A/N: All the credit for this series goes to my great friend and beta, MaliBear'sBuddy. She posted as series called "10 Ways Sam Winchester's Been Kissed," and suggested that I explore 10 ways Dean's been kissed. I've been struggling with my muse lately, but apparently this little bit of fun was just what she needed as I churned out 3 of these in one afternoon! As we proceed, there will be some folks you recognize and some you don't. Please enjoy!

Also, do go read "10 Ways Sam Winchester's Been Kissed," if you haven't already! It's a lot of fun and will likely encourage you to read the rest of Mali Bear's Buddy's truly fantastic work. Now go read and come back...I'll wait. :)

Disclaimer: Don't own anything you recognize from Supernatural. Drat.


"Mommy!" A child's cry pierces the air. Two sets of parents' feet hit the floor at nearly the same moment and they hurry down the hall to their older son's room.

"Dean?" Both parents say his name at the same time, worry clear in their voices.

"Mommy, I had a bad dream."

His parents sigh in relief. "I've got him, John."

"You sure?"

She nods, pushing him gently back down the hall. Returning her attention to the small boy in the bed, she sits down on its edge and holds out her arms.

The little boy throws himself at her, wrapping his small arms around her neck and burying his face in her shoulder.

She cuddles him close, running soothing hands over his back. "You want to tell Mommy about the dream?"

He sniffles a little. "I was scared, Mommy."

"I know, sweetheart. But maybe it'll help if you tell me."

Another pause and more sniffles. "I was in Sammy's room and there was a scary monster in there. I yelled at him to leave my brother alone." A small sob escapes. "The monster laughed at me."

His mother sucks in a surprised breath and holds him more tightly.

He sits up to look at her, tears on his chubby cheeks. "Can we go see Sam, Mommy? Please? I promise not to wake him up!"

She stands, cradling him in her arms. "Of course, sweetie, we'll go check on him."

She carries him down the hall to his brother's room. Standing next to the crib, they look down at Sam. He's sleeping peacefully, swaddled in blankets.

"See, honey," she whispers, "Sam's just fine."

Relieved, the little boy nods and drops his head back to his mother's shoulder. Sleepiness catches up to him and he yawns.

She carries him back down the hall and tucks him into bed. She smiles as he curls around the small stuffed bunny he sleeps with every night.

"You'll always take care of your Sammy, won't you sweetheart?" she asks quietly as she strokes the hair from his face.

He nods and yawns again, eyes slipping closed. "Course, Mommy, that's what big brothers do."

She smiles and leans down, brushing her lips across his forehead in a soft kiss. "Sleep tight, Dean. I love you."

He snuggles in closer and mumbles, "Love you too, Mommy."

**Next up, Becky, Dean's first kiss.