What if..? Tigerheart and Dovewing mated before separating? Everything would change, wouldn't it? Find out in this new story, drama, and twist on a classic love. Starts in the beginning of Sign of the Moon.

I looked into the starry night sky, listening. I could hear the trees swaying in the breeze, the snores of Brackenfur, Firestar hunting late in the night with Sandstorm, and even the other Clans heavy breathing as the night went on. Pride soared through me. I'm a warrior now. I could go on border patrols, hunt without asking my mentor, and most importantly, I would protect my Clan. You already have, a small voice reminded me. You do every day. I pushed the thought away. I wouldn't let thinking about the prophecy to ruin my first night as a warrior. All I wanted was to bask in the pride I had for my Clan.

I watched the sky slowly evolve from midnight until dawn. I saw Ivypool's eyes flutter and I poked her in the rib. She jumped, throwing her tail over her mouth to stop her from breaking her oath of silence. My whiskers twitching in amusement, I continued my watch until patches of pink began spotting the sky. I shivered in the pre-dawn air, just then noticing the cold. I stifled a yawn and swayed on my paws.

The brambles of the warrior's den shook slightly, and Lionblaze padded out. "Good morning," he mumbled sleepily as we approached us. "You must be asleep on your paws. It's dawn, your watch is over." I tilted my head questioningly to the side. He seemed to understand. "Yes, you can speak now, but don't be too loud. The queens won't thank you for waking up the kits so early." We nodded and headed towards the warrior's den.

With some difficulty, we found two nests and curled up against each other. "Goodnight, Dovewing," Ivypool murmured, only half awake.

"Goodnight, Ivypool," I murmured back. StarClan, keep her safe, I thought fervently as I realized her dreams wouldn't be nearly as peaceful or safe as mine. Before I drifted off to sleep, Tigerheart popped unexpectedly into my mind. He would be in the DarkForest, too, I knew. My heart ached slightly, but I forced it from my thoughts. I was a warrior now. I knew where my loyalties lay, with ThunderClan. I could trust my Clan, I could rely on them. I owed them everything. Tigerheart had betrayed me, and I knew now that I could never trust him again. I made the right decision, I thought determinedly. I don't miss that lying furball at all. My Clan comes first. It always has. It always will. I felt a sudden rush of pride. As I finally fell into unconsciousness, Tigerheart was still on my mind.