Wahahahahahaha I have no excuse! But now I'm not being depressing on Christmas, no?

Anyways, enjoy! And PM/review if you have any questions. (Also, I completely forgot about ANTAGONIST. -_-' I suck. She'll be in the next chapter!)

WARNING: Alluding to child abuse and murder

DISCLAIMER: If I ruled the woooooorld I would own Vocaloiiiiid and fight aaaaaliennnsss~

Word Count: 408

Walk of Insanity


XI. Mother


The boy's plan was going off flawlessly.

His mirror was slowly despairing, doubting her parents, clinging closer to him, her only lifeline…

He chuckled. It was all so perfect. Through a series of... unfortunate tragedies… she could become more and more attatched to him, the one constant, stable and strong, and then…

Again he laughed.

What will she do when she finds out?

Ooooohhhh I burn to know!
Perhaps she will cry-no
nono she will no doubt and I will smile and then I will leave and she will strive and strive to kill me and will go more and more insane until she's just. Like. Me.

Ah, how delicious.




Just like Mother did to me Mother with blond hair like the Sun and a temper like bLoOd.

The boy remembers his Mother with vividly, remembers the basement he occupied and the torture he underwent. He remembers and he thanks, because she made him realize the truth about the world.

"My little nobody, all you must know is that humans are corrupt, and you must cleanse them of this."

He did not fully grasp the weight of his duty until he pushed her off the balcony.

Her face was shocked and she stared but then she smiled and closed her eyes and whispered words that made me fully understand ("Good boy," she said like she was proud like he had finally met her expectations).

He walked up to her later, her bloodied remains. Poked it with his finger, rubbed it in his hands, wiped it on his face. "Mommy, mommy, mommy."

The police came, their faces horrified, but the boy did not pay attention. "Mommy, mommy, mommy."

And they took him away from Mother, Mother who was now only blood and sun.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy."