*cries* I realized I owed someone a sequel to The Journey To Allen's Room, but i didn't write one, and I don't plan to. At all.

So, I have to ease my guilt with this.

*cries harder* I'M SO SORRY!

Warnings: Not much of anything, just one swear. Very short. Un-beta'd

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or DGm. I wish I owned both...

It was a normal sunny day, normal birds tweeting, normal bustling activity, normal almost-identical people staring at each other...

Wait-hold on. Back up.

Yep. Two almost-identical people staring at each other. Not exactly identical, of course, but almost. I mean, the hair was a different colour and the red-head had no face mask, but other then that...the two could pretty much be the mirror of each other. The red-head even had an eyepatch on his right eye, while the other, a silver-haired man, had his left eye covered.

Was that even possible? Who cares! They looked almost like twins! Except the silver-haired man was older by a few years *COUGHalmosttwodecadesSPLUTTER* and the red-head one was carrying a giant hammer.

Naruto could care less, honestly. "HOLY SHIT!" He exclaimed. "YOU TOW'RE TWINS!"

This, of course, broke whatever weirded out trance they were in and they all stared at him. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "Kakashi-sensei is older, idiot." Sakura pointed out.

"Right! I knew that!"

"No, you didn't!"


"Shut up! Gee, you two on your periods or something?" Sai muttered, gaining him a punch and a kick in the groin. "Shouldn't have asked..." He grumbled.

Some more staring later and someone came up to the red-head, tapping him on the shoulder and telling him they had a train to catch.


And so, without even learning his name, they parted ways, with Sai still nursing himself and Naruto still fuming.

See? So short, it's not even worth reading.

Only one installment of what i hope is a kind of longish series of fics...

Review, please!

Outtake of next installment:

"What's wrong with my hair!"

"Nothing, nothing!"

"Are you saying it's styled badly? Because that isn't my fault, you know! I was drawn like this!"

"No, no! I like it!"