Im so sorry I havent updated lately! Ive been really buzy with everything, and havent had time to write, but I had nothing to do last night so I decided to get back to all my fans and write the final chapter for Your Not Just a Friend! Hope you all will forgive me! Enjoy!

Tori's POV

I rolled out of bed, smiling. Another dream of Beck. I love him so much! Though I saw Jade in the hall sometimes, glaring at me, it didn't bug me, she needed to grow up. My phone rang from a text.

Hey princess - Beck

Hey sweetie - Tori

I miss you - Beck

Haha, I saw you just yesterday! - Tori

OH and so if you don't miss me, I guess Ill just not talk anymore, OR pick you up! Haha JK! Love you! - Beck

Haha! *Sarcasm* - Tori

Yeah I love you too Beck, oh thank you for saying Tori! - Beck

Aww, I love you to baby! - Tori

C you in a bit! - Beck

Kk bye - Tori

I felt a smile spread on my face. Beck was the best! I got dressed and went down stairs, and when beck got here, I got in the passenger seat, and gave him a quick peck on the lips and electricity ran through my body, would that ever stop? I hope not. "Happy one week-adversary sweaty" Beck said, handing me a little box - I opened it. Inside laid the anklet and necklace Beck had given me for my birthday. I smiled and slipped it on. "Thank you!" I squealed. He grabbed my hand and drove to school.

The day went by pretty quickly, even though the only moments I got with Beck were at lunch, due to schedule changes through out the school. Most of the day was uneventful. Though I caught Jade glaring at me a lot. It kind of crept me out that every time I turn around, there she was with her beady little eyes, boring into me. I didn't show that she bothered me though. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction.

I walked to the parking lot where Beck was leaning against his car waiting for me. "Hey" He said taking my hand. "Hey" I replied as he pulled me into a quick kiss. We got into the car and he pulled out of the parking lot, going the opposite way of my house or his.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"Im taking you somewhere special" He said, running his fingers through his hair.

We drove in comfortable silence. After about thirty minutes, he turned down a long dirt road. Beck pulled the car to a slow stop, and came over to my side and opened the door helping me out. "we walk from hear" he said grabbing my hand pulling me through the thin forest. After about five minutes, we came to an wide opening. It had green forest trees surrounding all the way around, and to the far right a small creek flowed.

We were surrounded by a sea of green. I turned to face Beck, and found out he was a lot closer to me than I thought, I was pushed up against his chest. "I love it" I gave him a passionate kiss, and we laid down in the grass holding hands. We talked for awhile, when he pulled me up on his chest. "I love you" he whispered, brushing my bangs from my face. "I love you too" I whispered back to him.

We talked for a while and also kissed for a while too. After a couple hours we stood up. Beck grabbed my hand and pulled me close. I looked into his eyes. "I love you" We said at the same time, and walked out of the forest, to our destiny.

What did you guys think? Sadly, this is the end... :( Think I should make a sequel? I have a plan in mind for it... But I need fan support! Thanks for your support through out this story guys!

My sign off for the last time on Your Not Just a Friend,
