their work. When Fred reached her, Cassie slung an arm around his waist and he put an arm around her shoulders. "Come here, George," Cassie said, gesturing with her free hand. George smiled and stepped closer. Cassie put her free arm around him and the three of them stood there, staring at the newly hung frame.

"I love it," Fred said, breaking the silence. He nuzzled Cassie's hair with his cheek.

"So do I," she whispered.

"Me too," George added.

Fred gave a small chuckle. "You have no reason to love it," he joked.

"Of course I do," George answered.

"Yeah? What is it?" Fred asked, raising an eyebrow.

George thought for a moment. "I'm not sure yet, but I'll think of a reason."

"You do that," Fred laughed.

"Yeah, I will," George said. He broke away from Cassie and Fred and headed for the stairs. "I'll go do that right now."

"He's going back to look at his broomstick magazine," Fred whispered as George disappeared up the stairs.

"I don't doubt it," Cassie giggled. She turned her face into Fred's chest to stifle it.

"What do you say we go finish the unpacking?" Fred asked.

"Sure," she agreed. "I'll race you." With that, she took off up the stairs.

"No fair, you got a head start," Fred laughed as he ran after her.

"Are you coming to bed?" Fred asked. He had just walked into his bedroom to see Cassie standing at the open window, looking outside.

"Yeah," she said quietly, "but come look at this."

"Look at what?" he asked, joining her. He rested his hands on the windowsill and stuck his head outside.

"It's your second favorite constellation," Cassie said, smiling and pointing at the sky, where, sure enough, the Cassiopeia constellation was visible.

Fred smiled. "W for Weasley," he whispered. Cassie cleared her throat. "And the constellation that inspired your name," he added.

"Better," Cassie whispered. She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek before turning and heading for bed.

Fred shut the window before crawling into bed next to her. He leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. "Goodnight," he whispered. Even in the dark, he knew Cassie was smiling.

"Goodnight," she whispered back, leaning in to kiss him once more.

"Two goodnight kisses," Fred said, leaning back into his pillows. "I think I'm going to like being married to you."

Cassie swatted him. "Go to bed," she ordered.

"Or maybe I won't," Fred joked.

Cassie swatted him again and rolled her eyes before snuggling under the covers. She made herself comfortable on her stomach and rested one hand on Fred's chest. "I love you," she said, her voice quiet with sleep.

"I love you too, Cass," Fred answered. He kissed the top of her head before closing his eyes. He couldn't believe that he was married to this amazing girl that he once believed was crazy for putting all of her trust in a silly thing like fate. Fred had always been one to believe that people learn new things ever day and if Cassie had taught him anything, it was that sometimes things do happen for a reason and sometimes, trusting in something that you're unsure of can have surprising results.

A/N: Well, this is the last chapter. :( I hope everyone likes it. I've had a lot of fun writing this story and I'm sad it's over. Anyway, if you liked it, feel free to leave a review!

Also, the poll for the Twin Exchange challenge went up today. I wrote a one shot for it and if you want, feel free to go read it and vote for it. (There's a link in my profile).

Thanks to everyone who reviewed and/or favorited this story. It really means a lot :)